Flagsmith Js Client Versions Save

Javascript Client for Flagsmith. Ship features with confidence using feature flags and remote config. Host yourself or use our hosted version at https://www.flagsmith.com/


11 months ago

This version includes an npm audit fix.


1 year ago

This release adds an integration to Datadog RUM, it focuses on the new experimental feature_flags feature, you can read more about it here https://docs.datadoghq.com/real_user_monitoring/guide/setup-feature-flag-data-collection/?tab=npm.

This will track remote config and feature enabled states as feature flags in the following format

flagsmith_value_<FEATURE_NAME> // remote config
flagsmith_enabled_<FEATURE_NAME> // enabled state

Additionally, the integration will also store Flagsmith traits against the Datadog user in the following format:

flagsmith_trait_<FEATURE_NAME> // remote config

You can find an example of this integration here.


1 year ago

This release adds a stable implementation of realtime features and is used on app.flagsmith.com.

Flagsmith projects that are opted into realtime are able to enable realtime within flagsmith.init as {realtime: true}, this will instruct the SDK to connect to our realtime SSE endpoint to receive feature updates from the environment and segment overrides.


1 year ago

Closes https://github.com/Flagsmith/flagsmith-js-client/issues/93. This aims to make the type of onError more predictable by always sending it as an Error object. Thank you to @gfrancischini for the sensible suggestion!


1 year ago

Prior to this release, setTrait(s) calls were not returning a promise, they will now resolve when the API returns a new set of flags.


1 year ago
  • Calls to setTrait/setTraits now only hit 1 endpoint, previously they hit 2.
  • The behaviour of setTrait now matches setTraits, prior to this you could not delete a trait via flagsmith.setTrait("trait",null). Also, this prevents an issue where segment flags were sometimes not returned in response to setting a trait.


1 year ago

Prior to this release, there were cases where flags provided by serverState are cleared, potentially effecting the isomorphic client (e.g. Next.js applications). This is because <ReactProvider/> initialises Flagsmith internally after server state is set.

This change makes sure that Flagsmith is initialises with the server state so that the state is preserved.


1 year ago

This release reduces the bundle size (31kb -> 21kb Pre GZIP) of the core SDK, it does so by patching one of our only dependencies (@callstack/async-storage) to export just the functions we need and remove the dependency of lodash.
