Finatra Versions Save

Fast, testable, Scala services built on TwitterServer and Finagle


3 years ago



  • thrift: JavaThriftRouter now allows mounting controllers by value (as opposed to via DI). bcc76056
  • finatra-kafka: Expose delivery timeout duration in KafkaProducerConfig. cc023430


  • inject-core: Remove deprecated com.twitter.inject.Mockito trait. Users are encouraged to switch to the com.twitter.mock.Mockito trait from util/util-mock. 92c3f7ba


  • inject-server: Ensure Awaiter.any does not try to block on an empty list of Awaitables. Add tests. b19e8a25
  • finatra-jackson: Fix bugs around generic case class deserialization involving other generic types. Reported (with reproduction and pointers) on GitHub by @aatasiei ( Fixes #547. a6ba62b6
  • finatra-jackson: Fix a bug preventing JSON parsing of generic case classes, which in turn, contain fields with generic case classes. Reported (with a thorough reproducer and an analysis) on GitHub by @aatasiei ( Fixes #548. 0a3803ff


3 years ago



  • inject-app: Add more Java-friendly constructors for the TestInjector. 2408860e


  • inject-modules: Improve Java usability: rename apply to get for StatsReceiverModule and LoggerModule. Add get methods for other TwitterModule singleton objects. (BREAKING API CHANGE) 0cbbf8ab
  • inject-core: Deprecate c.t.inject.Resettable (no replacement) and c.t.inject.TestTwitterModule. Users should prefer the #bind[T] DSL over usage of the TestTwitterModule. f95fe7cb


  • inject-server: Fix EmbeddedTwitterServer to return StartupTimeoutException when server under test fails to start within max startup time. 3eb0cd85


3 years ago



  • inject-app: Adding flag converters for (including comma-separated variants). 48429870
  • finatra-kafka-streams: Added TracingKafkaClientSupplier to provide TracingKafkaProducer and TracingKafkaConsumer to enable Zipkin tracing. Tracing can be enabled with the toggle com.twitter.finatra.kafka.TracingEnabled. fd2c5e0d
  • finatra-kafka: Added TracingKafkaProducer and TracingKafkaConsumer to enable Zipkin tracing for Kafka. and FinagleKafkaConsumerBuilder.buildClient() now return instances of TracingKafkaProducer and TracingKafkaConsumer respectively with tracing enabled by default. Tracing can be enabled with the toggle com.twitter.finatra.kafka.TracingEnabled. d0d8a060


  • finatra: Update org.scalatest dependency to 3.1.2 and introduce finer-grained dependencies on org.scalatestplus artifacts. ceccb7c5 fbb7b535

  • inject-thrift-client: Remove unused ClientId property from ThriftMethodBuilderClientModule#provideServicePerEndpoint method. 381853f8

  • inject-server: Improve startup time of EmbeddedTwitterServer by observing lifecycle events to determine startup, where previously we were doing 1 second polls. The nonInjectableServerStarted property is removed and isStarted should be referenced regardless of the type of underlying twitterServer type. The end result should see a faster test execution feedback loop. Our Finatra test targets range from a roughly 2x to 10x reduction in execution times.

    You may experience new test failures in cases where an exception is thrown as part of c.t.inject.TwitterServer.start() or c.t.server.TwitterServer.main() and the test would have expected a failure as part of startup. As the error takes place after the startup lifecycle, you may now need to Await.result the EmbeddedTwitterServer.mainResult() to assert the error.

    You may also experience some new non-deterministic behavior when testing against PubSub style logic. As the server may be started earlier, your tests may be relying on assumptions that an event would have occurred within the previous 1 second startup poll, which is no longer guaranteed. You may need to adjust your test logic to account for this behavior.


  • finatra: Update dependency to 4.2.3 and net.codingwell.scala-guice to version 4.2.11. The net.codingwell.scala-guice library has switched from Manifests to TypeTags for transparent binding and injector key creation. The c.t.inject.TwitterModule has moved from its custom bind DSL to the scalaguice.ScalaModule which brings the TwitterModule inline with both the TwitterPrivateModule and the bind[T] test DSL to now have the same consistent binding DSL across all three. Thus, there is no more confusing bindSingleton function in the TwitterModule bind API.

    Upgrading scalaguice helps move a necessary dependency of Finatra to a version which is Scala 2.13 compatible moving Finatra closer to Scala 2.13 support. 26c1e810 5faa2e6f


  • inject-app: Having two sets of flag converters for primitive types (both Java and Scala) confuses the DI runtime, preventing the injection. We now have only a single set of converters, based off Scala primitive types. 9c1b0d68


3 years ago


  • inject-app: You can now inject Flag values of any type (not just primitive types). Most of the common Flag types are already supported out of the box (e.g., Seq[InetSocketAddress]), but it's also possible to register your own converters derived from any Flaggable instance. 92a47062
  • inject-stack: Move StackTransformer from inject/inject-core to inject/inject-stack to remove the finagle-core dependency from inject/inject-core. 554e367e
  • inject-server: adding httpPostAdmin test method. 067b45cf


  • thrift/http: Introduce a Common Log Format type of formatting for Thrift access logging to replace the current prelog text. Ensure the HTTP and Thrift access logging filters are aligned in functionality and behavior. f7108618
  • inject-slf4j: Remove Jackson dependency. Case classes which wish to use the slf4j Logging functionality should use the finatra/jackson c.t.finatra.jackson.caseclass.SerdeLogging trait which provides a @JsonIgnoreProperties to ignore logging fields. 70111cd8


4 years ago


  • inject-mdc: Move MDC integration from inject/inject-slf4j to inject/inject-mdc. daf8716d
  • finatra-http|finatra-thrift: Update TraceIdMDCFilter to log traceSampled and traceSpanId PHAB_ID=472013
  • finatra-examples: Ensure there are Java and Scala examples for the different types of applications and servers which can be built with Finatra. Update /examples directory layout for discoverability and consistency. 2c45831c


  • inject-slf4j: Move MDC integration from inject/inject-slf4j to inject/inject-mdc. daf8716d
  • finatra-http: Allow extensions of the c.t.finatra.http.filters.HttpResponseFilter to specify how to set the Location Header value into a Response. Additionally, don't allow exceptions resulting from the inability to set a non-compliant 'Location' response header escape the filter. e827d91f
  • inject-core: Make flag methods in c.t.inject.TwitterModule public an final. 455ee6de
  • inject-core: c.t.inject.Mockito has been marked deprecated. Users are encouraged to prefer mockito-scala (or ScalaTest MockitoSugar which provides some basic syntax sugar for Mockito). 9dac0470
  • http: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Update the c.t.finatra.http.HttpResponseFilter to optionally fully qualify response 'Location' header values. A previous change made the filter always attempt to fully qualify any response 'Location' header value. This updates the logic to be opt-in for the more strict returning of fully qualified 'Location' header values with the default being to allow relative values per the RFC7231 which replaces the obsolete RFC2616. This is thus a breaking API change as the default is now to allow relative values. To enable the previous strict behavior, users should instantiate the filter with the constructor arg fullyQualifyLocationHeader set to 'true'. This addresses issue #524. b6453a4d
  • jackson: Remove deprecated FinatraObjectMapper and FinatraJacksonModule. Users are encouraged to switch to the equivalent c.t.finatra.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper and c.t.finatra.jackson.modules.ScalaObjectMapperModule. 416cb346
  • finatra-http: Update c.t.finatra.http.StreamingJsonTestHelper to not use Thread.sleep for writing JSON elements on an artificial delay. 01fdd9cf
  • inject-app: Remove finagle-core dependency. Introduce finatra/inject/inject-dtab. f8f4a35e
  • finatra: Bump version of Jackson to 2.11.0. e265ba87
  • finatra-http: Only create EnrichedResponse counters when needed. Any "service/failure" response counters will only be generated upon first failure and not eagerly for each response generated. This change impacts users who expect a counter value of 0 when no response failures have been encountered - now the counter will not exist until the first failure has been recorded. b0626bd8
  • finatra: Bump version of Joda-Time to 2.10.6. f67fb7ab


  • inject-thrift-client: Convert non-camel case ThriftMethod names, e.g., "get_tweets" to camelCase, e.g., "getTweets" for reflection lookup of generated ReqRepServicePerEndpoint interface methods in c.t.inject.thrift.filters.DarkTrafficFilter. ca538d64


4 years ago


  • inject-app: Add default type conversions for java.time.LocalTime, c.t.util.Time,, and c.t.util.StorageUnit. This allows the injector to convert from a String representation to the given type. The type conversion for uses the implementation and the type conversion for c.t.util.Time uses the implementation for consistency with Flag parsing. Because of the current state of type erasure with instances, Finatra currently binds a parsed value as a String type, relying on registered Guice TypeConverters to convert from the bound String type to the requested type. These conversions now allow for a defined over the type to be injected by the type as Guice now has a type conversion from the bound String type rather than as a String representation which then must be manually converted. 20ac122f

  • finatra-http: Method in tests to return an absolute path URI with the https scheme and authority ffed3815

  • finatra: Java-friendly bindClass test APIs. The bindClass API calls from Java can be now chained with the TestInjector, EmbeddedApp, EmbeddedTwitterServer, EmbeddedThriftServer, and EmbeddedHttpServer. For example, the following is now possible:

    EmbeddedHttpServer server = new EmbeddedHttpServer(
        new HelloWorldServer(),
        .bindClass(Integer.class, Flags.named("magic.number"), 42)
        .bindClass(Integer.class, Flags.named("module.magic.number"), 9999);
    return server;



  • inject-app: Introduce consistent creation methods for Java. Bring HTTP and Thrift server traits inline with each other to provide consistent Java support. Ensure Java examples in documentation. c7d8c46c

  • inject-core: Update the configuration of instances created within a c.t.inject.TwitterModule to have failFastUntilParsed set to 'true' by default. While this is configurable for a given c.t.inject.TwitterModule, much like for the application itself, it is STRONGLY recommended that users adopt this behavior. e74ef0a3

  • inject-app: Update to always add the InjectorModule. 6e53e77a

  • inject-app: Reduce visibility of internal code in a166dc89

  • inject-modules: Updated BUILD files for Pants 1:1:1 layout. a4fbbd19


  • finatra-kafka: Close a result observer when Namer.resolve fails. f358993f


4 years ago


  • inject-app: Add Java-friendly main to EmbeddedApp. 4b40075d

  • finatra-kafka: Expose timeout duration in KafkaProducerConfig dest(). c5340a97


  • finatra-validation|jackson: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Introduced new case class validation library inspired by JSR-380 specification. The new library can be used as its own to validate field and method annotations for a case class. The library is also automatically integrated with Finatra's custom CaseClassDeserializer to efficiently apply per field and method validations as request parsing is performed. However, Users can easily turn off validation during request parsing with the setting noValidation in their server configurations. For more information, please checkout Finatra User's Guide. d874b1a9


4 years ago


  • finatra-kafka-streams: Add method to c.t.f.kafkastreams.test.TopologyTesterTopic to write Kafka messages with custom headers to topics. a9fef3dc

  • finatra-http: Add toBufReader to get the underlying Reader of Buf from StreamingResponse. If the consumed Stream primitive is not Buf, the returned reader streams a serialized JSON array. 876d0ba9

  • inject-app: Add functions to to provide better ergonomics for Java users to call and use basic App lifecycle callbacks. f04772df

  • inject-server: Add functions to c.t.inject.server.AbstractTwitterServer to provide better ergonomics for Java users to call and use basic TwitterServer lifecycle callbacks. f04772df

  • inject-slf4j: Add a way to retrieve the currently stored Local Context map backing the MDC. 12b9410e

  • finatra-jackson: Added new functionality in the CaseClassDeserializer to support more Jackson annotations during deserialization. See documentation for more information. 49014890

  • finatra: Add NullKafkaProducer for unit tests to avoid network connection failures in the log. d8d4d5db


  • finatra-validation|jackson: Remove Jackson dependency from finatra/validation. This was for ErrorCode reporting but can be moved to finatra/jackson. f024f929

  • finatra-kafka-streams: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Update AsyncTransformer to preserve record context. be5dd08f

  • finatra-jackson: Better handling of Scala enumeration mapping errors. Currently, if mapping of a Scala enumeration during deserialization fails a java.util.NoSuchElementException is thrown which escapes deserialization error handling. Update to instead handle this failure case in order to correctly translate into a CaseClassFieldMappingException which will be wrapped into a CaseClassMappingException. 4753c6e8

  • finatra: Update Google Guice version to 4.2.0 76506c35

  • finatra: Bumped version of Joda to 2.10.2 and Joda-Convert to 1.5. 9adef421

  • finatra-jackson|finatra-http-annotations: Move http-releated Jackson "injectablevalues" annotations from finatra/jackson to finatra/http-annotations.

    Specifically the follow have changed packages, c.t.finatra.request.QueryParam --> c.t.finatra.http.annotations.QueryParam c.t.finatra.request.RouteParam --> c.t.finatra.http.annotations.RouteParam c.t.finatra.request.FormParam --> c.t.finatra.http.annotations.FormParam c.t.finatra.request.Header --> c.t.finatra.http.annotations.Header c.t.finatra.request.JsonIgnoreBody --> c.t.finatra.http.annotations.JsonIgnoreBody

    Users should update from finatra/jackson/src/main/java (finatra-jackson_2.12) to finatra/http-annotations/src/main/java (finatra-http-annotations_2.12). 77469e17

  • finatra-jackson: Updated Finatra Jackson integration to introduce a new ScalaObjectMapper and module to simplify configuration and creation of the mapper. See documentation for more information. 49014890

  • finatra-jackson: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Moved the java binding annotations, CamelCaseMapper and SnakeCaseMapper from c.t.finatra.annotations in finatra/jackson to c.t.finatra.json.annotations in finatra/json-annotations. Moved c.t.finatra.response.JsonCamelCase to c.t.finatra.json.annotations.JsonCamelCase which is also now deprecated. Users are encouraged to use the standard Jackson annotations or a mapper with the desired property naming strategy configured.

    Many exceptions for case class deserialization were meant to be internal to the framework but are useful or necessary outside of the internals of JSON deserialization. As such we have cleaned up and made most JSON deserialization exceptions public. As a result, all the exceptions have been moved from c.t.finatra.json.internal.caseclass.exceptions to c.t.finatra.jackson.caseclass.exceptions.

    c.t.finatra.json.internal.caseclass.exceptions.CaseClassValidationException has been renamed to c.t.finatra.jackson.caseclass.exceptions.CaseClassFieldMappingException. JsonInjectException, JsonInjectionNotSupportedException, and RequestFieldInjectionNotSupportedException have all been deleted and replaced with c.t.finatra.jackson.caseclass.exceptions.InjectableValuesException which represents the same error cases.

    The FinatraJsonMappingException has been removed. Users are encouraged to instead use the general Jackson JsonMappingException (which the FinatraJsonMappingException extends).

    RepeatedCommaSeparatedQueryParameterException has been moved tom finatra/http. 49014890


  • finatra-jackson: Access to parameter names via Java reflection is not supported in Scala 2.11. Added a work around for the parsing of case class structures to support JSON deserialization in Scala 2.11 and forward. 59ec2c21

  • finatra-jackson: Fix for enforcing "fail on unknown properties" during deserialization. Previously, the CaseClassDeserializer was optimized to only read the fields in the case class constructor from the incoming JSON and thus ignored any unknown fields during deserialization. The fix will now properly fail if the DeserializationFeature is set or if the JsonProperties is configured accordingly. 49014890


4 years ago


  • finatra: Exposing Listening Server's bound address in Thrift and HTTP server traits c17f55df
  • finatra: Upgrade logback to 1.2.3 445ddf89


  • inject-server: Fix issue in c.t.inject.server.EmbeddedHttpClient where assertion of an empty response body was incorrectly disallowed. This prevented asserting that a server was not yet healthy as the /health endpoint returns an empty string, thus even a not yet healthy server would report as "healthy" to the testing infrastructure as long as the health endpoint returned a 200 - OK response. e9aa2dac


4 years ago


  • finatra: Upgrade to jackson 2.9.10 and jackson-databind 14fc3714

  • finatra: Correctly track Ignorable Exceptions in per-method StatsFilter. Responses marked as Ignorable are tracked in the global requests and exceptions metrics but were not counted under the per-method metrics. There are now counts of ignored and total requests as well as ignored requests by Exception for each method. E.g.

    per_method_stats/foo/ignored 1 per_method_stats/foo/ignored/java.lang.Exception 1 per_method_stats/foo/requests 1


  • finatra-http|jackson (BREAKING API CHANGE): Move parsing of message body contents from finatra/jackson via the FinatraObjectMapper #parseMessageBody, #parseRequestBody, and #parseResponseBody methods to finatra/http with functionality replicated via an implicit which enhances a given FinatraObjectMapper. Additionally we have updated finatra-http the MessageBodyComponent API to use c.t.finagle.http.Message instead of c.t.finagle.http.Request and c.t.finagle.http.Response. This means that users can use the MessageBodyComponent API to read the body of Finagle HTTP requests or responses and all HTTP concerns are co-located in finatra-http instead of being partially implemented in finatra-jackson.

    In updating the MessageBodyComponent API we have removed support for polymorphic MessageBodyReader types, that is we have simplified the MessageBodyReader API to no longer express the #parse method parameterized to a subtype of the class type. This API allowed parsing a message body into a subtype solely through the presence of a given type parameter but the resulting API has proven to be extremely clunky. We feel that the same behavior is achievable in other ways (such as adapting the type after parsing) and the improvement and simplification of the MessageBodyReader API to be worth removing the awkward method signature.

    Lastly, we have fixed the returned charset encoding on response content-type header to be applicable only where appropriate instead of always being added when the http.response.charset.enabled flag is set to true. 4c6283b2

  • finatra: (BREAKING API CHANGE) move DarkTrafficFilter and related modules from finatra/thrift to inject/inject-thrift-client. The modules now extend from c.t.inject.thrift.modules.ThriftClientModuleTrait for more uniform configuration. The following changes were made:

    • c.t.finatra.thrift.filters.DarkTrafficFilter -> c.t.inject.thrift.filters.DarkTrafficFilter
    • c.t.finatra.thrift.modules.DarkTrafficFilterModule -> c.t.inject.thrift.modules.DarkTrafficFilterModule
    • c.t.finatra.thrift.modules.ReqRepDarkTrafficFilterModule -> c.t.inject.thrift.modules.ReqRepDarkTrafficFilterModule
    • c.t.finatra.thrift.modules.JavaDarkTrafficFilterModule -> c.t.inject.thrift.modules.JavaDarkTrafficFilterModule


  • finatra: Update Google Guice version to 4.1.0, update ScalaTest to 3.0.8, and ScalaCheck to 1.14.0. 1bc3e889

  • finatra-http: Remove deprecated c.t.finatra.http.HttpHeaders. Users should use com.twitter.finagle.http.Fields instead. e9e5d4e2

  • finatra-http: Remove deprecated DocRootModule. 6163e7f7

  • finatra-http: (BREAKING CHANGE) Remove automatic handling of Mustache rendering from finatra/http and break Mustache support into two separate libraries: finatra/mustache and finatra/http-mustache.

    HTTP services that want the framework to automatically negotiate Mustache template rendering via the Finatra HTTP MessageBodyComponents framework must now bring this concern into their HTTP services via the finatra/http-mustache c.t.finatra.http.modules.MustacheModule as the HTTP framework support for specifying a MustacheModule in the HttpServer has been removed. I.e., add this module to the server's list of modules.

    Additionally, it is also now possible to use Mustache templating completely independent of Finatra HTTP concerns by consuming and using only the finatra/mustache library which will render Strings via defined Mustache templates. e6aaa19f


  • finatra-http: Fixed issue in the DefaultMessageBodyReaderImpl that determines if the incoming message is "json encoded". c1f1a093
  • inject-modules: Removed the extra registration for closing a client, which used to log false warnings when startup a ClientModule. Only register close after materialized clients. ddda0b12
  • inject-server: Addressed a race condition that could allow for an AdminHttpServer to be started, even when the disableAdminHttpServer property was set. The AdminHttpServer will no longer start prior to the warm-up phase if disabled. The disableAdminHttpServer property has also been moved to com.twitter.server.AdminHttpServer. 113b7d8
  • finatra: Remove com.sun.activation dependency from build.sbt file. The dependency duplicates the javax.activation dependency and as a result can cause a uber-JAR to fail to build. fd67b836


  • finatra-jackson: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Move all Case Class annotation validation related logic to a new library in finatra-validation. Please update your library dependencies to the new library if you are using case class validations. ba5a0451