Ember Basic Dropdown Versions Save

The basic dropdown you ember app needs


4 months ago


4 months ago

:bug: Bug Fix

Committers: 2


4 months ago

:bug: Bug Fix

:house: Internal

Committers: 1


4 months ago

:boom: Breaking Change

:house: Internal

Committers: 1


5 months ago

:rocket: Enhancement

:bug: Bug Fix

  • #721 Fix peerDependency of ember-source in package.json (@mkszepp)

:house: Internal

Committers: 2


4 years ago

This is the final 2.0 release of the addon, refactored to use Ember Octane's idioms and a nicer syntax with designed to be used with angle-bracket syntax.


5 years ago

This is the first alpha release towards an octane-compatible release.

It has a few breaking changes. Some of them are intentional and will stay:

  • Public API changed: Previously the contextual component of this addon were invoked with {{#dd.trigger}} and {{#dd.content}}. Now they are expected to be invoked with <dd.Trigger> and <dd.Content>. Note that the names are capitalized. This is done because the new convention that components start with a capital letter.
  • Passing @class, @defaultClass, aria-* and most of those properties doesn't work anymore. This addon now expects to be used with angle-bracket syntax. In angle bracket syntax there is a distinction between component arguments (those preceded with an @ sign) and html attributes, and the latter are a much better way of passing any arbitrary attribute to any of the components and sub-components of this addon.
  • The default eventType of the trigger changed from "mousedown" to "click". That means that dropdown used to open with the mousedown events will now open with click events, which is a saner default. Since most of the time those events are fired together most people won't notice any difference, but in testing if someone was explicitly firing mouseodown events tests would have to be updated.
  • The default rootEventType has changed from "mousedown" to "click". That means that before dropdowns would close as soon as the user mousedowns outside the dropdown, but not it will listed to click events by default. It's unlikely this change will be noticed by anyone.

One particular one is not intentional and I hope will be fixed before the final release:

  • Users no longer can change the tag of the trigger and the content components. This limitation will be fixed once RFC #435 has been implemented.


6 years ago

🎉 🎉 🎉 Finally 1.0 🎉 🎉 🎉

When compared with the last 1.0.0-beta.X version, it contains no changes whatsoever.

The relevant breaking changes when compared with the last 0.X version are:

Drop ember-wormhole, require Glimmer2.

This means also that this new version requires a version of Ember >= 2.10, which is the first one that uses glimmer2 underneath. Ember 2.10 was released in November 2016, so I think it's a reasonable requirement for 2018 apps. However, that haven't updated can continue to use version 0.34, as it has identical features.

Deprecate acceptance test helpers

This addon exposes two test helpers that can be registered as globals: clickDropdown and tapDropdown. Since with the new test syntax for acceptance tests proposed in RFC #268 will not support that kind of global helpers, those helpers have been deprecated in favor of explicitly importing helpers: clickTrigger and tapTrigger from 'ember-basic-dropdown/test-support/helpers', or even better, use click and tap from @ember/test-helpers.


6 years ago

Important release today.

This version prepared the way to the 1.0.0 release. It drops ember-wormhole in favor of the built-in #-in-element construction, which is native and more performant.

Drop ember-wormhole, require Glimmer2.

This means also that this new version requires a version of Ember >= 2.10, which is the first one that uses glimmer2 underneath. Ember 2.10 was released in November 2016, so I think it's a reasonable requirement for 2018 apps. However, that haven't updated can continue to use version 0.34, as it has identical features.

Deprecate acceptance test helpers

This addon exposes two test helpers that can be registered as globals: clickDropdown and tapDropdown. Since with the new test syntax for acceptance tests proposed in RFC #268 will not support that kind of global helpers, those helpers have been deprecated in favor of explicitly importing helpers: clickTrigger and tapTrigger from 'ember-basic-dropdown/test-support/helpers', or even better, use click and tap from @ember/test-helpers.


7 years ago

The addon is approaching it's final release.