Guava Versions Save

Google core libraries for Java


2 years ago


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Jar files

Guava requires one runtime dependency, which you can download here:




Known issue (fixed in patch release 31.0.1): guava<I>-gwt breaks GWT compilation

Other Guava artifacts aren't affected, only users of GWT. (If you are using GWT, you would know it.)

Sorry for missing this during release: It was a known issue, and we had a partial workaround in place, but I forgot to include the problem in the list of release blockers.

To pick up the fix, upgrade to 31.0.1.

Main changes

  • Changed guava-android to generate Java 8 bytecode. We still restrict ourselves to using APIs available on Ice Cream Sandwich. So, as long as you have enabled Java 8 language features for your Android build, this change should have no effect on Android projects. This change does drop support for Java 7 JREs, as announced last year.
  • Annotated Guava much more thoroughly for nullness. For details, see the bottom of the release notes.
  • base: Changed Functions.forSupplier and Predicates.instanceOf to accept an additional type argument to specify the input type for the returned Function/Predicate. The flexibility we're adding should typically not be necessary if users follow the PECS principle, but it can be useful in some cases, particularly around nullness analysis. Note that this change may require updates to callers' source code (to specify an additional type argument). Still, it maintains binary compatibility. (75110e936d)
  • collect: Added ImmutableMap.ofEntries, like Map.ofEntries but for ImmutableMap. (cd3b4197fb)
  • collect: Added overloads of ImmutableMap.of, ImmutableBiMap.of, and ImmutableSortedMap.of for up to 10 entries. (d5c30e3f19)
  • collect: Renamed to buildOrThrow(). The existing build() method will continue to exist but may be deprecated, and the new name should be used in new code. (4bbe12c4e0)
  • collect: Removed @Beta from Interner and Interners. (cf31f3a31d)
  • collect: Added @InlineMe to and friends. (a176cd60f1)
  • graph: Made EndpointPair.adjacentNode require an N instead of accept any Object. (b0be21d46c)
  • hash: Removed @Beta from HashFunction. (e1cc195cfb)
  • hash: Deprecated buggy murmur3_32, and introduced murmur3_32_fixed. (a36f08fe31)
  • io: Changed CharStreams.asWriter(appendable).write(string[, ...]) to reject a null string. (50e7dddf5c)
  • io: Fixed a bug in FileBackedOutputStream cleanup: If writing to the temp file fails, we now delete it before propagating the exception. (6e054cea7b)
  • net: Changed HostAndPort.fromString to reject port numbers spelled with non-ASCII digits. (53fd1d7612)
  • net: Added HttpHeaders constants for X-Device-Ip, X-Device-Referer, X-Device-Accept-Language, X-Device-Requested-With, Sec-CH-Prefers-Color-Scheme, Sec-CH-UA-Bitness, and Keep-Alive. (da375be86a, b23b277422, 281edd4b6e, 9c88f9ad6d)
  • primitives: Fixed a rounding bug in UnsignedLong.doubleValue(). (e61cf2e8d7)
  • reflect: Changed the type hierarchy of Invokable: Invokable no longer inherits from AccessibleObject or GenericDeclaration, though it continues to define instance methods with the same signatures as the formerly inherited ones. This is technically a breaking API change to this @Beta API. We think it very unlikely that anyone is affected in practice. (12af215974)
  • testlib: Enhanced NullPointerTester to allow a parameter of type <T extends @Nullable Object> to be null. (e85672246f)
  • testlib: Fixed bug affecting derived tests of custom collection test suites: The setUp and tearDown methods are now copied to derived test suites. (c7d9fef73b)
  • util.concurrent: Added ServiceManager.startupDurations(). (c95ba5a298)
  • util.concurrent: Removed the GWT-only overloads of Futures.catching and catchingAsync that let callers omit the Executor. This matches a change made years ago to the non-GWT API. If this breaks your GWT client code compilation, you can fix it by passing an additional parameter, MoreExecutors.directExecutor() (0ff2f78959)

Nullness annotations

Previously, we annotated all parameters that could be null, and we did not annotate elsewhere reliably. Now:

  • We consistently annotate return types for nullness.
  • We annotate "components" of types, like the element type of an array or list and the bound of a type parameter. (To take advantage, Kotlin users can set -Xtype-enhancement-improvements-strict-mode.)
    • However, we don't yet annotate any such locations as non-nullable.
  • In our annotations (including on parameters), we distinguish between @Nullable T ("always nullable, regardless of the type argument used for T") and T ("nullable only if the type argument is").
  • We have temporarily increased our usage of jsr305, which we will ultimately phase out.
    • We use @CheckForNull instead of a type-annotation @Nullable wherever possible. This makes the nullness information available to more Kotlin users.
    • We've introduced a custom jsr305 annotation that informs Kotlin that unannotated return types are non-null (just like our usage of @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault already did for parameter types). (To take advantage, Kotlin users can set -Xjsr305=strict.)

(Known issue: We are missing annotations on the TypeToInstanceMap classes. We'll fix this in a future release.)

By providing additional nullness information, this release may result in more errors or warnings from any nullness analyzers you might use. If so, you may need to fix or suppress them as usual. For advice, see the documentation for the analyzer you're using, such as that for the Checker Framework or for Kotlin.

If you use NullAway with the AnnotatedPackages flag set to cover, you may see not only additional legitimate errors but also some incorrect errors because Guava no longer uses @Nullable as frequently on type-variable usages. The NullAway developers have suggested a workaround, and they are planning for NullAway 0.9.9 to treat our type-variable usages differently. However, even after 0.9.9, NullAway users are likely to see some incorrect errors if they keep in their AnnotatedPackages. A fuller solution will require Guava and tools to adopt an annotation model that is more suited to generics. For updates on that, follow

We will be using more annotations to provide more nullness information in the future.


3 years ago


  <!-- or, for Android: -->

Jar files

Guava requires one runtime dependency, which you can download here:




  • Increased the aggressiveness of Guava 30.1's warning log message for running guava-android under a Java 7 VM. (Android VMs are unaffected.) If the warning itself causes you trouble, you can eliminate it by silencing the logger for (which is used only for this warning). This warning prepares for removing support for Java 7 in 2021. Please report any problems. We have tried to make the warning as safe as possible, but anytime a common library logs, especially as aggressively as we do in this new release, there is the potential for NullPointerException or even deadlock. (To be clear, Guava will not log under Java 8 or Android, but it will under Java 7.) (00c25e9b11)
  • cache: Fixed compatibility between asMap().compute(...) and a load. (42bf4f4eb7)
  • cache: Added @CheckReturnValue to some APIs. (a5ef129ffc)
  • collect: Added @DoNotCall to the mutator methods on immutable types (6ae9532d11)
  • hash: Removed @Beta from HashCode. (2c9f161e10)
  • io: Removed @Beta from CountingOutputStream. (d394bac847)


3 years ago


  <!-- or, for Android: -->




  • If you use guava-android in an Android project (as opposed to from a Java VM), you will need to enable desugaring of Java 8 language features if you have not already done so. (And if you are releasing an Android library, then anyone who uses that library will also have to enable desugaring.) We expect for nearly all Android projects to have already enabled desugaring. But if this causes problems for you, please let us know on issue #5358. The purpose of this change is to detect potential problems for users now so that we can plan to use Java 8 language features in our implementation later this year.
  • Introduced a warning log message when running guava-android under a Java 7 VM. (Android VMs are unaffected, aside from the need to use desugaring, described in the previous bullet.) This warning is not guaranteed to be logged when running under Java 7, so please don't rely on it as your only warning about future problems. If the warning itself causes you trouble, you can eliminate it by silencing the logger for$ToStringHelper (which is used only for this warning). This warning prepares for removing support for Java 7 in 2021. Please report any problems. We have tried to make the warning as safe as possible, but anytime a common library logs, there is the potential for NullPointerException or even deadlock. (To be clear, Guava will not log under Java 8 or Android, but it may log under Java 7.) (dc52e6e385)
    • Note that we subsequently made this warning more aggressive in Guava 30.1.1, including changing the logger it uses to
  • base: Deprecated StandardSystemProperty.JAVA_EXT_DIRS. We do not plan to remove the API, but note that, under recent versions of Java, that property always has a value of null. (38abf07772)
  • net: Added HttpHeaders constants for Origin-Isolation and X-Request-ID. (a48fb4f724, 8319d201cd)
  • reflect: Added ClassInfo.isTopLevel(). (410627262b)
  • util.concurrent: Added ClosingFuture.submitAsync(AsyncClosingCallable). (c5e2d8d5cb)


3 years ago


  <!-- or, for Android: -->




  • Guava types can no longer be sent over GWT-RPC. Even the earlier, temporary way to reenable support (guava.gwt.emergency_reenable_rpc) no longer has an effect. (0cb89dd110)
  • cache: Fixed memory leak in LocalCache under j2objc. (5e519d91d0)
  • collect: Added two-element min and max methods to Comparators. (958186c071)
  • collect: Removed @Beta from Multimaps.toMultimap. (b6b4dc49b1)
  • collect: Made the set returned by ImmutableMap<K, V>.keySet() serializable as long as K is serializable, even if V is not (and similarly for values()). (f5a69c33fc)
  • collect: Fixed bug in powerSet.equals(otherPowerSet) would erroneously return false if the two power sets' underlying sets were equal but had a different iteration order. (215b1f0dd7)
  • collect: Eliminated j2objc retain-cycle in SingletonImmutableBiMap. (0ad38b88bd)
  • eventbus: Prevented @Subscribe from being applied to a method that takes a primitive, as that will never be called. (554546c971)
  • graph: Made Traverser.breadthFirst() lazier, and optimized Traverser more generally. (32f2d770f7, b5210ca95c)
  • graph: Added @DoNotMock to Traverser. (6410f18c06)
  • io: Deprecated Files.createTempDir(). (fec0dbc463) (CVE-2020-8908; continuing discussion in
  • io: Upgraded ByteStreams.copy(InputStream, OutputStream) to use the faster FileChannel if possible. (a1e9a0bd12) [update: My mistake: This was rolled back, so it did not make 30.0.]
  • math: Added roundToDouble to BigDecimalMath, BigIntegerMath, and LongMath. (bee4f3c7ed, 2b5c096ddf, 633abf2c62)
  • net: Added MediaType constants for several font/ types. (571cf66bac)
  • net: Added HttpHeaders constants for Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy(-Report-Only)?. (c3bf73187a)
  • testing: Made EqualsTester test that non-String objects are not equal to their String representations. (c9570eae69)
  • util.concurrent: Added ClosingFuture. (52e048ed6c)
  • util.concurrent: Removed the deprecated 1-arg ServiceManager.addListener(Listener). Use the 2-arg addListener(Listener, Executor) overload, setting the executor to directExecutor() for equivalent behavior. (dfb0001714)
  • util.concurrent: Changed AbstractFuture.toString() to no longer include the toString() of the result. (2ebf27fd45)
  • util.concurrent: Added awaitTerminationUninterruptibly. (f07b9540dc)


4 years ago


  <!-- or, for Android: -->




  • Guava types can no longer be sent over GWT-RPC. To temporarily reenable support, set the guava.gwt.emergency_reenable_rpc system property to true. (5214a10b1e)
    • This is the only breaking change in this release, and it affects only users of the guava-gwt artifact, not people who use only the guava artifact. This release contains no changes that break binary compatibility for any users.
  • API documentation for Guava classes is now easier to reach. For example, for ImmutableList, visit Also, more easily access the index at
  • collect: Annotated FluentIterable.from(FluentIterable) with @DoNotCall. (b1c77b7df3)
  • collect: Made ceiling, floor, headSet(E, boolean), and tailSet(E, boolean) methods available in the GWT-emulated ImmutableSortedSet. (7e0fe90ca8, 5f2fbf27b2)
  • graph: Made it possible to set a stable incident edge order by calling the newly added method [Value]Graph.Builder.incidentEdgeOrder(ElementOrder.stable()). (70164025a8)
  • graph: Added incidentEdgeOrder() to the [Value]Graph interfaces. (cde576ec00)
  • util.concurrent: Added Duration-based default methods to ListeningScheduledExecutorService. (931e83f969)
  • util.concurrent: Added immediateVoidFuture. (9f3bae5853)
  • util.concurrent: Removed @Beta from Service and related classes. (dc46627fea)
  • util.concurrent: Deprecated the 1-arg overload of ServiceManager.addListener. (86e3620125)
  • util.concurrent: Changed the return type of ServiceManager.servicesByState() to ImmutableSetMultimap (but also retained a method with the old signature for binary compatibility). (31999ae6f5)
  • util.concurrent: Made it safe to load the AbstractFuture class from a ForkJoinPool thread under a security manager. (6e0c5b5d50)


4 years ago


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  • Warning to users of GWT-RPC: The first Guava release of 2020 will remove support for GWT-serializing Guava types. To test ahead of time with GWT-RPC support for Guava types disabled, set the guava.gwt.emergency_reenable_rpc system property to false. (Even without the system property enabled, apps will now log warnings when sending Guava types over GWT-RPC.) (08bbf53ab0)
  • base: Added Splitter.splitToStream().
  • concurrent: Added Futures.submit() (c7ef0cc93b)
  • concurrent: Made platformThreadFactory() and related utilities (mainly *Service) work under Java 11 App Engine, and tweaked other App Engine threading behavior. (e3ee00d6769d219c9646a17114fa00e2955b54aa)
  • concurrent: Added catch to StackOverflowError in AbstractFuture.toString to prevent long chains of futures from failing toString calls. (a2e6acc009)
  • concurrent: Made ListenableFuture implement Thenable via a default interface method in GWT/j2cl (e0bac74571).
  • graph: Fixed bug in AbstractNetwork.hasEdgeConnecting() causing it to throw if either endpoint was not in the graph. Originally reported as #3721. (2ee7f9da69)
  • graph: Fixed data race. (0e94fb5bb8)
  • math: Added Stream support to Stats and StatsAccumulator. (e2f4eba636)
  • math: Added Quantiles compute() methods which return a Map now return a map with entries in the same order in which the indexes were provided. (786c3d84f1)
  • net: Added support for scope IDs for IPv6 addresses. (8a7d36a8e5044096919a3512aa6734c95032f38c)
  • net: Added toBigInteger and fromIpv4BigInteger/fromIpv6BigInteger to InetAddresses for manipulating InetAddresses as BigIntegers (d7a0b3d367)
  • net: Added MediaType constants for application/opensearchdescription+xml (f79c4fe0a7) and MPEG-DASH (67dd062cb9), as well as a constant for the header Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy (4ef2111641).
  • net: Made MediaType reject empty type, subtype, and attribute (b080067) and non-ASCII parameter values (2278123479). Also, made it serialize empty parameter values to quoted strings (2278123479).
  • Added @DoNotMock to several types. (4eea0f79c2, add430908ec77c1859f84bd753b84a5eca57b327)
  • Removed dependency on animal-sniffer-annotations. (5f37e53fd7)


4 years ago


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  • collect: Added RangeMap.merge, analogous to Map.merge. (687252d35)
  • collect: Fixed a bug in ImmutableSet.Builder that could lead to infinite loops when building multiple sets from the same builder. (0007cb257)
  • io: Fixed an issue where the InputStream returned by BaseEncoding.decodingStream(Reader) could fail to throw DecodingException while decoding an invalid string. (ddd4a49fb)
  • net: Added MediaType for "image/heif" and "image/jp2" (508696a4c)
  • net: Added Upgrade-Insecure-Requests header to HttpHeaders. (6a8b716af)
  • concurrent: Fixed potential memory leak in Futures.whenAllSucceed/whenAllComplete (494834bd4)


4 years ago


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  • collect: Added Duration-based overloads to some Queues methods. (21d06cf1d48175ab5cdf3d88f1776d3cba227b37)
  • net: Added MediaType for "application/geo+json". (36cd5cfc5)
  • net: Added a number of constants to HttpHeaders.
  • concurrent: Removed deprecated CheckedFuture and related utilities. (3dd22fe75)
  • concurrent: Added Duration-based overloads to many methods.
  • concurrent: Removed @Beta from setFuture. (5ec136091)
  • concurrent: Added deprecated FluentFuture.from(FluentFuture) to point out redundant code. (f9f280776)
  • graph: Added GraphBuilder.immutable(),ValueGraphBuilder.immutable() and NetworkBuilder.immutable() for building immutable graphs in a fluent way.
  • J2ObjC: Fixed crashes from use of ImmutableMap.entrySet(). (74fc49faf)


5 years ago


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  • Removed GWT emulations that are no longer needed as of GWT 2.8.2. This means that GWT projects that use this version of Guava must use GWT 2.8.2 or higher. (5f3507252)
  • Created a BOM for Guava (new guava-bom artifact). (0e5964129)
  • Removed @Beta from a number of frequently used APIs. (6242bdd27)
  • net: Added Sec-Fetch headers to HttpHeaders. (673b24376)
  • net: Added SourceMap header to HttpHeaders (a99c15f4c)
  • net: Added MediaType for "application/jose" and "application/jose+json". (d416e04cf)
  • graph: Added overloads to methods accepting pairs of nodes to also accept EndpointPair; changed behavior of *Graph.edges().contains() to allow undirected graphs to accept ordered EndpointPairs. (af3ee1c59)


5 years ago


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  • Fixes an issue where classes that should only be included in failureaccess (Guava's one dependency) were also being included in the main Guava jar. (4d4a6765f)
  • Updates the version of failureaccess that Guava depends on to 1.0.1, which includes OSGi metadata. (7aae5f348)