GeneticSharp Versions Save

GeneticSharp is a fast, extensible, multi-platform and multithreading C# Genetic Algorithm library that simplifies the development of applications using Genetic Algorithms (GAs).


6 years ago

.NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Framework 4.6.2

This 2.0.0-rc1 was already published to, but it's marked as a pre-realease package. I will kept it as a RC until get sure that there is no issue with the porting and until the Unity3d remove the "experimental" status to its support to .NET Standard 2.0.

If you are in .NET Core or in .NET Framework 4.6.2+ project, please try the the 2.0.0-rc1 version.

Only GeneticSharp:

install-package GeneticSharp -Version 2.0.0-rc1

GeneticSharp and extensions (TSP, AutoConfig, Bitmap equality, Equality equation, Equation solver, Function builder, etc):

install-package GeneticSharp.Extensions -Version 2.0.0-rc1

If you're still in a .NET Framework version lower than 4.6.2 project use the 1.2.0 version.

install-package GeneticSharp -Version 1.2.0

More about the release in this blog post Porting GeneticSharp to .NET Core


6 years ago

The additions of this version are the new sequence mutation operators: Displacement, InsertionMutation and Partial Shuffle (PSM).

Displacement Mutation

In the displacement mutation operator, a substring is randomly selected from chromosome, is removed, then replaced at a randomly selected position.

Insertion Mutation

In the insertion mutation operator, a gene is randomly selected from chromosome, is removed, then replaced at a randomly selected position.

Partial Shuffle Mutation (PSM)

In the partial shuffle mutation operator, we take a sequence S limited by two positions i and j randomly chosen. The gene order in this sequence will be shuffled. Sequence will be shuffled until it becomes different than the starting order.

I would like to thanks to Ahmet Can Saner (@cansaner) for contribute with those great new mutations that him developed during his master degree.

If you want to use the new mutations in your project, just get the new GeneticSharp version from Nuget.

Let's evolve!


6 years ago

Published a new version of NuGet package without HelperSharp package dependency to allow install GeneticSharp package on Unity3D projects.


6 years ago

The greatest additions of this version are the binary chromosomes: FloatingPointChromosome and IntegerChromosome.

Binary chromosomes can be directly used when your solution chromosome can be represented as numbers or a string representation of 0 and 1.

A new sample has been added to the GeneticSharp.Runner.GtkApp, this sample called "Function optimization" show the FloatingPointChromsome in action.

Besides these new chromosomes, there is a new mutation: FlipBit, a special mutation to IBinaryChromosome that takes the chosen gene and inverts the bits.

If you want to use the new chromosomes in your project, just get the new GeneticSharp version from Nuget.

Let's evolve!