.emacs.d Versions Save

Centaur Emacs - A Fancy and Fast Emacs Configuration


7 years ago
  1. Bug fix.
  2. Minor improvement.


7 years ago
  1. Add/enhance a several programming modes: golang, gitflow, imenu-list, etc.
  2. Folding: hideshow, viminish-fold.
  3. Enhance ivy: add ivy-rich.
  4. Use electric-pair instead of smartparens due to performance issue.
  5. Enhance eshell, info, desktop, bookmark, dried.
  6. Support pinyin in avy.
  7. Remove dashboard.
  8. Enable travis-ci.


7 years ago

Use use-package to organize configuration files and speed up loading significantly. Able to customize. e.g. company or auto-complete, ivy, helm or ido, etc. Default: company and ivy.


7 years ago