Exceptionless.Net Versions Save

Exceptionless clients for the .NET platform


3 years ago

Version 4.6.0 is a maintenance release that added support for Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting (generic host) via the Exceptionless.Extensions.Hosting NuGet package (#241).


  • Added support for Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting (generic host) via the Exceptionless.Extensions.Hosting NuGet package (#241).
  • Ensure we respect Data Exclusions on Dictionary keys. This helps ensure that sensitive data is removed client side.


  • Updated samples to show off different ways to use the client in web applications and generic host.

Upgrading to 4.6.0

If upgrading from v2 or v3 the upgrade process should include just updating your NuGet packages. Please see the upgrade guide for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.


We're listening and we'd love to hear your feedback! Please send us your feedback by clicking on one of the links below!


3 years ago

Version 4.5.1 is a maintenance release that focused on bug fixes, updated documentation links and devcontainer support!

Bug Fixes

Upgrading to 4.5.1

If upgrading from v2 or v3 the upgrade process should include just updating your NuGet packages. Please see the upgrade guide for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.


We're listening and we'd love to hear your feedback! Please send us your feedback by clicking on one of the links below!


3 years ago

Version 4.5.0 focuses on improving async stack traces as well as tweaking web scenarios to provide additional value. We also are now testing the client on every build against MacOS, Linux and Windows!.


  • All unit tests now run cross MacOS, Linux and Windows on every build! This will help prevent any cross platform bugs going forward!
  • Improve Async stack traces by removing async state machines (#236)
  • Improved how we resolved application version (#236).
  • Added ability to configure default client through lambda in UseExceptionless(c => c.ReadFromConfiguration(Configuration)) method (https://github.com/exceptionless/Exceptionless.Net/commit/55ff46522f74130d24af001119c081575e3bc895)
  • For ASP.NET clients
    • Added .NET Core config support for EnableLogging , LogPath, QueueMaxAge, QueueMaxAttempts, StorageSerializer (#237). This brings parity with the previous Config Section implementations and allows you to do client diagnostic logging without recompiling your applications!
    • Request cancelled exceptions won't be submitted. This can prevent a lot of noise in web applications.
    • Don't include Post Data for GET Requests. This was an unnecessary and potentially expensive operation (#236).

Bug Fixes

Breaking Changes

  • Removed support for Nancy. The official Nancy project has been deprecated. If you are using Nancy please stay on version v4.4.1 (#235).
  • We updated the minimum .NET Framework version from 4.5.0 to 4.5.2. Please note that .NET 4.5.x is no longer supported by Microsoft.

Upgrading to 4.5.0

If upgrading from v2 or v3 the upgrade process should include just updating your NuGet packages. Please see the upgrade guide for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.


We're listening and we'd love to hear your feedback! Please send us your feedback by clicking on one of the links below!


3 years ago

Version 4.4.1 is a maintenance release which fixed a bug with the wrong machine name being populated in some scenarios.

Bug Fixes

  • Got wrong MachineName when using Exceptionless client v4.4.0 (#233 @witskeeper)

Upgrading to 4.4.1

If upgrading from v2 or v3 the upgrade process should include just updating your NuGet packages. Please see the upgrade guide for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.


We're listening and we'd love to hear your feedback! Please send us your feedback by clicking on one of the links below!


4 years ago

Version 4.4.0 is a maintenance release which removed support for Portable Class Libraries (PCL) and fixed several bugs.


  • Add extension method support for ILoggingBuilder (Contrib @wu-yafeng #226).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with UWP throwing not supported exceptions (#230)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed support for PCL Projects, if you are on a PCL Project we recommend staying on v4.3.5 or migrating to netstandard 2.0 (#227).

Upgrading to 4.4.0

If upgrading from v2 or v3 the upgrade process should include just updating your NuGet packages. Please see the upgrade guide for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.


We're listening and we'd love to hear your feedback! Please send us your feedback by clicking on one of the links below!


4 years ago

Version 4.3.5 focused on adding support for .NET Core WinForms and WPF. Please note that this is the last release which will support Portable Class Libraries (PCL) via the Exceptionless.Portable NuGet Package. Also, we now sign all NuGet Packages and the next release we will also stop releasing the xxx.Signed NuGet Packages. We've also updated our build to use GitHub Actions! We want everything to live in one spot: GitHub!


  • Added .NET Core WinForms and WPF support (Contrib @rwecho #216)
  • All packages are now strong signed and all signed packages are now deprecated and will be removed in the next release.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where operation not supported exception would be thrown on UWP release mode (Contrib @h82258652 #219).
  • Ensure WPF Client doesn't reference WinForms (Contrib @Phyxion #224)
  • Fixed several cross platform bugs with storage and deduplication. These were found when we migrated the tests to run on both Full .NET Framework and on .NET Core!
  • Fixed a bug with reading client configuration attributes when targeting .NET Core.


  • Fixed some performance issues calculating hashes for deduplication.
  • Optimized how logs are persisted to disk.

Breaking Changes

  • Exceptionless client packages removed support for .NET Standard 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5. We will continue to support .NET Standard 2.0 going forward.

Upgrading to 4.3.5

If upgrading from v2 or v3 the upgrade process should include just updating your NuGet packages. Please see the upgrade guide for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.


We're listening and we'd love to hear your feedback! Please send us your feedback by clicking on one of the links below!


5 years ago

Version 4.3.4 is a maintenance release that focused on bug fixes.

Bug Fixes

  • Improved the exception logging around submitting events (Contrib @edwardmeng #206).
  • Fixed a bug where the HttpClient was getting closed unexpectedly and throwing exceptions (Contrib @edwardmeng #207).
  • Fixed a bug where the Asp.Net Core signed package was not referencing full framework.
  • Fixed several bugs with our equality checks that relates to deduplication.

Upgrading to 4.3.4

If upgrading from v2 or v3 the upgrade process should include just updating your NuGet packages. Please see the upgrade guide for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.


We're listening and we'd love to hear your feedback! Please send us your feedback by clicking on one of the links below!


5 years ago

Version 4.3.3 is a maintenance release that focused on improving the Asp.Net Core client.

New Features

  • Add support for automatically getting the HttpContext via the IHttpContextAccessor. If you call services.AddHttpContextAccessor(), then the request info and user information will be populated on all events (Contrib @ moogle001 #205).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the Nancy and Asp.Net Core client where the port was being set to 0.

Upgrading to 4.3.2

If upgrading from v2 or v3 the upgrade process should include just updating your NuGet packages. Please see the upgrade guide for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.


We're listening and we'd love to hear your feedback! Please send us your feedback by clicking on one of the links below!


5 years ago

Version 4.3.2 is a maintenance release that focused on fixing bugs.

Bug Fixes

  • Internalized the Json.Net implementation. This should improve the tooling experience not bringing in our namespaces. (Contrib @yang-xiaodong #165).
  • Improved client logging with better response messages (#198).
  • Fixed a bug where post data wouldn't be reported if it was 1024 characters (Contrib @lvJianWu #200).
  • Fixed a bug where the Asp.Net Core client was specifying the incorrect submission method (Contrib @mattbrooks2010 #202).

Upgrading to 4.3.2

If upgrading from v2 or v3 the upgrade process should include just updating your NuGet packages. Please see the upgrade guide for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.


We're listening and we'd love to hear your feedback! Please send us your feedback by clicking on one of the links below!


5 years ago

Version 4.3.1 is a maintenance release that focused on improving certificate validation and fixing bugs.

New Features

  • Added support for validating that an SSL Certificate is valid. This helps prevent man in the middle attacks. There is also a new ServerCertificateValidationCallback configuation function that you can specify your own validation logic. You can specify the thumbprint of your custom certificate by calling TrustCertificateThumbprint or ignore all certificate errors by calling the SkipCertificateValidation configuration extension method. (Contrib @zivillian #194).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where Post Data could be lost (Contrib @srijken #190).
  • Fixed a bug where there could be a dead lock when resubmitting events (Contrib @lscpike #195).

Upgrading to 4.3.1

If upgrading from v2 or v3 the upgrade process should include just updating your NuGet packages. Please see the upgrade guide for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.


We're listening and we'd love to hear your feedback! Please send us your feedback by clicking on one of the links below!