GeoIP2 Python Versions Save

Python code for GeoIP2 webservice client and database reader


8 years ago
  • Added support for the GeoIP2 Enterprise database.
  • geoip2.database.Reader now supports being used in a with statement (PEP 343). (PR from Nguyễn Hồng Quân. GitHub #29)


8 years ago
  • The geoip2.records.Location class has been updated to add attributes for the average_income and population_density fields provided by the Insights web service.
  • The is_anonymous_proxy and is_satellite_provider properties on `geoip2.records.Traits`` have been deprecated. Please use our GeoIP2 Anonymous IP database to determine whether an IP address is used by an anonymizing service.


9 years ago
  • The reader now supports pure Python file and memory modes. If you are not using the C extension and your Python does not provide the mmap module, the file mode will be used by default. You can explicitly set the mode using the mode keyword argument with the MODE_AUTO, MODE_MMAP, MODE_MMAP_EXT, MODE_FILE, and MODE_MEMORY constants exported by geoip2.database.


9 years ago
  • Added support for the GeoIP2 Anonymous IP database. The geoip2.database.Reader class now has an anonymous_ip() method which returns a geoip2.models.AnonymousIP object.
  • Added __repr__ and __eq__ methods to the model and record classes to aid in debugging and using the library from a REPL.


9 years ago
  • The constructor for geoip2.webservice.Client now takes an optional timeout parameter. (PR from arturro. GitHub #15)


9 years ago
  • First production release.


9 years ago
    • The deprecated city_isp_org() and omni() methods have been removed.
    • The geoip2.database.Reader lookup methods (e.g., city(), isp()) now raise a TypeError if they are used with a database that does not match the method. In particular, doing a city() lookup on a GeoIP2 Country database will result in an error and vice versa.
  • A metadata() method has been added to the geoip2.database.Reader class. This returns a maxminddb.reader.Metadata object with information about the database.


9 years ago
  • The web service client API has been updated for the v2.1 release of the web service. In particular, the city_isp_org and omni methods on geoip2.webservice.Client should be considered deprecated. The city method now provides all of the data formerly provided by city_isp_org, and the omni method has been replaced by the insights method. Note: In v2.1 of the web service, accuracy_radius, autonomous_system_number, and all of the confidence values were changed from unicode to integers. This may affect how you use these values from this API.
  • Support was added for the GeoIP2 Connection Type, Domain, and ISP databases.


10 years ago
  • Switched to Apache 2.0 license.


10 years ago
  • Fixed missing import statements for geoip2.errors and geoip2.models. (Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro)
  • Minor documentation and code cleanup
  • Added requirement for maxminddb v0.3.0, which includes a pure Python database reader.