Docker Transmission Openvpn Versions Save

Docker container running Transmission torrent client with WebUI over an OpenVPN tunnel


5 months ago

key feature of this release is the update to transmission 4.0.5 which fixed an issue with download speeds among others.

What's Changed

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8 months ago

This is mostly a release to move forward with the new and improved build chain, thanks for the help @ksurl especially

What's Changed

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8 months ago

Testing building using the new build flow. For anyone reading this.. please be aware that we recommend you always use the tagged releases.. NOT :latest


9 months ago

Hello all, releases this as the new 4.0.4 version of transmission is available. A few other fixes are included as well, please see the commit log. Any comments related to the release please feel free to add please wait a while until the docker builds are completed and pushed

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

Quick release with ask the latest fixes and improvements made on the dev branch.

edit: hopefully fixed tagging issue


1 year ago

Hello all, This release will mark the first step in moving forward with the complete overhaul of transmission that was completed with the release of transmission 4.0. Please see the official repo for details on the fixes/features etc. I can personally say that I have been using the beta branch of this repo until now and it works great. This release will contain the latest 4.0.3 from Transmission as the major change. Please be aware that it. might take 1-2 hours for the branch to fully build and be released on docker hub


1 year ago

Sorry about the noise, but wanted to make it stricter and only allow semver tags.


1 year ago

As I mentioned in release 4.3.0, it could go wrong and it did :see_no_evil: The build was not triggered so there will be no 4.3.0 image. I think that's fixed now. If so I'll just let there be a hole where 4.3.0 should have been. If not then I guess I have to clean up some tags :sweat_smile:


1 year ago

The main update in this release is that we're changing the base image from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 :tada: This means that we're moving from Transmission 2.94 to 3.00, and OpenVPN 2.4.7 to 2.5.5.

There's also a fix for an issue that has been affecting NordVPN users in the last few releases #2404

On the non-functional side we're moving the image builds from CircleCI to GitHub actions both because there was a time limit that caused problems for the beta builds and that it will bring the CI/CD stuff closer to the code. We're already using GitHub for repo hosting, discussion board and issue tracking so we gather more in that ecosystem.

The latter also meant that I had to rewrite the build pipelines and we're changing the image tag strategy ever so slightly. We're relying on the docker/metadata-action to generate tags for us instead of doing it in a custom way, conventions over configuration! latest will now point to the latest release rather than the latest commit on master branch. Apart from that it will be pretty similar. edge will be the latest commit on master branch (soon main branch I suspect), and we will also tag each build with the branch name as well so dev will still be dev.

Let's see how it goes. Need to make this release to see that all the tags appear as they should :crossed_fingers:


1 year ago

As I mentioned in release 4.1 there haven't been a release in a while and this one is all the features and fixes that has been added to the dev branch for the past year.

Having browsed all the commits and PRs (thanks again to all contributors!) this is a brief summary:

  • We're changing the default location of TRANSMISSION_HOME from the /data mount to the /config mount. This is primarily going to affect new setups, as we will fallback to /data as long as we see the transmission-home folder there. Might consider more breaking measures in the future but for now we just log a hint to move the folder.
  • Support for providing credentials through Docker secrets
  • Updated and added documentation
  • Added a DEBUG environment variable that will add verbose output during startup
  • Feature to run custom scripts if a provider setup script fails
  • Updates to provider scripts (Nordvpn/PIA/OVPN/Vyprvpn)
  • Fix for "File exists" error when creating /dev/tun
  • Stricter checking around using the custom provider
  • Bash syntax updates
  • Enforce new config endpoint on restart (when multiple options are given)
  • Starting Transmission on a better OpenVPN signal, preventing IP leak
  • Update privoxy listen address to that of eth0
  • Gracefully handle malformed settings.json

I might have missed something here, but that should be most of it. A big release this time - and sorry for the delay!