FileDownloader Versions Save

Multitask、MultiThread(MultiConnection)、Breakpoint-resume、High-concurrency、Simple to use、Single/NotSingle-process


5 years ago


Version 1.7.5



  • Fix: fix raise "Not allowed to start service Intent..." issue when starting DownloadService on Android O and the application isn't on the foreground and also not on the whitelist, because we can't use JobScheduler to handle the download affair. closes #1078


  • Improve Practicability: support character set and the language encoding for Content-Disposition. closes #1057
  • Improve Practicability: cover the error response code 416 from aliyun repo. closes #1050


6 years ago


Version 1.7.4



  • Fix: fix raise 'IllegalStateException' on Android 8+ when FileDownloader try to re-bind service after the connection with the service is lost on downloading state and the app is on the background. closes #1017
  • Fix: fix the directory traversal vulnerability security issue. closes #1028


6 years ago


Version 1.7.3



Fix: fix fd isn't released manually when download finished which may raise oom when there are a large number of tasks that are continuously initiated.


6 years ago


Version 1.7.2



  • Fix: do not download callback error when the instance length of the task is zero, callback complete directly instead. closes #789
  • Fix: fix the temp duplicate data in the database isn't removed when there is another running task with the same temp file path. closes #953
  • Fix: the data lost when retry. closes #949
  • Fix: fix the instance-length is always 1 when the Content-Range isn't provided but the Content-Length is provided on the trial connection.


  • Improve Practicability: using the content length value on the Content-Range field when there isn't Content-Length field found in the response header. closes #967


6 years ago



  • Fix: fix download failed with 405 response code when backend can't support HEAD method. closes #942


6 years ago



  • Fix: fix update status can't keep flow through making updating status synchronized with pause action. close #889
  • Fix: fix the sofar-bytes carry back through pending state callback has already discarded. close #884
  • Fix: fix can't find filename if filename value on content-disposition without around with ". close #908
  • Fix: correct setCallbackProgressTimes method make setCallbackProgressTimes work correctly. close #901
  • Fix: fix download useless data on tcp-window because of the first trial connection use 0-infinite range. close #933
  • Fix: close input stream when connection ending avoids input-stream leak especially for the trial connection.


  • Improve Practicability: do not remove the temp-file if rename it to the target path success to prevent raise some file-system problem. close #912
  • Improve Practicability: discard range totally if the range is right but backend response 416. close #921
  • Improve Performance: using HEAD request method instead of GET method for trial connect. ref #933


6 years ago


Version 1.6.9



  • Fix(serial-queue): fix deadlock on FileDownloadSerialQueue. closes #858
  • Fix: do not use j-unit on library non-unit-test env to fix the no-static-method-found issue on some mi-phones. closes #867
  • Fix: fix decrease two times of retry-chance each time of retry. closes #838
  • Fix: fix get status is pending when a task has been paused on pending status. closes #855


  • Improve Practicability: public SqliteDatabaseImplRemitDatabaseNoDatabaseImpl, so you can overwrite them
  • Improve Practicability: support downgrade version from newer version
  • Improve Practicability: add the default User-Agent if upper layer does not add. closes #848
  • Improve Performance: change the keepalive second(5s to 15s) for each executor, since when downloading multiple tasks thread release and recreate too frequently
  • Improve Performance: using RemitDatabase instead of DefaultFiledownloadDatabase to avoid some small task start and finished on the very short time but consume too much time on sync status to database what is useless


6 years ago


  • Fix: fix resume from breakpoint failed because of isAlive not guarantee on Network-thread. this closes #793
  • Fix: fix resume from breakpoint failed, because of multi-thread update status very frequently and Messenger can't guarantee order. this refs #793, #764, #721, #769, #763, #761, #716
  • Fix: do not crash user when a task has finished but the messenger still has messages, because it's fine for the user. this closes #562
  • Fix: fix the callback error of 'it can't take a snapshot for the task xxx' when a user invokes pause very frequently.
  • Fix: fix the case of process on the model is wrong which raise 416 each time when restarting it.


6 years ago



  • Fix: Avoid error/pause status is covered by other processing-status which will cause resume-failed, task-never-end. this closes #769, closes #764, closes #761, closes #763, closes #721, closes #716
  • Fix: Fix request range value turn to negative when resuming a task which has a process more than 1.99G on its one block. Thanks to @hongbiangoal closes #791


6 years ago



  • Fix(file-integrality): update the process to the database only if all buffers on output-stream or system have been flush and sync to device successfully to avoid resume on the wrong point raise complete file, not integrality. Closes #745
  • Fix(clear): fix FileDownloader#clearAllTaskData not clear connection table. Closes #754


  • Import Performance: optimize the default output-stream with buffered-output-stream, now the VM buffers length is 8192 bytes.