Fdir Versions Save

⚡ The fastest directory crawler & globbing library for NodeJS. Crawls 1m files in < 1s


3 years ago

What's Improved:

  1. Performance improved by 8%.


3 years ago

Breaking Changes:

  1. Due to issues with export default in the Type Definitions, I had to migrate to using named exports. (#37)

So this is now invalid:

import fdir from "fdir";

Instead do this:


import { fdir } from "fdir";


const { fdir } = require("fdir");


4 years ago

What's Fixed

  1. Fixed issue where excludeFn was affected by Options (#31) Now fdir only will send the root directory name as the param to excludeFn.


4 years ago

What's Fixed:

  1. Enabled dotfile matching in glob API by default (Fixes: #30)


4 years ago


4 years ago

What's New:

  1. Multiple filters are now supported. So basically, this will now work as expected:
new fdir().filter(p => p.endsWith(".js")).filter(p => p.startsWith(".nim"))
  1. I have finally added glob pattern caching so globbing performance should increase by about 5-8% if you are using the same glob pattern again and again.

Install using:

$ npm i fdir


4 years ago

Breaking Changes:

  1. Due to performance reasons, I had to remove passing an Options object through the constructor. In place of that, now there is a new crawlWithOptions that takes an Options object in its second parameter:
new fdir().crawlWithOptions("path/to/dir", { includeBasePath: true }).sync();


  1. fdir will now properly handle the case where picomatch is not installed.


  1. Some minor memory improvements were made which should improve the performance slightly.


4 years ago

What's Improved

  1. glob performance has been improved by about 40%.


4 years ago

What's New:

  1. It is now possible to pass an Options object directly into the constructor, avoiding method chaining completely.

What's Fixed:

  1. Added missing typescript definitions for withError & crawl.
  2. Fixed another small issue where Synchronous API was causing a crash.

Install using:

npm i fdir

NOTE: This release follows semantic versioning and therefore, it is not backwards compatible with 2.x.


4 years ago