Graphene Versions Save

GraphQL framework for Python


10 months ago

This release brings two new features and several fixes and semantic upgrades due to new Python features. Thanks to everyone that contributed! 😊

Default value for InputObjectTypes

⚠️⚠️ACTION REQUIRED⚠️⚠️ In GraphQL, inputs can have fields which are optional. Currently, if those fields are not specified in the query, they are passed to the python inputs as None. This renders them indistinguishable from fields that are actually passed to the query with a value of null. While the alternative would be to check the definition via "key" in input, it is more accessible to mark these fields as explicitly UNDEFINED. This PR adds a new global override, which allows unspecified fields to be set to graphql.UNDEFINED. In the future, the default Value will be set to UNDEFINED, making this a soft migration and deprecation of the previous situation.

This is a soft migration. Long-Term, the Input Objects will ALWAYS contain the value UNDEFINED Make sure your code supports these cases in None checks. After the default has been set to UNDEFINED, you will still be able to switch back to None for the foreseeable future.

Strict connection types support in Relay

Custom Relay connection classes can now be made NonNull using the strict_types option on the connection meta.

Using this example

  class MyObjectConnection(Connection):
      class Meta:
          node = MyObject
          strict_types = True

will change from

type MyObjectConnection {
   edges: [MyObjectEdge]


type MyObjectConnection {
   edges: [MyObjectEdge!]!


We want to make sure you're informed about using NonNull relay connections. While they are a great way to get rid of some null checks in typed frontends, it's important to be mindful of error handling with these connections. When working with NonNull connections, it's crucial to remember that if a requested field or edge is not available or the resolver throws an error, the error will bubble up to the next nullable parent field, which is oftentimes the root node. That way, you cannot handle partial results in case of partial errors anymore. In a nullable connection, only the nullable fields will be set to null and the error will not bubble up.

To address this, we recommend considering waiting for the future release of client-controlled nullability for cases where certain connections might be nullable. By opting for client-controlled nullability, you gain more control over error handling, enabling you to handle potential null values more gracefully and enhance the overall user experience. Read more about client controlled nullability here:

What's Changed

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1 year ago

This release provides some internal refactoring to the relay types to improve support for adding custom fields to them.


1 year ago

What's Changed

Non-required InputFields and Arguments can now be marked as deprecated by passing the deprecation_reason keyword argument to the constructor.

New Contributors

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1 year ago

What's Changed

Support for custom global IDs in relay.Node

The global ID type of a Node can now be customized:

class CustomNode(Node):
    class Meta:
        global_id_type = CustomGlobalIDType

class User(ObjectType):
    class Meta:
        interfaces = [CustomNode]

    name = String()

    def get_node(cls, _type, _id):
        return self.users[_id]
Available Types

Currently, the following types are available:

  • DefaultGlobalIDType: Default global ID type: base64 encoded version of ": ". (Previously the only option) Scalar: ID
  • SimpleGlobalIDType : Simple global ID type: simply the id of the object. Scalar: ID
  • UUIDGlobalIDType : UUID global ID type. Scalar: UUID

To create a custom global type, BaseGlobalIDType must be extended:

class CustomGlobalIDType(BaseGlobalIDType):

    graphene_type = CustomScalar

    def resolve_global_id(cls, info, global_id):
        _type = custom_get_type_from_global_id(global_id)
        return _type, global_id

    def to_global_id(cls, _type, _id):
        return _id

graphene_type specifies the type of scalar to be used in the schema. Remember, that if you're using ID as a scalar, you might need to deserialize your custom global ID first!

Relevant PR:

Fixes & Improvements:

  • Regression fix: (graphene 2->3) ObjectTypes can be copied again #1333 by @keu210
  • Fix: Enums can now have members called description: #1478 by @mike-roberts-healx
  • Enums are now hashable: #1461 by @bkad
  • Enums are now iterable: #1473 by @rgroothuijsen
  • Dependency on unused promise Library was removed: #1476 by @mike-roberts-healx
  • Docs improvements by @rgroothuijsen

All Changes

New Contributors

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1 year ago

What's changed


Graphene now includes an updated version of aiodataloader by Syrus Akbary under graphene.utils.dataloader due to inactivity of the old repository. The update fixes an issue some users experienced when trying to use dataloader in conjunction with pytest ( Further contributions and updates to dataloader in this repo are welcome!


A custom typename can now be added when using from_enum:

    from enum import Enum as PyEnum

    class Color(PyEnum):
        RED = 1
        YELLOW = 2
        BLUE = 3

    GColor = Enum.from_enum(Color, description="original colors")
    UniqueGColor = Enum.from_enum(
        Color, name="UniqueColor", description="unique colors"
type Query {
    color: Color!
    uniqueColor: UniqueColor!
"""original colors"""
enum Color {
"""unique colors"""
enum UniqueColor {


Interfaces extending interfaces is now supported!

    class FooInterface(Interface):
        foo = String()

    class BarInterface(Interface):
        class Meta:
            interfaces = [FooInterface]

        foo = String()
        bar = String()
interface FooInterface {
  foo: String

interface BarInterface implements FooInterface {
  foo: String
  bar: String

Thank you to everyone that contributed to this release!

Other Changes

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2 years ago

What's Changed

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2 years ago

Release notes

The full release notes including an upgrade guide can be found here:

What's Changed

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2 years ago


  • fix: graphql-core dependency resolution. (#1377)

All changes:


2 years ago


  • Add support for Python 3.10
  • Propagate arguments of relay.NodeField to Field (#1036) (#1307)


3 years ago


  • fix(Decimal): parse integers as decimal. (#1295)

All changes: