Graal Versions Save

GraalVM compiles Java applications into native executables that start instantly, scale fast, and use fewer compute resources 🚀


6 years ago

GraalVM: Run Programs Faster Anywhere

Graal is a new just-in-time compiler for the JVM focused on peak performance and multi-language support. Graal offers performance advantages not only to Java code, but also to scripting languages such as JavaScript, Ruby, Python, and R. Additionally, it enables the execution of native code on the JVM via an LLVM-based front end (project Sulong). Languages are executed by Graal via the Truffle framework, which comes with seamless interoperability and polyglot debugging and profiling functionality.

Ruby, R and Python language components are optionally available using GraalVM gu utility.

Release Candidate 2 provides more bug fixes over RC1.


6 years ago

GraalVM: Run Programs Faster Anywhere

Graal is a new just-in-time compiler for the JVM focused on peak performance and multi-language support. Graal offers performance advantages not only to Java code, but also to scripting languages such as JavaScript, Ruby, Python, and R. Additionally, it enables the execution of native code on the JVM via an LLVM-based front end (project Sulong). Languages are executed by Graal via the Truffle framework, which comes with seamless interoperability and polyglot debugging and profiling functionality.

Ruby, R and Python language components are optionally available using GraalVM gu utility.