Elasticsearch Ruby Versions Save

Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch


8 months ago
  • Patch releases back to being detached from Elastic stack releases.
  • Tested compatibility with Elasticsearch v7.17 APIs.
  • Tested versions of Ruby for 7.17.8: Ruby (MRI) 2.7, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, JRuby 9.3, JRuby 9.4.
  • Bugfix in elasticsearch-transport: Fixes enforcing UTF-8 in Response body, causing an error when the string is frozen, particularly when using webmock: issue #63.


10 months ago


  • Tested versions of Ruby for 8.9.0: Ruby (MRI) 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2. JRuby 9.3 and JRuby 9.4.
  • Updated product validation. The code for the product validation was refactored in a few ways:
    • Just check header, does not check the version of the server.
    • Warns only once when there's a general server error.
    • Removes the call to '/' (client.info) when doing the first request, checking on the first actual request from the client.
  • Fixes User-Agent code. In the migration to 8.x, the user agent code was extracted into transport, since we're now using that library in other projects. So for the Elasticsearch Client, the user-agent would be reported as the one defined in elastic-transport. This release fixes the issue and brings back the user agent in the format that was being used in 7.x


This release introduces two new Helpers in the client:

  • BulkHelper - This helper provides a better developer experience when using the Bulk API. At its simplest, you can send it a collection of hashes in an array, and it will bulk ingest them into {es}.
  • ScrollHelper - This helper provides an easy way to get results from a Scroll.

See Helpers to read more about them.


New APIs

  • cluster.info - Returns different information about the cluster.

New Experimental APIs and namespaces:

This functionality is Experimental and may be changed or removed completely in a future release. Elastic will take a best effort approach to fix any issues, but experimental features are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

  • New namespace: query_ruleset
    • query_ruleset.delete - Deletes a query ruleset.
    • query_ruleset.get - Returns the details about a query ruleset.
    • query_ruleset.put - Creates or updates a query ruleset.
  • New API: search_application.render_query Renders a query for given search application search parameters.
  • New API: security.create_cross_cluster_api_key - Creates a cross-cluster API key for API key based remote cluster access.
  • New API: security.upate_cross_cluster_api_key - Updates attributes of an existing cross-cluster API key.
  • New namespace: synonyms
    • synonyms.delete- Deletes a synonym set
    • synonyms.get - Retrieves a synonym set
    • synonyms.put - Creates or updates a synonyms set
  • New namespace: synonym_rule
    • synonym_rule.put - Creates or updates a synonym rule in a synonym set
  • New namespace: synonyms
    • synonyms_set.get - Retrieves a summary of all defined synonym sets


1 year ago
  • Tested versions of Ruby for 8.8.0: Ruby (MRI) 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2. JRuby 9.3 and JRuby 9.4.


  • Updates development dependency minitest-reporters to >= 1.6 to include showing failures at the end of the test run.

New APIs

  • watcher.get_settings - Retrieve settings for the watcher system index.
  • watcher.update_settings - Update settings for the watcher system index.

New Experimental APIs

  • indices.delete_data_lifecycle- Deletes the data lifecycle of the selected data streams
  • indices.explain_data_lifecycle - Retrieves information about the index's current DLM lifecycle, such as any potential encountered error, time since creation etc.
  • indices.get_data_lifecycle - Returns the data lifecycle of the selected data streams.
  • indices.put_data_lifecycle - Updates the data lifecycle of the selected data streams.
  • search_application.delete - Deletes a search application.
  • search_application.delete_behavioral_analytics - Delete a behavioral analytics collection.
  • search_application.get - Returns the details about a search application.
  • search_application.get_behavioral_analytics - Returns the existing behavioral analytics collections.
  • search_application.list - Returns the existing search applications.
  • search_application.post_behavioral_analytics_event - Creates a behavioral analytics event for existing collection.
  • search_application.put - Creates or updates a search application.
  • search_application.put_behavioral_analytics - Creates a behavioral analytics collection.
  • search_application.search - Perform a search against a search application.

API Changes

  • clear_scroll now works with the argument ignore: 404. Issue on GitHub.
  • The code generator was updated to fix a bug for ignore: 404. APIs that were supposed to support this wouldn't parse the parameters correctly. The support it now: security.get_role, watcher.delete_watch
  • cluster.get_component_template, indices.get_data_stream, indices.get_index_template, indices.simulate_index_template, indices.simulate_template - Add include_defaults (Boolean) parameter: Return all default configurations for the component template (default: false).
  • machine_learning.put_trained_model - Adds wait_for_completion (Boolean) parameter: Whether to wait for all child operations(e.g. model download) to complete, before returning or not (default: false).
  • machine_learning.start_trained_model_deployment - Adds deployiment_id (String) parameter: The Id of the new deployment. Defaults to the model_id if not set.
  • search - Adds include_named_queries_score (Boolean) parameter: Indicates whether hit.matched_queries should be rendered as a map that includes the name of the matched query associated with its score (true) or as an array containing the name of the matched queries (false).
  • transform.delete_transform - Adds delete_dest_index (Boolean) parameter: When true, the destination index is deleted together with the transform. The default value is false, meaning that the destination index will not be deleted.


1 year ago

API Bugfix

  • Updates logstash.get_pipeline, fixed in the specification id is not a required parameter, so removes raising ArgumentError when id is not present.


1 year ago
  • Tested versions of Ruby for 8.6.0: Ruby (MRI) 2.7, 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2. JRuby 9.3 and JRuby 9.4. Ruby 2.7's end of life is coming in a few days, so this will probably be the last release to test for Ruby 2.7.

New APIs

  • health_report - Returns the health of the cluster.
  • transform.schedule_now_transform - Schedules now a transform.

API Changes

  • transform.get_transform_stats - Adds timeout (Time) parameter. Controls the time to wait for the stats.
  • transform.start_transform - Adds from (String) parameter. Restricts the set of transformed entities to those changed after this time.
  • ml.delete_job, ml.reset_job - Add delete_user_annotations (Boolean) parameter. Should annotations added by the user be deleted.
  • ml.clear_trained_model_deployment_cache, ml.infer_trained_model, ml.put_trained_model_definition_part, ml.put_trained_model_vocabulary, ml.start_trained_model_deployment, ml.stop_trained_model_deployment - These APIs are no longer in Beta.


1 year ago
  • Tested versions of Ruby for 8.6.0: Ruby (MRI) 2.7, 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2. JRuby 9.3 and JRuby 9.4.

New APIs

  • update_trained_model_deployment - Updates certain properties of trained model deployment (This functionality is in Beta and is subject to change).

API Changes

  • cluster.reroute - :metric parameter adds none as an option.
  • ml.start_trained_model_deployment - New parameter :priority (String), the deployment priority


1 year ago

API Bugfix

Fixes security.create_service_token API, uses POST when token name isn't present. Thanks @carlosdelest for reporting in #1961.


1 year ago


Fixes bug when instantiating client with api_key: When passing in api_key and transport_options that don't include headers to the client, the api_key code would overwrite the arguments passed in for transport_options. This was fixed in this Pull Request. Thanks svdasein for reporting in #1940.


1 year ago
  • Tested versions of Ruby for 8.5.0: Ruby (MRI) 2.7, 3.0 and 3.1, JRuby 9.3.


With the latest release of elastic-transport - v8.1.0 - this gem now supports Faraday v2. Elasticsearch Ruby has an open dependency on elastic-transport ('elastic-transport', '~> 8'), so when you upgrade your gems, 8.1.0 will be installed. This supports both Faraday v1 and Faraday v2. The main change on dependencies when using Faraday v2 is all adapters, except for the default net_http one, have been moved out of Faraday into separate gems. This means if you're not using the default adapter and you migrate to Faraday v2, you'll need to add the adapter gems to your Gemfile.

These are the gems required for the different adapters with Faraday 2, instead of the libraries on which they were based:

# HTTPCLient
gem 'faraday-httpclient'
# NetHTTPPersistent
gem 'faraday-net_http_persistent'
# Patron
gem 'faraday-patron'
# Typhoeus
gem 'faraday-typhoeus'

Things should work fine if you migrate to Faraday 2 as long as you include the adapter (unless you're using the default one net-http), but worst case scenario, you can always lock the version of Faraday in your project to 1.x: gem 'faraday', '~> 1'

Be aware if migrating to Faraday v2 that it requires at least Ruby 2.6, unlike Faraday v1 which requires 2.4.


If you see a message like: :adapter is not registered on Faraday::Adapter (Faraday::Error) Then you probably need to include the adapter library in your gemfile and require it.

Please submit an issue if you encounter any problems.


New APIs

  • machine_learning.clear_trained_model_deployment_cache - Clear the cached results from a trained model deployment (Beta).
  • security.bulk_update_api_keys - Updates the attributes of multiple existing API keys.

API Changes

  • rollup.rollup renamed to indices.downsample. The method now receives the index to downsample (Required) and instead of rollup_index, use target_index as the index to store downsampled data.

  • security.get_api_key and security.query_api_keys add :with_limited_by flag to show the limited-by role descriptors of API Keys.

  • security.get_user adds :with_profile_uid flag to retrieve profile uid (if exists) associated to the user.

  • security.get_user_profile now retrieves user profiles for given unique ID(s). :uid is now a list of comma-separated list of unique identifier for user profiles.

  • text_structure.find_structure adds :ecs_compatibility, optional parameter to specify the compatibility mode with ECS Grok patterns - may be either 'v1' or 'disabled'.

Machine learning APIs promoted from Experimental to Beta:

  • machine_learning.clear_trained_model_deployment_cache.rb
  • machine_learning.infer_trained_model.rb
  • machine_learning.put_trained_model_definition_part.rb
  • machine_learning.put_trained_model_vocabulary.rb
  • machine_learning.start_trained_model_deployment.rb
  • machine_learning.stop_trained_model_deployment.rb

Security usef profile APIs promoted from Experimental to Stable:

  • security/activate_user_profile
  • security/disable_user_profile
  • security/enable_user_profile
  • security/get_user_profile
  • security/has_privileges_user_profile
  • security/suggest_user_profile
  • security/update_user_profile_data


1 year ago
  • Compatibility with Elasticsearch v7.17.7 APIs.
  • Tested versions of Ruby for 7.17.7: Ruby (MRI) 2.6, 2.7, 3.0 and 3.1, JRuby 9.3.