Dotnet Spark Versions Save

.NET for Apache® Spark™ makes Apache Spark™ easily accessible to .NET developers.


4 years ago

.NET for Apache Spark v0.10.0 is the latest preview release. Thank you for trying it out and we look forward to your feedback!

Release Notes

Download Microsoft.Spark.Worker:

netcoreapp3.1 net461
Linux x64 (tar.gz | zip) N/A
Windows x64 (zip) x64 (zip)
MacOS x64 (zip) N/A


4 years ago

.NET for Apache Spark v0.9.0 is the latest preview release. Thank you for trying it out and we look forward to your feedback!

Release Notes

Download Microsoft.Spark.Worker:

netcoreapp3.1 net461
Linux x64 (tar.gz | zip) N/A
Windows x64 (zip) x64 (zip)
MacOS x64 (zip) N/A


4 years ago

.NET for Apache Spark v0.8.0 is the latest preview release. Thank you for trying it out and we look forward to your feedback!

Release Notes

Download Microsoft.Spark.Worker:

netcoreapp3.1 net461
Linux x64 (tar.gz | zip) N/A
Windows x64 (zip) x64 (zip)
MacOS x64 (zip) N/A


4 years ago

.NET for Apache Spark v0.7.0 is the latest preview release. Thank you for trying it out and we look forward to your feedback!

Release Notes

Download Microsoft.Spark.Worker:

netcoreapp2.1 net461
Linux x64 (tar.gz | zip) N/A
Windows x64 (zip) x64 (zip)
MacOS x64 (zip) N/A


4 years ago

.NET for Apache Spark v0.6.0 is the latest preview release. Thank you for trying it out and we look forward to your feedback!

Release Notes

Download Microsoft.Spark.Worker:

netcoreapp2.1 net461
Linux x64 (tar.gz | zip) N/A
Windows x64 (zip) x64 (zip)
MacOS x64 (zip) N/A


4 years ago

.NET for Apache Spark v0.5.0 is the latest preview release. Thank you for trying it out and we look forward to your feedback!

Release Notes

Download Microsoft.Spark.Worker:

netcoreapp2.1 net461
Linux x64 (tar.gz | zip) N/A
Windows x64 (zip) x64 (zip)
MacOS x64 (zip) N/A


4 years ago

.NET for Apache Spark v0.4.0 is the latest preview release. Thank you for trying it out and we look forward to your feedback!

Release Notes

Download Microsoft.Spark.Worker:

netcoreapp2.1 net461
Linux x64 (tar.gz | zip) N/A
Windows x64 (zip) x64 (zip)
MacOS x64 (zip) N/A


4 years ago

.NET for Apache Spark v0.3.0 is the third preview release. Thank you for trying it out and we look forward to your feedback!

Release Notes

Download Microsoft.Spark.Worker:

netcoreapp2.1 net461
Linux x64 N/A
Windows x64 x64
MacOS x64 N/A


5 years ago

.NET for Apache Spark v0.2.0 is the second preview release of the package. Thank you for trying it out and we look forward to your feedback!

Release Notes

Download Microsoft.Spark.Worker:

netcoreapp2.1 net461
Linux x64 N/A
Windows x64 x64


5 years ago

.NET for Apache Spark v0.1.0 is the first preview release of .NET for Apache Spark. Thank you for trying it out and we look forward to your feedback!

Download Microsoft.Spark.Worker:

netcoreapp2.1 net461
Linux x64 N/A
Windows x64 x64