FluentDocker Versions Save

Use docker, docker-compose local and remote in tests and your .NET core/full framework apps via a FluentAPI


4 years ago


This release fixes a few bugs and updates the SharpCompress reference since it has a bug where it may allow someone to overwrite and execute outside of the extraction point. This is not affecting FluentDocker since it has full control on whats gets extracted. However, if you use this transient reference for your own unzipping this will fix this problem.


Fixed where container build parameters where sent incorrectly (for a docker build).

Composite Container Disposal

When a ICompositeContainerService is shutdown, the referenced containers, images, and hosts was not unreferenced. Now those will be cleared, and it is illegal to access any of those instances (if stored in a variable) after this.

Execute docker command on running container

It is now "Prettier" do to a Exec on a container, instead of

        using (var c = Fd.UseContainer().UseImage("<your-image>").Build().Start())
           c.DockerHost.Execute(c.Id, "command and args", c.Certificates);

you now can do this

        using (var c = Fd.UseContainer().UseImage("<your-image>").Build().Start())
           c.Execute("command and args");


Fixed but in WaitForPort where it did not count time spent waiting for the Connect to fail. Now it will sutract this value and thus is closer to the set timeout. It is, however, not a exact time since no background thread and CancellationToken mechanism is employed. This is by design until someone have a really good use-case to do this on the millisecond.

Cheers, Mario


4 years ago

It now successfully handles named containers in docker-compose files. This fixes Issue #94.

When e.g. a docker-compose specifices named containers like this.

version: '3.5'


  # building up the message queue system (zookeeper + kafka)
    image: wurstmeister/zookeeper
    container_name: zookeeper
      - messageBus
      - "2181:2181"
    restart: always

    image: wurstmeister/kafka
    container_name: kafka
      - messageBus
      - 9092:9092
      - 29092:29092
      - 29093:29093

    restart: always

      KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT: zookeeper:2181
      # overrides the default separator ',' for creating topics
      # create topic "Values" that will use log compaction to get rid of older value messages
        Values:1:1:compact --config=min.compaction.lag.ms=250 --config=segment.bytes=536870912 --config=segment.ms=10000 --config=retention.ms=10000 --config=min.cleanable.dirty.ratio=0.25 --config=file.delete.delay.ms=0
        Configuration:1:1:delete --config=file.delete.delay.ms=0 --config=retention.bytes=-1 --config=retention.ms=-1
        ProjectDefinition:1:1:delete --config=file.delete.delay.ms=0 --config=retention.bytes=-1 --config=retention.ms=-1
        SetValues:1:1:delete --config=retention.ms=1000 --config=segment.ms=1000 --config=segment.bytes=268435456 --config=min.cleanable.dirty.ratio=0.1 --config=file.delete.delay.ms=0
        Devices:1:1:delete --config=file.delete.delay.ms=0 --config=retention.bytes=-1 --config=retention.ms=-1
        ReadHistoryValues:1:1:delete --config=retention.ms=1000 --config=segment.ms=1000 --config=segment.bytes=268435456 --config=min.cleanable.dirty.ratio=0.1 --config=file.delete.delay.ms=0 

      # Enables/disables the possibility to delete a topic (if set to false, the topic will only be marked for deletion but not deleted actually)

      name: nat

  # create network for messaging
    name: message-bus

the framework now uses the labels for each container to resolve container name, service and instance id.

      var file = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),
        (TemplateString) "Resources/ComposeTests/KafkaAndZookeeper/docker-compose.yaml");

      using (var svc = Fd.UseContainer()
        var kafka = svc.Services.OfType<IContainerService>().Single(x => x.Name == "kafka");
        var zookeeper = svc.Services.OfType<IContainerService>().Single(x => x.Name == "zookeeper");

The above starts the compose files containers and resolves them as their named names and extracts the project name and instance id via Labels on each container.

Cheers, Mario


4 years ago

It is now possible to use WaitForPort with an optional argument address. If it is not supplied, the old behaviour of doing inspect on the container and grab the network settings is used. However, if it is supplied it will replace the IP address with the supplied one (still resolve the port).

      using (var c = Fd.UseContainer()
        .ExposePort(5011, 8025)
        .WaitForPort("8025/tcp", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), "")
        var port = c.ToHostExposedEndpoint("8025/tcp").Port;
        var response = $"{port}/".Wget().Result;
        IsTrue(response.IndexOf("<title>MailHog</title>", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1);

The above example will use the as the address (loopback) when communicating with port 5011. This helps to solve the Issue #92.

Cheers, Mario


4 years ago


This release is based on enhancements and bugfixes by me and @zentron. @zentron provided with the long exit code and health check support to the library.

It is now possible to use HealthCheck Fluent API to activate the healthcheck docker mechanism (see sample below).

 using (
        var container =
            .UseImage("postgres:latest", force: true)
        var config = container.GetConfiguration(true);
        AreEqual(HealthState.Starting, config.State.Health.Status);

Bugfix: The exit code is assumed to be a long since windows containers sometime exit with a long (such as Ctrl-C).

Docker machine response parser for inspect fails when e.g. --generic-ip-address=docker is set (Issue #90). The response parser will try to figure out if it is a IP address or a hostname when parsing and set the response accordingly.

Now it is possible to set ulimit on ContainerCreateParams and on the fluent API (Issue #80).

using (
        var container =
            .UseImage("postgres:latest", force: true)
            .UseUlimit(Ulimit.NoFile,2048, 2048)
        // Container running under number of open file limit of 2048

Cheers, Mario


5 years ago

This is a small bug fix release where the service hooks was not invoked when ReuseIfExist was enabled and the container was reused. Now it will add the hooks to those as well and thus it will drive the State flow and execute any hooks attached. For example the below example would not invoke the CheckConnection prior this release.

Cheers, Mario

    public void WaitLambdaWithReusedContainerShallGetInvoked()
      _checkConnectionInvoked = false;
      using (var c1 = Fd.UseContainer()
        .WaitForPort("5432/tcp", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30))
        // Make sure to have named container running
        var config = c1.GetConfiguration();
        AreEqual(ServiceRunningState.Running, c1.State);

        using (var c2 = Fd.UseContainer()
          .Wait("", (service, count) => CheckConnection(count, service))
            "Is invoked even if reused container since Start drives the container state eventually to running");

    private static int CheckConnection(int count, IContainerService service)
      _checkConnectionInvoked = true;

      if (count > 10) throw new FluentDockerException("Failed to wait for sql server");

      var ep = service.ToHostExposedEndpoint("5432/tcp");
      var str = $"Server={ep.Address};Port={ep.Port};Userid=postgres;" +
                "Password=mysecretpassword;Pooling=false;MinPoolSize=1;" +

        using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(str))
          return 0;
        return 500 /*ms*/;


5 years ago


  • Added feature to force pull a image in the Fluent API (Issue #84). Now it is possible to do
using (
        var container =
            .UseImage("postgres:latest", force: true) // default will be false
            .WaitForProcess("postgres", 30000 /*30s*/)
        var config = container.GetConfiguration(true);
        AreEqual(ServiceRunningState.Running, config.State.ToServiceState());


  • Fixed bug (Issue #85) where network name and id was mixed up in the Network Service.
  • Bugfix from @volkovku where invalid characters in PATH environment variable would break DockerBinaryResolver


5 years ago

This is a very small bugfix where static IP in a container did not work using the fluent API due to the fact that docker needs to have --network on the container in order to create it. Now it will properly do so on the first available network added to it. The following proves the point:

      using (var nw = Fd.UseNetwork("unit-test-nw")
        using (
          var container =
              .WaitForPort("5432/tcp", 30000 /*30s*/)
          var ip = container.GetConfiguration().NetworkSettings.Networks["unit-test-nw"].IPAddress;
          Assert.AreEqual("", ip);

Note that it will use the first network provided in UseNetwork as the --network parameter in docker create …. This solves the issue #81.

Cheers, Mario


5 years ago

Fixed bug so Docker-Compose is allowed to execute on remote host. Also Hyper-V docker host service (docker-machine) do require elevated process nowadays. A workaround since docker-machine inspect machine-name do return a valid MachineInfo data and therefore can calculate the URL and set it to Running. Thus, it is not necessary to elevate the process when doing Hyper-V machines in the DockerHostService.

It is now possible to set explicit container IP both for V4 and V6. This was added to the ContainerCreateParams and therefore it is possible to supply those both in create or run command such as

        var cmd = _docker.Run("postgres:9.6-alpine", new ContainerCreateParams
          PortMappings = new[] {"40001:5432"},
          Environment = new[] {"POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword"},
          Network = "mynetwork",
          Ipv4 = ""
        }, _certificates);
        var container = cmd.Data;
        var insp = _docker.InspectContainer(container, _certificates);
        var ip = insp.Data.NetworkSettings.IPAddress;
        Assert.AreEqual("", ip);

The above example will create a new container using network mynetwork and set the static IP of The fluent API would looks like this:

      using (var nw = Fd.UseNetwork("mynetwork").Build())
        using (
          var container =
              .WaitForPort("5432/tcp", 30000 /*30s*/)
          var ip = container.GetConfiguration().NetworkSettings.IPAddress;
          Assert.AreEqual("", ip);

It also contains the beginning of docker stack support. However, it will be finished in a later version and shall not be relied upon (in any way!).

Cheers, Mario


5 years ago

It is now possible to log into and out of private repository.

The commands added:

_host.Login("server", "user","pass"); // logs into a docker repo
_host.Logout(); // Self explainatory

The above commands gives the ability login and logout. The FluentAPI also got a simple login mechanism (this will change to allow for per container / image basis attach a remote repository login.

Builder().UseContainer().UseImage("imageName").WithCredentials("server", "user","pass");

Only one is supported per fluent chain for now; if you have several different repositories you need to do separate FluentAPI chains for each private repository (this will change in future).


5 years ago

This release targets cleanup when errors do occur. It also includes small features such as privileged containers.

A new static type has been introduced, it is called Fd and it can be used to build, discover hosts and run single container or multiple containers. This will deprecate new Builder() and new Hosts() and will be completely removed in 3.0.0. Switch over to use this Fd class (in namespace Ductus.FluentDocker).

When an application terminates with a unhandled exception, .net will not always call finally, therefore if you count to have containers to be cleaned up within a using may be up for a surprise. This depends. To be completely sure it is possible to use e.g.

     // Use Fd.Run for generic cases and Fd.Composite for compose containers

      Fd.Container(c => c.UseContainer()
          .WaitForPort("5432/tcp", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)),
        svc =>
          var config = svc.GetConfiguration(); // a running container here

This can be useful when you may expect an unhandled exception to be thrown after the container is started and before the container is disposed. However, if you have other configuration than Fail Fast or do have a exception handler, you will not need this!

However, nowadays, if the hooks fails such as WaitForPort it will make sure to Dispose the instance and therefore stop and delete any underlying container (if not configured to be persisted). This is a change, earlier they did not invoke Dispose this was up to the invoker to do such.

      using (var svc = Fd
                        .WaitForHttp("wordpress", "http://localhost:8000/wp-admin/install.php") 
        var installPage = await "http://localhost:8000/wp-admin/install.php".Wget(); // running service here

Sample Builder usage.

Cheers, Mario