FormBuilder Versions Save

A jQuery plugin for drag and drop form creation


4 months ago

3.17.2 (2023-12-08)

Bug Fixes

  • For TextArea control have made the value input a textarea and not a single input[type=text] value. Formatting of TextAreas is now preserved. (0b64d37)
  • For TextArea control have made the value input a textarea and not a single input[type=text] value. Formatting of TextAreas is now preserved. (8da4cb5)


4 months ago

3.17.1 (2023-12-08)

Bug Fixes

  • Ensure subtype attribute is hidden when disabled via disableAttr (4572fe6)


5 months ago

3.17.0 (2023-11-07)

Bug Fixes

  • add additional row cleanup check to ensure no artifacts are left in the DOM (612d009)
  • If label is intentionally blank or label is not enabled we fallback to 'type: name' for the control label to ensure a value is visible on the stage (fcff9e9)
  • remove bootstrap initialisation of blank row on empty form. It is not required. (b8fd49a)
  • remove redundant checkRowCleanup() (9b27a6e)
  • remove redundant droppingToPlaceholderRow which uses the same check as droppingToNewRow, and simplify the logic. (62c0562)


  • store the bootstrap row's id to the rowWapper via data-row-id (dd68b52)


5 months ago

3.16.13 (2023-11-07)

Bug Fixes

  • ensure that controlConfig is loaded per formBuilder instance. We delay setting the static property controlConfig on class control until we construct the control class in layout. (5f8de00)


5 months ago

3.16.12 (2023-11-01)

Bug Fixes

  • ensure a default value is set for when rows exists but none have numerical indices (e963748)


5 months ago

3.16.11 (2023-11-01)

Bug Fixes

  • For input[type=checkbox], no selection should result in an empty userData otherwise there is no ability to save state when default selected checkboxes are all unchecked (2744a68)


5 months ago

3.16.10 (2023-10-31)

Bug Fixes

  • set the preview property for custom controls (de67461)


5 months ago

3.16.9 (2023-10-31)

Bug Fixes

  • Add test cases for checkbox group (36c7d0e)
  • Don't pull grid classes from SVG elements, The SVG className property is a SVGAnimatedString not a string. Controls like textarea.quill have SVG graphics in their element list. (db27e06)
  • prevent togging the edit field if double-clicking within a textarea. Additionally, use the property isContentEditable to check if the element double-clicked is a descendant of a contenteditable field (eg a paragraph withing a div[contenteditable]) (a44ef6e)
  • strip form-control from the quill container div if it is set, this class is incompatible with the quill control (533ae80)
  • use the correct selector for the checkbox-group other value input, control may not have been added to the document dom at the time of onRender. (0768868)


5 months ago

3.16.8 (2023-10-31)

Bug Fixes

  • When setting a placeholder option a select field set the value to an empty string '' to allow for required validation to occur (924ca5c)


5 months ago

3.16.7 (2023-10-30)

Bug Fixes

  • convert raw HTML strings received from into HTMLElement(s) to ensure processClassName() can strip bootstrap classes (03e657f)