Gophish Versions Save

Open-Source Phishing Toolkit


6 years ago

Gophish Just Got Better.

tl;dr - New version of Gophish. Lots of improvements. Binaries can be found above. 😄

We're excited to announce v0.5.0 of Gophish! This release fixes all sorts of pesky bugs, and includes some big changes to the way emails are handled.

Big Changes

We've completely redone the way emails are sent by Gophish. In previous versions, we made a single pass at sending campaign emails. If anything went wrong, the rest of the emails would fail. As you can imagine, this isn't ideal.

We've rearchitected this process where Gophish now queues up emails and tries to send them, retrying as necessary. This is far more fault tolerant and reliable. You can refer to #878 for details.

This also has other benefits. For example, in previous versions of Gophish, if you launched a campaign immediately, it might still take up to a minute for emails to be sent. Now, they're sent as soon as the campaign is launched. No more waiting!

Faster Release Process

I've now fully automated the process of compiling and uploading Gophish binaries. This is huge because it means we can make Gophish releases much more quickly and reliably. I'll write up a blog post later with the details.

This is the first run using the new process, so let me know if you encounter any issues.

How to Upgrade

To upgrade, simply download the release for your platform, extract into a folder, and copy (remember to copy, not move so that you have a backup) your existing gophish.db file into the new directory. Then, run the new gophish binary and you'll be good to go!

Now, one more thing:

We want to hear from you!

Have questions, comments, or feature ideas about Gophish? Let us know by filing an issue.



SHA1 Hash Filename


6 years ago

Gophish Just Got Better.

tl;dr - New version of Gophish. Lots of improvements. Binaries can be found below. 😄

We're excited to announce v0.4.0 of Gophish! This release fixes all sorts of pesky bugs, gives 100% more donut charts and 100% fewer useless maps. Give it a shot! We think you'll really like it.

Big Changes

This release doesn't come with any completely new features but we still made big changes we think you'll like.

  • The target map is now an optional feature. We realized that most tests are internal and that even if it's an external test, the map simply takes up space. Now, you can re-enable it in the "Settings" page. (#747)

  • We've moved all charts from Chartist.js to Highcharts. Highcharts is a well established library that gives good performance and tons of great features. So, for example, now the campaign timeline is fully zoomable. 🎊


  • We also split out the results status donut chart into multiple charts - one for each status. Previously the results were a bit misleading since we only showed the final status. Now, we show the counts for every status! And hey, who doesn't love more donuts? (#680)


  • Datetimes are now stored in UTC format in the database. So, the API will now return dates in UTC as opposed to the browser's local time zone. This gives us more consistency in the case where browser's and servers have different time zones when campaigns are scheduled. It's worth noting that we adjust the times on the frontend so that all campaigns and scheduling in the browser still show local time. We just convert everything to UTC for storage. (#316)

  • We changed the font size in the UI from 18px to 16px. This should give a bit more space and improve the look and feel. I guess this was a 😎 small change.

New Website!

We just launched the new version of our website at This was created with hand crafted artisanal HTML, so be sure to check it out.

How to Upgrade

To upgrade, simply download the release for your platform, extract into a folder, and copy (remember to copy, not move so that you have a backup) your existing gophish.db file into the new directory. Then, run the new gophish binary and you'll be good to go!

Now, one more thing:

We want to hear from you!

Have questions, comments, or feature ideas about Gophish? Let us know by filing an issue directly.



SHA1 Hash Filename


7 years ago

Say Hello to the New Gophish.

tl;dr - New version of Gophish. Tons of features. Binaries can be found below. 😄

We're excited to announce Gophish v0.3.0. This release is packed with updates, so we think you'll really enjoy it.

New Features

Here are just some of the new features in this release:

  • More granular result status (e.g. "Submitted Data" and "Clicked Link" instead of "Success")
  • Support for custom SMTP headers
  • Performance improvements and "summary" API endpoints
  • Automatic SSL certificate creation
  • Support for MySQL
  • Now using select2 instead of typeahead.js when building a campaign
  • Shorter result ID's
  • A whole bunch of bug fixes!

A Python API Client!

To make working with the API even easier, we've developed an official Python API client.. This will make it easier to orchestrate Gophish to create, launch, and manage campaigns.

Community Contributions

Gophish has an incredible community. I wanted to make a spot in these release notes to call out some key contributions that helped make this release amazing:

  • @chrismaddalena has created an awesome tool called GoReport that leverages the Gophish API to generate campaign reports.
  • @LarryGrim has created a comprehensive guide on building a simulated phishing program from scratch.
  • @S0larflare and @snori74 have done an outstanding job of always being quick to answer new issues as they are reported. Thank you both so much!
  • @svigne1 has contributed performance improvements, as well as the MySQL support!

Documentation has moved

All documentation is being moved to our Gitbooks repo here: Gitbooks allows us to easily manage our documentation and publish both online hosted docs, as well as downloadable PDFs.

We're still finalizing our docs, so please bear with us as we make sure everything is fully documented - especially related to API endpoints.

How to Upgrade

To upgrade, simply download the release for your platform, extract into a folder, and copy (remember to copy, not move so that you have a backup) your existing gophish.db file into the new directory. Then, run the new gophish binary and you'll be good to go!

Now, one more thing:

We want to hear from you!

Have questions, comments, or feature ideas about Gophish? Let us know by filing an issue directly.



7 years ago

Say Hello to the New Gophish.

Sorry for the wait. We promise it was worth it.

This release marks Gophish's 3 year anniversary. When I first set out to build Gophish, I wanted to create the best phishing framework possible. This release gets us one step closer to that goal.

We've been busy! Here are just some of the new features in this release:

  • Now sending emails faster via gomail
  • Introduced beautiful modal dialogs via sweetalert2
  • Can now schedule campaigns
  • Can now mark a campaign as complete
  • Automatically converting <a> tags in imported emails to point to Gophish listener
  • Added Redirect URL to redirect users after they submit credentials

In addition to new features, we've also fixed a ton of bugs including:

  • Stored XSS vulnerabilities (only affected admin)
  • Fixed issue where attachments weren't sent in campaigns

Here are all issues we closed during this release.

Moving Forward

There are a couple of important things to note moving forward:

No longer providing email support

I want to provide the best support possible for gophish. While I like the idea of email support, it's just not the right way to move forward with gophish for a few reasons.

Specifically, I want support cases to be transparent so that the community can work together to solve them. If I receive an email, it's completely subject to me remembering to respond to it when I can if I remember.

I also found that I receive a significant amount of duplicate questions via email. Responding to each of these takes up cycles that could otherwise be spent innovating on Gophish features.

That being said, feel free to send nice words about gophish to our email address, but from now on all support tickets will be required to go through our Github issues, where all of them have been and will continue to be responded to. 😄

Moving Documentation

You'll notice that this release no longer contains a PDF of our User Guide. I'm experimenting with different ways to open up documentation to changes from the community. Right now, I've moved nearly everything to our wiki, but will continue tracking down the right fit for the Gophish documentation.

Update 12/14 - All documentation is being moved to our Gitbooks repo here:

How to Upgrade

To upgrade, simply download the release for your platform, extract into a folder, and copy (remember to copy, not move so that you have a backup) your existing gophish.db file into the new directory. Then, run the new gophish binary and you'll be good to go!

Now, one more thing:

We want to hear from you!

Have questions, comments, or feature ideas about gophish? Let us know by filing an issue directly, or contacting us through our support page.



8 years ago

Say Hello to the New gophish

This is the second release of gophish, and we couldn't be more excited! In this release, you'll find insanely cool features, numerous bug (or feature) fixes, and more.

Here are just a few of the added features since our last release:

  • Added the ability to capture credentials with just a click
  • Added the ability to store SMTP settings
  • Added polling on the campaign results page for near-realtime updates
  • Added the ability to ignore SMTP server certificate errors
  • Multiple UI fixes/tweaks (datatables, etc.)

These features came in the form of over 15 pull requests, and 56 closed issues.

This release is awesome, and you should feel awesome for using it.

How to Upgrade

To upgrade, simply download the release for your platform, extract into a folder, and copy your existing gophish.db file into the new directory. Then, run the new gophish binary and you'll be good to go!

Now, one more thing:

We want to hear from you!

Have questions, comments, or feature ideas about gophish? Let us know by filing an issue directly, or contacting us through our support page.



8 years ago

It's finally here!

This release is the first public beta release of gophish. We are excited about all the awesome features this release brings, and are excited for you to give it a spin.

Here are just a few of the added features since the initial alpha pre-release:

  • Added the timeline feature for campaign results
  • Added default tracking to email templates
  • Added additional events (such as when errors occur)
  • Added the ability to access admin server/ phishing server over TLS
  • Multiple UI fixes/tweaks (datatables, etc.)
  • Added the ability to export results as CSV

These features came in the form of over 10 pull requests, and over 30 closed issues.

In addition to the added software features, we launched our public website! We will be updating the blog periodically with software updates as well as engineering notes. You can find our official release announcement here.

We want to hear from you!

Have questions, comments, or feature ideas about gophish? Let us know by filing an issue directly, or contacting us through our support page.



8 years ago

gophish v0.1 - alpha

This is the alpha release of gophish. It contains all the functionality needed to create and launch a realistic simulated phishing campaign and record the results.