Flow Preferences Versions Save

Kotlin Flow version of rx-preferences -- Coroutines support for Android SharedPreferences


3 years ago

The key and defaultValue of a preference are now public and part of the Preference interface https://github.com/tfcporciuncula/flow-preferences/commit/046c7342bbb025b9c71bf6454650c8c3d665f709


3 years ago

There's two (small) breaking changes:

  • Now that we support nullability explicitly, ObjectPreference doesn't support nullables anymore. If you were taking advantage of that, you can switch to NullableObjectPreference by calling flowSharedPreferences.getNullableObject().
  • The Serializer interface isn't defined within ObjectPreference anymore, since ObjectPreference is internal now. Instead, it's a standalone interface with no particular namespace.


3 years ago

This last point comes with an important behavior change. Starting on Android R, onSharedPreferenceChanged() is triggered when clear() is called, so the library has been updated to notify subscribers when a clear happens. This will only happen if you're targeting Android R and the device is running Android R. You can observe the new behavior running the sample on an Android R device.

TL;DR: starting from this version, subscribers will be notified when clear() is called on Android R+.


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago

Initial release.