Exceptionless Versions Save

Exceptionless application


1 year ago

What's Changed

Our latest update includes new features such as support for Discord notifications, Elasticsearch 8.0, OpenTelemetry, .NET 7.0, arm64 and more. Plus, we've merged our UI codebase into our main repo for streamlined self-hosting and development.

New Features

Bug Fixes

Breaking Changes

Upgrading to 8.0

The only users that need to worry about upgrading anything for this new release are self-hosters. If you are self-hosting Exceptionless, please review the Self Hosting Documentation, which contains information about upgrading your existing install. Please review the self-hosting documentation for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.

Always Improving

We’re always striving to improve the efficiency of Exceptionless and all of our projects. If you see any room for improvement or have any comments when using anything from us, please send us an in-app message or submit a GitHub issue.


We'd like to say thank you to the community and project sponsors for helping us ship 8.0!


2 years ago

This release fixed an issue with our all in one docker images.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/exceptionless/Exceptionless/compare/v7.2.0...v7.2.1


2 years ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/exceptionless/Exceptionless/compare/v7.1.1...v7.2.0


2 years ago

The v7.1.0 release focused on fixing bugs and improving the performance of the system.

New Features

  • Add ability to run jobs inside of the all in one docker image. This allows you to run a job as easily as docker run --rm -it exceptionless/exceptionless:latest DataMigration.
  • Improved data cleanup by removing open stacks 60 days older than the retention period that have no references (#941 #942).
  • Added OpenTelemetry support for greater observability.


  • Improved performance of looking up stack status when filtering events, by caching query results to know if a simulated join would exceed requirements without preforming the work (#943).
  • Reduced console logging costs (@benaadams #830).
  • Remove boxing and params allocations from logging calls (@benaadams #829 #838).
  • Removed extra search calls when getting previous and next event ids by removing the need to look up the stack status.
  • Fixed a bug where frequent Elasticsearch calls for webhooks and users weren't being cached.
  • Organization and Project stats endpoints will now include soft deleted count. This saves a lot of overhead filtering out deleted stacks as events are immutable.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the incorrect status code could be returned when rate limited. HTTP Status 429 (TooManyRequests) will now be returned (@benaadams #837).
  • Fixed several issues with our stack event join logic (#825).
  • Fixed a bug with email summary notifications showing stacks fixed count incorrectly (#852 #891).
  • Fixed queue job abandon issues with organization overage notifications.

Breaking Changes

  • We've made changes to email configuration in this release. If you are self hosting you will need to specify a config map value (EX_SmtpFrom) or environment variable depending on your hosting environment. Please see the following config map value example below:
EX_SmtpFrom: "Exceptionless <noreply@YOUR_CUSTOM_DOMAIN_NAME>"

Upgrading to 7.1.0

The only users that need to worry about upgrading anything for this new release are self-hosters. If you are self hosting Exceptionless, please review the Self Hosting Documentation, which contains information about upgrading your existing install. Please review the self hosting documentation for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.

Always Improving

We’re always striving to improve the efficiency of Exceptionless and all of our projects. If you see any room for improvement or have any comments when using anything from us, please send us an in-app message or submit a GitHub issue.


We'd like to say thank you to the community and project sponsors for helping us ship 7.1!


3 years ago

The v7.0.9 release fixed a few bugs that were reported and improved search on the source field.

New Features

  • More improvements to how source field is tokenized resulting in much improved search. Namespaces (e.g., namespace.controller.getUrl) are now broken apart and can be searched (#748).

Bug Fixes

Upgrading to 7.0.9

The only users that need to worry about upgrading anything for this new release are self-hosters. If you are self hosting Exceptionless, please review the Self Hosting Documentation, which contains information about upgrading your existing install. Please review the self hosting documentation for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.

Always Improving

We’re always striving to improve the efficiency of Exceptionless and all of our projects. If you see any room for improvement or have any comments when using anything from us, please send us an in-app message or submit a GitHub issue.


We'd like to say thank you to the community and project sponsors for helping us ship 7.0!


3 years ago

The v7.0.8 release fixed a few bugs that were reported and improved search on the source field. This release is a prerelease due to a regression we found with the stack filter which was fixed in v7.0.9

New Features

  • Improved how the how source field is tokenized resulting in much improved search (#748).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where more bytes written than specified in the Content-Length header (#775).
  • Fixed a search issue with soft deleted sessions still showing up in the sessions dashboard (#767).
  • Fixed a bug where a null reference exception could be thrown in the cleanup job (#779).
  • Fixed a health check condition for the Stack Status Job (#779).

Upgrading to 7.0.8

The only users that need to worry about upgrading anything for this new release are self-hosters. If you are self hosting Exceptionless, please review the Self Hosting Documentation, which contains information about upgrading your existing install. Please review the self hosting documentation for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.

Always Improving

We’re always striving to improve the efficiency of Exceptionless and all of our projects. If you see any room for improvement or have any comments when using anything from us, please send us an in-app message or submit a GitHub issue.


We'd like to say thank you to the community and project sponsors for helping us ship 7.0!


3 years ago

Version 7.0.7 is a maintenance release that updates to the latest version of Elasticsearch (7.10.0).

Upgrading to 7.0.7

The only users that need to worry about upgrading anything for this new release are self-hosters. If you are self hosting Exceptionless, please review the Self Hosting Documentation, which contains information about upgrading your existing install. Please review the self hosting documentation for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.

Always Improving

We’re always striving to improve the efficiency of Exceptionless and all of our projects. If you see any room for improvement or have any comments when using anything from us, please send us an in-app message or submit a GitHub issue.


We'd like to say thank you to the community and project sponsors for helping us ship 7.0!


3 years ago

The v7.0.6 release supports .NET 5.0 RTM and fixed a bug with the job runner

Bug Fixes

  • Update Foundatio which resolves a job hosting bug when no jobs are specified.

Upgrading to 7.0.6

The only users that need to worry about upgrading anything for this new release are self-hosters. If you are self hosting Exceptionless, please review the Self Hosting Documentation, which contains information about upgrading your existing install. Please review the self hosting documentation for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.

Always Improving

We’re always striving to improve the efficiency of Exceptionless and all of our projects. If you see any room for improvement or have any comments when using anything from us, please send us an in-app message or submit a GitHub issue.


We'd like to say thank you to the community and project sponsors for helping us ship 7.0!


3 years ago

The v7.0.5 release introduces user interface changes for easier management of dynamic log levels. We also fixed some bugs where emails could be sent out to test domains when self hosting and the app mode was set to Development mode and then changed to Production.

Dynamic Log Level User Interface

This release adds the ability to set a default log level that is sent down the client via the User Interface (https://github.com/exceptionless/Exceptionless.UI/pull/203).

image You can set a default minimum log level via project settings.

image And then override it on the stack page!

Bug Fixes

  • Mark sample users as not verified so mailers don't send out emails to invalid domains (#750). You'll want to go and remove any sample users that may have been created, if you were self hosting and ran under Development mode.

Upgrading to 7.0.5

The only users that need to worry about upgrading anything for this new release are self-hosters. If you are self hosting Exceptionless, please review the Self Hosting Documentation, which contains information about upgrading your existing install. Please review the self hosting documentation for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.

Always Improving

We’re always striving to improve the efficiency of Exceptionless and all of our projects. If you see any room for improvement or have any comments when using anything from us, please send us an in-app message or submit a GitHub issue.


We'd like to say thank you to the community and project sponsors for helping us ship 7.0!


3 years ago

The v7.0.4 release fixed several bugs and usability issues.

Bug Fixes


Upgrading to 7.0.4

The only users that need to worry about upgrading anything for this new release are self-hosters. If you are self hosting Exceptionless, please review the Self Hosting Documentation, which contains information about upgrading your existing install. Please review the self hosting documentation for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.

Always Improving

We’re always striving to improve the efficiency of Exceptionless and all of our projects. If you see any room for improvement or have any comments when using anything from us, please send us an in-app message or submit a GitHub issue.


We'd like to say thank you to the community and project sponsors for helping us ship 7.0!