Gpslogger Versions Save

:satellite: Lightweight GPS Logging Application For Android.


1 year ago

Custom URL and Annotation textbox is bigger to see more lines at once, for easier input. The code removes newlines on submit.


#952 If killed due to low memory, set an 'alarm' to restart after 5 minutes.

#267 The GPS status fix sends two additional values, distance, duration.

#1007 The misnamed emailAlarm intent is renamed to immediateautosend. When invoked from automation tools, initiates file uploads.

Annotation View with buttons #1013


Long press a button to edit it



1 year ago

RC1 for v126. Experimental things:

  • Annotation view with buttons
  • Broadcast now contains lat long accuracy altitude distance and duration
  • Rename the intent to upload


1 year ago
  • Custom URL - added option to discard offline locations; useful for sending latest location.
  • Custom URL - will retry maximum 3 times instead of 5 times.
  • Bugfix: running for a long time resulted in negative hours displayed
  • Enhancement: make autosend alarms more reliable and try to be more exact


1 year ago

Issue #1000 - make the permission dialog undismissable

Issue #986 - clarify the difference between the custom url logging and autosend


Issue #1017 - bugfix, correct the signature for Conscrypt Provider on F-Droid


1 year ago
  • Added option to allow showing GPSLogger notification on the lock screen.
  • For pre-Android 10 devices, option to install Conscrypt Provider if you need GPSLogger to connect to TLS 1.3 services or are having SSL connectivity issues.
  • Many updated translations from the Weblate community, thanks as always to all of you.


1 year ago


1 year ago

Issue #969 - using setExactAndAllowWhileIdle

Issue #932 - Replace MyTracks references with OpenTracks. Hope this plays nicely with Weblate!

Issue #968 - Adjusted font sizes in detailed view so lat long should now fit on one line

Issue #933 - (Experimental) trying to really stop the service when logging stops, so that 'phantom' notifications don't reappear.

Issue #972 - (Experimental) reimplement Google Drive, but FOSS. Original PR.

Issue #973 - Keep waiting even if location providers are disabled. Resume logging if location providers are enabled. Add a warning icon with a Toast to indicate a problem. image


Display logging type, in detailed view, as CSV instead of TXT

Added icons to the Upload Settings menu, because why not.

Trying a new SwitchPlusClickPreference preference item which has two actions. Toggle for on/off, and pressing the text launches another settings dialog. Used for Custom URL logger, and the Upload Settings screen.


Drawer items are given a uniform text appearance. Nothing dimmer.



2 years ago

Re-upoaded the rc3 APK, I moved the Google Clouad OAuth Client ID to match what was on the Play Store - this way if anyone ever had Google Drive used a few years ago, this can reuse that same folder originally created.


2 years ago

Experimental - use stopSelf in the stopLogging() method to really stop the service, to prevent it from coming back as a notification randomly.


2 years ago

Experiment - Using a more exact next-point-alarm to make short logging intervals a bit more reliable, even when in sleep mode