Dspace Angular Versions Save

DSpace 7.x (and later) User Interface built on Angular.io


3 years ago

DSpace 7.0 Beta 4 Release of the Frontend / Angular UI only.

As a Beta release, this is NOT PRODUCTION READY. Additional Beta-level releases are forthcoming which will continue to add features to 7.0. For a rough release timeline, see the DSpace 7 Release Goals.

This DSpace Frontend cannot be run standalone. It requires a local or remote version of the DSpace 7 Backend (REST API). For example, this Frontend can be used alongside the corresponding dspace-7.0-beta4 release of the DSpace Backend). By default, this Frontend is configured to simply use the REST API Demo Server at https://dspace7.4science.cloud/server/ (see default configuration in src/environments/environment.common.ts)

Additional Information on the 7.0-beta4 release:


3 years ago

DSpace 7.0 Beta 3 Release of the Frontend / Angular UI only.

As a Beta release, this is NOT PRODUCTION READY. Additional Beta-level releases are forthcoming which will continue to add features to 7.0. For a rough release timeline, see the DSpace 7 Release Goals.

This DSpace Frontend cannot be run standalone. It requires a local or remote version of the DSpace 7 Backend (REST API). For example, this Frontend can be used alongside the corresponding dspace-7.0-beta3 release of the DSpace Backend). By default, this Frontend is configured to simply use the REST API Demo Server at https://dspace7.4science.cloud/server/ (see default configuration in [src]/config/environment.default.js)

Additional Information on the 7.0-beta3 release:


4 years ago

DSpace 7.0 Beta 2 Release of the Frontend / Angular UI only.

As a Beta release, this is NOT PRODUCTION READY. Additional Beta-level releases are forthcoming which will continue to add features to 7.0. For a rough release timeline, see the DSpace 7 Release Goals.

This DSpace Frontend cannot be run standalone. It requires a local or remote version of the DSpace 7 Backend (REST API). For example, this Frontend can be used alongside the corresponding dspace-7.0-beta2 release of the DSpace Backend). By default, this Frontend is configured to simply use the REST API Demo Server at https://dspace7.4science.cloud/server/ (see default configuration in [src]/config/environment.default.js)

Additional Information on the 7.0-beta2 release:


4 years ago

DSpace 7.0 Beta 1 Release of the Frontend / Angular UI only.

As a Beta release, this is NOT PRODUCTION READY. Additional Beta-level releases are forthcoming which will continue to add features to 7.0. For a rough release timeline, see the DSpace 7 Release Goals.

This DSpace Frontend cannot be run standalone. It requires a local or remote version of the DSpace 7 Backend (REST API). For example, this Frontend can be used alongside the corresponding dspace-7.0-beta1 release of the DSpace Backend). By default, this Frontend is configured to simply use the REST API Demo Server at https://dspace7.4science.cloud/server/ (see default configuration in [src]/config/environment.default.js)

Additional Information on the 7.0-beta1 release:


5 years ago

DSpace 7 Preview Release of the Angular UI (only).

Please keep in mind that, as a "preview" of 7.0, this release does not include all DSpace features. It is NOT PRODUCTION READY.

Requires a local or remote version of DSpace 7 REST API to function (see the dspace-7.0-preview-1 release of DSpace Backend). By default, this early release of the Angular UI is configured to use the REST API Demo Server at https://dspace7.4science.cloud/dspace-spring-rest/

For Overview and Installation information please see: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/DSpace+7+Preview+Release