Doom Modeline Versions Save

A fancy and fast mode-line inspired by minimalism design.


4 years ago
  1. [Feature] PR#279: gnus segment.
  2. [Feature] message modeline.
  3. [Feature] Show narrow/widen symbol on read-only buffers.
  4. [Enhancement] Add an icon for minions, and support minions-direct.
  5. PR #281 Fix bug in testing buffers existence
  6. Fix #284: wrong-type-argument stringp evil-visual-tag
  7. Fix #285: rcirc tracking is broken.
  8. [Enhancement] Remove eglot/lsp from global-mode-string.
  9. Fix #287: The flycheck numbers are pushed to the right and getting cut when enabling minions-mode.
  10. Don't redisplay if mode-line-format is nil.
  11. Misc bug fixing and improvements.


4 years ago
  1. [Feature] Support icons of modals segment.
  2. [Feature] Support evil state icon.
  3. [Enhancement] Formalize mouse faces.
  4. [Enhancement] Improve LSP segment for eglot.
  5. Not enabling unicode characters fallback by default.
  6. Support erc and rcirc in IRC segment.
  7. Introduce doom-modeline-display-default-perspective-name.
  8. [Feature] Add continuously displayed word count segment.
  9. Rename doom-modeline-evil-state-icon to doom-modeline-modal-icon.
  10. Refactor and misc improvements.


4 years ago
  1. [Feature] Unicode and ASCII fallbacks.
  2. Use built-in battery instead of unmaintained fancy-battery.
  3. Fix #234: Symbol’s value as variable is void: fancy-battery-last-status.
  4. [Feature] EOL (End Of Line) cycle indicator.
  5. Fix #244: infinite recursion when opening file via "/ssh:host|sudo:host:".
  6. Fix #246: Incompatible with (setq vc-display-status nil).
  7. Fix #248: Unable to kill scratch while starting Emacs.
  8. PR #242: Fix double space after "checker" segment.
  9. Misc improvements.


4 years ago
  1. [Feature] New indicator for markdown/org preview with grip.
  2. Fix #206: Don't display overwrite state when evil-mode is enabled.
  3. [Optimize] Cache window font width.
  4. [Optimize] just update the face of the buffer name in `after-change-functions'.
  5. PR #217: Refresh buffer status after `not-modified'.
  6. Display minor modes if minions is installed.
  7. Display correct buffer state after saving org src block.
  8. Misc improvements.


4 years ago
  1. [Feature] Fix #202: Be compatible with delight.
  2. [Feature] Fix #203: Add custom faces for the LSP icon.
  3. Remove the advice of fill-paragraph.
  4. Optimize: faster to render icons.
  5. Fix #200: Helm mode line is mixedly active/inactive when previewing a line.
  6. Rename doom-modeline--default-mode-line to doom-modeline--old-format.
  7. Refactor.


4 years ago
  1. Make variables to customizations.
  2. Improve git-timemachine segment.
  3. Fix #195: Invalid face reference in persp-name.
  4. PR #197: When if-let* or when-let* was defined, don't do alias for it.
  5. PR #190 Add icon for persp-name segment.
  6. Add an icon to the persp-name segment.
  7. Enhance debug segment.
  8. Optimize: calculate font height of mode-line.
  9. Fix: Wrong number of arguments in info-nodes segment.
  10. Ignore unhandled errors in after-change-functions.
  11. Fix #185: doom-modeline breaks query-replace.
  12. Fix #180: Error for TRAMP python in doom-modeline-env.
  13. Fix #180: Error for TRAMP python in doom-modeline-env.
  14. Fix #178: "Error during redisplay" when org agenda mode is enabled.
  15. Use window-configuration-change-hook instead of the advice
  16. Misc improvements.


5 years ago
  1. An indicator of overwrite-mode.
  2. New timemachine mode-line for git-timemachine-mode.
  3. Use project mode-line in dired-mode.
  4. Fix #175: change "RLF" to "CRLF".
  5. Fix #173: Vertical separators showing up when modeline is inactive.
  6. Other improvements.


5 years ago
  1. New: package mode-line.
  2. New: Info mode-line.
  3. New: helm mode-line.
  4. Show LSP indicator in both active and inactive windows.
  5. Not display window number if only one window with minibuffer.
  6. Bug fixing.


5 years ago
  1. Add indicator for objed state.
  2. New modal segment.
  3. Add options: doom-modeline-buffer-state-icon and doom-modeline-buffer-modification-icon.
  4. Set correct font width for `all-the-icons' for appropriate mode-line width.
  5. Improve buffer icons.
  6. Add face for doc-face.
  7. Improve lsp indicator.
  8. Improve battery indicator.
  9. Bug fixing and other improvements.


5 years ago
  1. Support eglot state in LSP indicator.
  2. Improve lsp indicator for lsp-mode
  3. PR #146 No-op if env executable doesn't exist
  4. Improve persp segment.
  5. Improve macro segment.
  6. Improve multiple-cursor segment.