Glider Versions Save

glider is a forward proxy with multiple protocols support, and also a dns/dhcp server with ipset management features(like dnsmasq).


3 years ago


  1. chore: macOS Apple Silicon support(darwin_arm64)
  2. ws: Avoid pannic when listen address not set (#229)
  3. socks5: Improved compatibility of socks5 client (#212 by @mzz2017 )
  4. socks5: Fixed a bug in udp handling with auth (#219)
  5. socks4a: Added socks4a support (#206 by @mzz2017)
  6. ss: Changed the conn close behavior (#180)
  7. chore: Built with Go1.16


3 years ago

Breaking Changes:

  1. check: remove checkwebsite config, use check instead;
  2. proxy: remove tcptun, use tcp instead;
  3. proxy: remove udptun, use udp instead;


  1. check: added a new config check to customize forwarder health checking:

    • check=tcp[://HOST:PORT]
      • tcp port connection check.
    • check=http://HOST[:PORT][/URI][#expect=STRING_IN_RESP_LINE]
      • http url check, use expect to specify the string which the response line must contain.
    • check=file://SCRIPT_PATH
      • script file check, run a check script, healthy when exitcode=0, environment variables: FORWARDER_ADDR
    • check=disable
      • disable health checking.
    • default:
  2. proxy: added a new scheme tcp:

    glider -verbose -listen tcp://:53 -forward socks5://,tcp:// -forward tcp:// -check tcp
  3. proxy: added a new scheme udp:

    glider -verbose -listen udp://:53 -forward udp:// -forward udp://
  4. unix: support tcp & udp tunnel(#194):

    glider -verbose -listen udp://:5353 -forward unix:///tmp/test.sock
    glider -verbose -listen unix:///tmp/test.sock -forward udp://
    dig @ -p 5353
  5. ss: fixed an udp issue(#198 by @mzz2017)

  6. vmess: support udp forwarding(#199 by @mzz2017)

  7. vmess: choose security automatically when not set(#200 by @mzz2017)

  8. chore: built with Go1.15.6


3 years ago


  1. ws: allow to set origin header, default to nil and not send;
  2. chore: official docker images on Docker Hub(thanks to @neermitt ):
docker pull nadoo/glider


3 years ago


  1. proxy: optimizations with some protocols;
  2. chore: built with Go1.15.4;


3 years ago


  1. ws: support listen as websocket server;
  2. proxy: several optimizations in proxy relay;


3 years ago


  1. dns: switch the dns cache strategy to LRU;
  2. dns: optimistic dns server, respond expired answer to client first then update it;(dns record rarely changes)
  3. config: added a new option dnscachesize to control the size of dns cache;
  4. config: added a new option checktolerance to ignore forwarder switching when the reduced latency less than tolerance;(lha mode only)
  5. tls: use 443 as default port if not specified;
  6. trojan: use 443 as default port if not specified;
  7. trojan: support running as both trojan server and client;
  8. trojan: support fallback to another tcp service when auth failed;
  9. trojanc: trojan cleartext support(without tls);
  10. uottun: remove uottun, use udptun + forwarder which supports udp over tcp instead;(vless/trojan/trojanc)


3 years ago


  1. vless server: glider -verbose -listen "vless://UUID@:1234"

    with fallback(a http website, when server received an invalid request, it will respond the fallback website instead): glider -verbose -listen "vless://UUID@:1234?fallback="

  2. vless client: glider -verbose -listen :8443 -forward "vless://UUID@SERVER_IP:1234"

  3. protocol chain example: vless over tls server: glider -verbose -listen "tls://:1234?cert=/path/to/cert&key=/path/to/key,vless://UUID@?fallback=" client: glider -verbose -listen :8443 -listen "ss://METHOD:PASS@:8488" -forward "tls://SERVER_DOMAIN:1234,vless://UUID@"


3 years ago


  1. protocol: added vless support; glider -verbose -listen :8443 -forward="vless://uuid@ip:port"
  2. service: added a simple dhcpd service(linux only); glider -verbose -listen :8443 -service=dhcpd,enp1s0,,
  3. dns: use builtin dns as Go's default resolver when it enabled;


3 years ago


  1. proxy: record failures of remote connections only;
  2. ci: build with go1.15.2;


3 years ago


  1. general: optimized memory allocations;
  2. dns: fixed a bug and improve performance;