Gtk Fortran Versions Save

A GTK / Fortran binding


3 years ago

We have also made a new release in the gtk3 branch, with GTK 3.24.28 and GLib 2.68. All the improvements included in gtk-fortran 3.24.28 (gtk3 branch) are also in gtk-fortran 4.0.

Note that the package names are gtk-3-fortran and gtk-4-fortran: installing both libraries on your machine is not a problem.


3 years ago

Starting with that release, gtk-fortran will follow a classical semantic versioning (instead of following the GTK or Ubuntu versions): gtk-fortran 4.0 is based on GTK 4.2 and GLib 2.68.

The GTK 4 library is progressively arriving in all systems: Ubuntu 21.04, Fedora 33 & 34, Alpine Linux, ALT Linux Sisyphus, Arch Linux, KaOS, Mageia 8, NetBSD 9.1, OpenMandriva Rolling, openSUSE Tumbleweed. But concerning Debian, it is still in the experimental branch. Concerning Windows, GTK 4 is available in MSYS2.

See the CHANGELOG file for a summary of the new features since the April 2020 release, and the GTK Development Blog to know more about the numerous changes in GTK 4.

Note that the gtkf-sketcher tool has only been partially ported to GTK 4, as an essential API for that tool disappeared from GTK 4. And Glade is not yet ported to GTK 4.


4 years ago

gtk-fortran 20.04 is based on GTK 3.24.18 and GLib 2.64.2.

The main objective of this release was to prepare the future GTK 4 migration. A lot of clean-up has been made: scripts, build tools, examples (a lot of deprecated functions were removed)…

A gtk4 development branch has been created. The core of the library is ready for GTK 4 (3.98.3, available for example in Fedora 32). Some examples are already running. The big work will be to upgrade each example and the HL library and its examples. GTK 4 could be released at the end of this year. See:


5 years ago

Based on GTK 2.24.32, GLib 2.60.0, generated with Ubuntu 19.04 x86_64, PLplot<=5.10.


5 years ago

Based on GTK 3.24.8, GLib 2.60.0, generated with Ubuntu 19.04 x86_64, PLplot>=5.13.


5 years ago

This release corresponds to the JOSS paper and will be archived in Zenodo.