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Godot Unit Test. Unit testing tool for Godot Game Engine.


2 years ago



Mocking Input

  • Added some class_name clauses to files:
    • Issue 215 You can now use extends GutTest instead of extends 'res://addons/gut/' when creating test scripts. That's 45% less text!
    • When making a hook script, you can use extends GutHookScript instead of using the path.
  • Added InputFactory static class to addons/gut/ to simplify creating InputEvent* events for use in tests. See Input Factory.
  • Added InputSender class for mocking input and scripting input sequences. See Mock Input.
func test_fireball_input():
  var player =
  var sender =


  yield(sender, 'idle')


  • Issue 121 Child tests are now added to the root scene instead of to the GUT Runner. The new "On Top" setting and "Compact Mode" can be used to manage the visibility of objects added during tests and seeing test results.
  • Introduced new setting which causes GUT to always be on top. There is an "On Top" setting added to the GUT Panel. This option can also be specified in gutconfig ("gut_on_top":true).
  • Compact Mode added to the panel, gutconfig and command line. This minimizes the size of the GUT runner and puts it in the corner. Unlike Baby...we all can put GUT in the corner.
  • In-Editor GUT Panel improvements
    • Smart buttons to run tests based on cursor location.
    • Added more settings (hook scripts, font color, background color, panel font settings, directory and file dialog buttons where appropriate, hide orphans, disable colors)
    • Display counts for errors, warnings, orphans (only displayed when present).
  • Issue 310 The summary output now lists the number of passing/failing tests as well as passing/failing assert counts.

Bug Fixes

  • Issue 283 The Gut Scene now has a theme with a font which prevents higher level font changes from applying to the Gut Scene.
  • Issue 294 GUT ignores the res://addons/gut directory if you accidently include it as a test directory.

New Gut Panel features: Mocking Input:


2 years ago



  • Run GUT straight from the Editor, no scene needed! This is my first stab at making an Editor GUI for GUT. It's not perfect yet so please me know what works and what doesn't. More info in the Quick Start wiki page.
  • Issue 207 Added ability to export test results in the JUnit XML format.
    • Added "Junit Xml File" setting to the Gut control to specify the file. "Junit Xml Timestamp" will include an epoch timestamp in the filename.
    • -gjunit_xml_file and -gjunit_xml_timestamp are supported on the command line.
    • junit_xml_file and junit_xml_timestamp are supported in the .gutconfig.json file.
  • Added yield_frames. It works similar to yield_for except it will yield for N frames instead of N seconds.
  • Issue #266 Introduced stub(...).param_count(x) which allow you to specify the number of paramters a method has. Useful when working with vararg methods or NativeScripts. This addresses #246 and #252. See the Stubbing page in the wiki for more information.
  • Issue #263 Introduced stub(...).param_defaults([]) which allows you to specify the default values that a method should get. See the Stubbing page in the wiki for more information.
  • Issue #248 Added get_call_count which allows you to get the number of times a method was called.

Bug Fixes

  • Issue 268 Add message when assert_signal_emitted_with_parameters is passed bad parameters.
  • Issue 258 yield_to now supports signals with up to 9 parameters. This is the same limit supported by watch_signals.
  • Issue 304 assert_is no longer errors when asserting objects of type Reference.
  • Issue 257 Gut only uses NativeScript when NativeScript exists in the build.
  • Issue 290 consts defined in test-scripts that start with 'Test' are further validated before being treated as Inner-Test-Classes.
  • Issue 239 @db0 fixed assert_almost_eq and assert_almost_ne to work with Vectors properly.


3 years ago



  • prerun_setup, setup, teardown, postrun_teardown deprecation warnings have been enabled. These were removed from the documentation over 2 years ago (6.6.0) and replaced with before_all, before_each, after_each, and after_all. Having to make additional changes for these in order to implement Issue 184 annoyed me, so there will now be depracation warnings for these. Earliest they could be removed is 8.0.0.


  • Issue 70 Thanks to @short-story-long for adding "property" asserts assert_property, assert_setget, assert_setget_called. You can now easily asssert you have your setget properties setup correctly including ensuring that your setters/getters are used when accessing an attribute externally.
  • Issue 66 Thanks to @nilold for adding assert_not_between.
  • Enhanced the printing of floats and strings in the various asserts. Floats will always have a deciaml point now making it easier to see float/int comparisons. All strings are now wrapped in double quotes making it easier to see number/string comparisons.
  • Enhanced the display of arrays when using assert_eq and assert_ne. It now lists up to 30 indexes that are different and thier values. Large arrays are also truncated when printed to cut down on output.
  • Added compare_deep, compare_shallow, assert_eq/ne_deep, assert_eq/ne_shallow to aid in comparing dictionaries and arrays. See Comparing Things wiki page for more info.
  • Issue 201 Added pass_test(text), fail_test(text), is_passing(), is_failing() methods to
    • No more assert_true(true, 'we got here')! Long live pass_test('we got here')!
  • assert_called_with_paramters now does a deep comparison of values instead of Godot's default equivalence check.
  • Issue 152 assert_signal_emitted_with_parameters now performs a deep compare of the paramters instead of Godot's default equivalence check.
  • Issue 184 Asserts in before_all and after_all are now formally supported. They will appear correctly in the output and asserts will be tracked in the summary.

Bug Fixes

  • Command Line now returns 1 if no sripts could be loaded.
  • Issue 173 An error is now generated if you try to stub the _init method. Documentation has been updated.
  • Issue 195 Parameterized Tests no longer generate deprecated warnings.
  • Fixed various issues with parameterized tests. All test execution is now treated exactly the same(Issue 196, Issue 197, Issue 202).
  • Issue 199 If you pass an instance of something to double or partial_double a GUT error is generated and null is returned.
  • Issue 200 If you pass a non-doubled instance to stub a GUT error is generated and nothing is stubbed.
  • Issue 211 GDNative scripts cause Error calling built-in function 'inst2dict': Not a script with an instance when used in assertions.
  • Issue 230 assert_true and assert_false now only accept boolean values. They will fail with anything else.
  • Issue 231_ assert_is creates an orphan.


3 years ago

Breaking Changes

  • Requires Godot 3.2. Versions 3.1 and earlier are no longer supported.
  • You must recreate the GUT node in your test runner scene.
    • Take notes on your GUT settings in the editor.
    • Delete GUT from the tree and add it back in.
    • You may have to restart Godot after this change.
    • Repopulate your settings.
  • All Doubles and Partial Doubles are freed automatically after each test. Doubles and Partial Doubles created in before_all will no longer be around for all tests.
  • A new signal gut_ready should be used instead of _ready when performing any actions on the GUT object in your test runner scene. You should avoid interacting with GUT until this signal has been emitted.
  • gut.p no longer supports the 3rd optional parameter for indent level. The parameter still exists but does nothing and generates a deprecation warning.

Potentially Breaking Changes

  • The order the tests are run is no longer guaranteed. This has been the case with Inner Test cases but it's now true for all tests.
  • The order that Inner Test classes are run is no longer guaranteed.


  • Issue 114 By popular demand Parameterized Tests have been added. You can now create a tests that will be run multiple times and fed a list of parameters. (This feature opened up a giant can of worms for logging which led to more cans and more worms.)
  • Added Memory Management tools.
    • Logging of orphan counts.
    • Warnings for children added to tests that are not freed.
    • New assert: assert_no_new_orphans
    • New utility methods: autofree, autoqfree, add_child_autofree, add_child_autoqfree.
  • Issue 168 Added "user directory" file viewer to additional options for viewing logs on a device. See Running on Devices
  • Issue 167 Added more areas where filenames are printed when printing objects.
  • Redesigned logging to be more consistent across the GUT control, terminal, and Godot console (here be the cans and worms).
  • Can now set the font (from a few choices), font size, font color, and the background color!
  • Some GUI tweaks.

Bug Fixes

  • Thanks to hilfazer for contributing a PR that addressed most of the memory leaks in GUT. This PR also inspired most of the new Memory Management features.


4 years ago



  • Added filename and inner class paths to "expected" and "got" values in asserts. For example you'll see [Node:1234]( now instead of just [Node:1234]. Types are also included where appropriate. For example Color(1,1,1,1) instead of (1,1,1,1) but strings and numbers aren't changed.
  • Text is now wrapped in the display. If you hate it let me know and I'll add a flag.

Bug Fixes

  • Xrayez found an issue with the signal watcher in 3.2.2 and fixed it.
  • Issue 147 Some built-ins could not be doubled because the underlying class starts with an underscore. This was discovered for File. These are now detected and handled.
  • Issue 149 Using assert_almost_eq no longer breaks all the beautiful colors in the display.
  • Issue 157/160 GDScript templates used for doubling now have a .txt extension instead of .gd. This was causing issues with warnings and exporting tests. If you want to export your tests you must now include *.txt files. A warning was added if the templates are missing.


4 years ago



  • Issue 113 ssd71 added asserts assert_connected and assert_not_connected which allow you to assert an object is connected to a signal.
  • Added some colors to the console output. This is disabled by default in the editor and enabled by default at the command line. The colors don't work in the Godot console. Each has options to enable/disable them.
  • Issue 138 Added assert_typeof and assert_not_typeof.
  • Doubles are now created in memmory instead of creating temporary files. This does not change how they are used, just how they are created on the backend.

Bug Fixes

  • When running a single Inner Class GUT generated a lot of ERROR: get_as_ratio: Cannot get ratio when minimum and maximum value are equal. due to changes in 3.2. These have been corrected.
  • Cleaned up some warnings.


4 years ago



  • Godot 3.2 (RC 1 at least) compatible.
  • Issue 124 CodeDarigan added the assert_freed and assert_not_freed methods.
  • Issue 130 GUT now lists the exact line number of a failing test in all cases instead of just the method number in non-inner classes. Thanks to mschulzeLpz for adding get_stack magic.
  • Issue 133 You can now double/partial_double/stub/spy Native classes like Node2D and Raycast2D. Syntax is the same.
  • Issue 139 There are now pre and post run script hooks that allow you to run your own code before any tests are run and after all tests are run. This can be useful in setting global values before a run or investigating the results of the run for CICD pipelines and the like. Check the wiki for more info

Bug Fixes

  • Issue 127 The method ignore_method_when_doubling was added as a workaround for doubling scripts that have static methods. The Doubles wiki page has more info about this method.
  • Issue 136 Bug can happen when yielding where a attempt to disconnect signal...while emitting can occur. Disconnecting from signals is now done via call_deferred.


4 years ago



  • Issue 98 Added Stubbing method to_call_super so that you can force a doubled object to call its super method instead of being stubbed out.
  • Added Stubbing method to_do_nothing. This allows you to be a little more deliberate in your stubbing and is more readable than to_return(null) which is basically all it does. It also suppresses un-stubbed method messages.
  • Issue 115 Partial doubles can now be created with the partial_double method. This will give you an object that has all of its methods stubbed to_call_super. So it will act the same as a normal object, but you can spy and stub methods on it as well.
  • Experimental FULL doubling is now working in Godot 3.1.
  • Experimental FULL doubling now stubs all supported built-ins to_call_super under the covers. This means you can stub methods you haven't overloaded in your class (before you could only spy on them).
  • Issue 105 Added -gexit_on_success option to the command line to only exit if all tests passed.
  • Added get_version method to

Bug Fixes

  • Housekeeping, typos and some unused variables.
  • Issue 108 Maximize doesn't move back to 0,0.
  • Xrayez fixed Issue 109.
  • Issue 117 The Spying related methods now fail if you don't pass an array for the list of expected parameters. Something I forgot about when making "TDD and P O N G" episode 2. You can watch it and enjoy me forgetting how to use my own tool.
  • Exporting tests in 3.1 appears to be working now. Could not reproduce original issue.
  • Issue 111 Tests are now sorted.


5 years ago


Upgrade Instructions

  • It is not required, but you should remove the existing Gut node for any scenes you have that use it and then re-add it and re-configure it. Re-adding will get rid of the caution symbol next to the control (this is due to changes in inheritance, Gut changed from a WindowDialog to a Control)
  • For the command line, note that the log option in the .gutconfig.json file has changed to log_level for consistency.


  • 3.1 Compatible (with a few very minor issues, check them out here.)
  • Issue 73 You can now export your tests and run them in your exported game! This means you can run your tests on all the platforms that Godot supports through the editor, no nothing! Check out the Export Tests wiki page for more information.
  • Issue 102 Added get_call_parameters which allows you to get the parameters sent to a call to a doubled method. It returns the most recent call by default but you can specify an optional index as well.
  • Issue 103 Added replace_node which allows you to replace a node in a scene with another node by specifying the node path. This makes testing scenes that use the $ syntax to get a reference to a child node easier to test by giving you a quick way to inject a double of any child node. The node that was replaced is freed with queue_free
  • A brand new GUI. It looks a lot like the old GUI but it is new. With the ability to export tests I wanted the GUI to be more mobile friendly. So I threw the old one out (which was a relic of the days when Gut was one script...the old GUI was made entirely with code) and created a scene which will make GUI changes soooo much easier going forward.
  • -gprint_gutconfig_sample command line option will print you a full config file that you can start using.


  • Issue 104 Added all missing settings to the gutconfig file.
    • For consistency the log option in the .gutconfig changed to log_level.
  • Improved logging. More warnings and errors have been added to help when something goes wrong inside Gut. The number of Gut related errors, warnings, and deprecated methods are listed in the summary. If you don't see any listed, there aren't any.
  • A lot of housekeeping and Boy Scouting.


  • You can no longer set the selected script when adding scripts one by one via add_script. If you pass a 2nd parameter an error is generated, but everything will continue to run.
  • Deprecated the following methods:
    • end_test and the old gut.end_yielded_test. These no longer need to be called.
    • assert_get_set_methods was replaced with assert_accessors awhile ago. In this release I added deprecation messages for this method. It still works, but wanted to start getting the message out.
    • assert_extends has been replaced with assert_is to match the 3.0 names.
  • Stop button was removed. It didn't really work that well anyhow. I could be convinced to put it back.


5 years ago

Missed a new directory in the .gitattributes.