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The sophisticated Drag and Drop library you've been waiting for 🥳


1 year ago

Fix Initiate elements after registration in dflex/draggable (#568)

Support concurrent elements registration by default (#565)


1 year ago

Add layout mutation, listeners, and custom events (#558)

  • Add playgrounds to the type checking.
  • Add custom events instead of the previous approach which depended on emitting events by functions provided by each interactive element. DFlex events has $ prefix.
type DFlexEvents =
  | "$onDragOutContainer"
  | "$onDragOutThreshold"
  | "$onDragOver"
  | "$onDragLeave"
  | "$onLiftUpSiblings"
  | "$onMoveDownSiblings";

Implementation like any other event:

import type { DFlexEvents } from "@dflex/dnd";

const onDFlexEvent = (e: DFlexEvents) => {
 // Do something, or just don't.

// Later you can remove the listener with `removeEventListener`
document.addEventListener("$onDragLeave", onDFlexEvent);
  • Provide listeners a subscription approach to provide a universal state to the interactive applications. You can subscribe anywhere in the app instead of depending on the emitted events from draggable elements. Currently, DFlex supports subscriptions to LayoutState.
interface DFlexLayoutStateEvent {
  type: "layoutState",
  layoutState: "pending" | "ready" | "dragging" | "dragEnd" | "dragCancel";

Implementation from anywhere inside the app:

React.useEffect(() => {
  const unsubscribe = store.listeners.subscribe((e) => {
    console.info("new layout state", e);
  }, "layoutState");

  return () => {
}, []);

Remove parentID from registry input by checking branches internally (#564)

interface RegisterInput{
  id: string;
  depth?: number;
  readonly?: boolean;

const { id, depth, readonly } = registerInput;

React.useEffect(() => {
  if (ref.current) {
    store.register({ id, depth, readonly });

  return () => {
}, [ref.current]);

Complete migrating all core smoke test cases to Playwright (#557)


1 year ago
  • Fix attaching element reference when passing id only (#553).
  • Upgrade to Cypress 10 (#554).
  • Enforce passing id and parentID for registered elements (#555).
  • Using playwright to cover core cases (#556).


1 year ago
  • Fix build parsing arguments (#552)


1 year ago
  • Restructure the packages (#548).
  • Refactor e2e test to the DnD playground (#549).
  • Add build script and enhance bundling size (#551).


1 year ago

Refactor meta extractor to distinguish between an empty and orphan case (#524)

  • Change margin when positioning from orphan to non-orphan container (#529)

  • Refactor test description for essential cases (#528)

  • Add unit test to meta extractor (#527)

  • Refactor unit test for DnD (#526)

  • Fix margin-bottom calculation taking into consideration the last occupied position (#525)

  • Upgrade to pnpm 7.

Add essential cases for obliquity and continuity including from/to empty container (#531)

  • Remove unused instances and methods not used in the store and refactor related tests (#533).

  • Add origin length to determine when to restore and when the container is expanding (#533).

  • Refactor unit test for meta extractor (#533).

  • Fix continuity in extending orphan container (#534)

extending orphan container

  • Fix last element preservation in the origin (#536)

empty multiple then restore

  • Clear transition instances after each operation (#537)

  • Testing transform element to an into empty container (#538)

Distribute then transform into empty one

  • Handle obliquity from multiple containers bottom-up

Split multiple containers from bottom up

  • Handle obliquity from one container bottom-up

Split one container bottom up

  • Handle obliquity from multiple containers up to bottom

Split multiple containers up to bottom

Enable transforming elements between containers (#539)

  • Add options for transforming elements between containers.
interface ContainersTransition {
  /** Default=true */
  enable: boolean;

   * Support orphan to orphan transformation.
   * Default=10px
   * */
  margin: number;
  • Keep the element transformed to the bottom instead of consider it out of the container and resettled it in its original position (#544).

keep it at the bottom

  • Separate types from JavaScript dist files (#547).


2 years ago

Support Strict Transformation Between Containers

Transformation depends on three cases:

  1. Crowded: Transform into a container with siblings more than 1.
  2. Empty: Transform into a container where there are no siblings.
  3. Orphan: Transform into a container where there is only one element there.

Calculations are made to:

  1. Translate object {x,y} => update occupied-translate. These coordinates are relative and related to the connected index. E.g: If the element left its original container and got inserted at the destination container with index-3 then the translation should be based on the insertion index. (Not the same case for the position.)
  2. Position object {x,y} => update occupied-position. These coordinates are absolute. Calculating position affects the next element's movement. E.g: If element-last-one has to move down it will check the occupied-position because can't move based on its own position so this will kill dealing with different heights/widths. So it has to move to a post-defined point. For transformation inside the list itself, it's not a problem. But for migration to a new container then the calculated value should be done before triggering any transformation. It's not a step-by-step regular movement.

Three different phases for execution:

  1. Calculate and assign position once the destination list/container is defined. Before knowing the insertion index.
  2. Calculating translation which should be done after detecting the insertion index before triggering the transformer otherwise we will calculate the next position instead of the current one.
  3. Assigning the translation after the transformer(move-down) is done. Otherwise, the dragged will be out-position= true.


A- Handle the case where transformation between containers happens to the absent bottom (#493)

  • Fix undo for draggable when it's inside the position threshold but triggered or shifted slightly. Now it does trigger the undo instead of treating this case as moved out.
  • Fix dragged insertion inside the container when the breaking point is not detected. It enforces the dragged to be attached to the bottom right after the first cycle of iteration avoiding unnecessary function calls that led to the same result.
  • Avoid unnecessary updating position/translate when appending to the bottom.
  • Remove numberOfElementsTransformed and updateNumOfElementsTransformed from dragged and replace the use case with exicting indicators.
  • Support transformation when dragged is migrated to the bottom of the destination container.
  • Add test cases for transforming back and forth horizontally and vertically.


B- Refactor utils to Core removing #getDiff (#494)

interface INode extends ICore {
  isConnected(): boolean;
  isPositionedUnder(elmY: number): boolean;
  isPositionedLeft(elmX: number): boolean;
  getRectBottom(): number;
  getRectRight(): number;
  getRectDiff(elm: this, axis: Axis): number;
  getDisplacement(elm: this, axis: Axis): number;
  getDistance(elm: this, axis: Axis): number;
  getOffset(): RectDimensions;
  hasSamePosition(elm: this, axis: Axis): boolean;

C- Check the layout shift for vertically transforming elements with different heights inside the same container (#496)

  1. Outside the container then insert: a. The dragged is bigger than the targeted element - moving without releasing. b. The dragged is smaller than the targeted element - moving without releasing. c. The dragged is smaller than the targeted element - move and release with iteration.

  2. Inside the container: a. The dragged is bigger than the targeted element - moving without releasing. b. The dragged is bigger than the targeted element - move and release with iteration. c. The dragged is smaller than the targeted element - moving without releasing. d. The dragged is smaller than the targeted element - move and release with iteration.

D- Enable transformation for containers orphaned by migration (#497)

In this case, the origin container has two elements.

  1. One element transformed into another container. It has a solo element now.
  2. A new element is going to be transformed into it, the container which has one element.
  3. The insertion margin shouldn't cause any layout shift.

To solve it, when the container is receiving a new element. DFlex restores the preserved last element position and calculates the margin to guarantee the given scenario where there is no shifting in positions.


E- Enable transformation from origin higher than destination

One of the calculations DFlex has is defining a threshold for each layout (#418). Threshold tells the transformers when dragged is in/out its position or the container strict boundaries. This strict definition of threshold helps to improve user experience and the physical sense of elements' interactivity. It also plays role in detecting the active container when an element migrates from one to another. This definition prevents the transformation from a container having bigger height/width into another container having smaller boundaries. When leaving the position and entering a new one the transformer can't tell if the element is inside the less-boundaries container or not. To tackle this issue each depth must have a unified transforming boundary. So when the element is dragged at the same level horizontally or vertically it can be settled into the destination container and attached to the bottom which has the highest weight.

Steps to Solve it:

  • Define insertion area threshold for layouts with the same depth to optimize transformation between containers (#500), (#513).
  • Use shared utility in DOM-Gen to generate composed keys for layout depth + key (#501)
  • Add a unified container dimension for each layout that belongs to the same depth (#503) So when checking where the dragged is located different heights and widths won't be a problem given when dragged is transforming all of them has the same dimensions. Still, this needs to be improved to become more dynamic since heights and widths are constantly changing or supposed to be so.
  • Create a shared method for element insertion deals with all directions and is able to restore the positions if any (#508) and (#509)
  • Create composed translate and position methods to structure getting insertion offset and margin (#510) and (#511).

Transforn into smaller list

F- Dealing with multiple transformations without settling into a new position (#519)

This scenario requires checking all the containers that are affected by the transformation and rollback each last transformation accordingly. This is done by adding a unique id to the migration instance instead of a central one created for each clickable operation. E.g. The user clicks and transforms then one id is created for this operation. This allows to roll back each transformation connected to the same id. But to achieve multiple undo between containers the id is shifted into migration.

interface MigrationPerContainer {
  /** Last known index for draggable before transitioning. */
  index: number;
  /** Transition siblings key. */
  SK: string;
  /** Transition unique id. */
  id: string;


G- Enable multiple steps of transformation (#520)

  • Translate from origin to destination. The destination is not an orphan, the margin is then calculated based on the space between the last two elements in the destination container.
  • Translate from origin to destination. The destination is an orphan the margin is then calculated based on the space between the dragged and the next element in the origin container.
  • Translate from one destination to another. The destination is an orphan, same as above.


H- Add the ability to extend the transformation area between containers (#521). This allows accumulating all registered elements in one container.

extend horizontally


2 years ago

Add experimental API supporting transformation between containers

Add synthetic offset for element insertion into a new container (#462)

  • Create a new synthetic offset for each container to deal with element migration. Taking into consideration multiple heights and widths. So, the insertion offset always matches the migrated element.
  • Element preservation offset now lives in the migration instance, supposedly grouping all related movement in one instance for maintaining purpose.
  • Refactor setDistanceIndicators calculations in one equation instead of if/else.

Fix build:w and list length when migrated to a new container (#461)

Add initial support for element transformation from one container to another (#463)

  • Fix element synthetic offset. One, unified for draggable element.
  • getDiff to calculate difference in the space for : "offset" | "occupiedPosition" | "currentPosition"
  • Refactor setDistanceIndicators to setDistanceBtwPositions

Utilize the Core (#464):

  • Create a new class for Core Utilities. It inherits from core-instance and Abstract Core and has all the utility methods for the core.
  • Refactor naming for more clarity.
interface ICoreUtils extends ICore {
  isPositionedUnder(elmY: number): boolean;
  isPositionedLeft(elmX: number): boolean;
  getRectBottom(): number;
  getRectRight(): number;
  hasSamePosition(elm: this, axis: Axis): boolean;

Handle insertion in the Store (#465)

  • Core instance has 1- initial element offset. The reason why is that we can always reset the movement to go back in time to the zero moment (feature will be introduced later). That leaves DFlex with another Rect option to keep the dimension on track. To do that efficiently it uses 2- CurrentPosition. Presumably, width and height stay the same but the position keeps changing. So, to get the current offset we need getOffset a new method introduced to the CoreUtils.
  • Migration has now instances used for transition periods. Wich defined as the moment where the insertion is detected to the moment where the insertion is completed. To do that we have insertionTransform and insertionOffset. We have also the prev method. Prev() and latest() returns easily the current and last migration instance. When migration is completed we set these instances to null.
  • Add handleElmMigration to the Store. It helps update the boundaries for both new and original lists.
  • Improve newElmOffset Check elmSyntheticOffset to detect the right insertion.

Add Container/Depth instance (#470)

Create Container Instance which is similar to Core. But with the current edition, we now have multiple instances each one representing a different role.

  1. Node: represents a single node in the DOM tree.
  2. Container: represents the container of nodes. Also known as siblings container since DFlex operates on the same depth following siblings approach.
interface IContainer {
  /** Strict Rect for siblings containers. */
  readonly boundaries: RectBoundaries;
  /** Numbers of total columns and rows each container has.  */
  readonly grid: IPointNum;
  /** Container scroll instance.  */
  scroll: IScroll;
  setGrid(grid: IPointNum, rect: RectDimensions): void;
  setBoundaries(rect: RectDimensions): void;
  1. Depth: represents the collection of containers keys grouped by the same depth. (Integrated into DOM-GEm #471)
interface IDepth {
  /** Grouping containers in the same level. */
  readonly containers: {
    [depth: number]: string[];
  add(SK: string, depth: number): void;
  getByDepth(depth: number): string[];
  removeByDepth(depth: number): void;
  removeAll(): void;
  1. The store has a registry for nodes and Containers for each container instance. The registry with ids as keys while Contiers have a special key called SK generated by DOM-Gen.
  2. DnD store: operate both Nodes and Containers. A bridge between the two.

Refactor element(s) registration (#473) to gaurantee non-blocking element registeration.

Remove unused parent containers (#474)

Add enableContainersTransition to opts with a new playground /migration (#475)

Refactor e2e test to include transformation between containers (#476)

Fix essential transformation for different heights (#478)

Upgrade playground to React 18 (#479)

Add changesets for versioning and npm publish (#483)

Use build artifacts for e2e testing (#486), (#480)

Add docs to the main repo (#477)


2 years ago

Use sibling registration to manage migration between containers (#449)

Revert #446 approach Depends on getting parents/children for dragged migrations by enforcing parent registration if not exist in the store. It works fine but is not what it's intended to be.

DFlex main approach in the essential design depends on a flat hierarchy. Instead of getting each element and connecting it to the parent. The store already has all elements on the same level.

Supposed we have container -a and container-b. All elements in both containers are included in the registry. Both boundaries for siblings are calculated and can be added to the threshold instance since v3.3.1.

Regular Scenario: user click -> get element -> find the parent -> matching the parent overlay recursively -> matching the children overlay recursively -> remove node/append new node to new parent.

DFlex Implementation: user click -> get element -> matching siblings overlay -> add transformation for new positions.

1. Avoid recursively looking for parents.

2. Always allow elements from the same level to interact with each other.

3. Control element migration map. Registered/same level (siblingDepth)

4. Insertion inside the containers already shipped. The scenario dragged outside the container and then moved inside. It's already done by getting the siblings' key SK so it's somehow container agnostic.

Adding Migration class (#450):

  • Replacing placeholders group them in one instance responsible for managing migration.
  • Ability to store the movement between containers. This means enabling undo multiple steps back when introducing the time travel feature.
  • Distinguish between position migration inside the same container and with different ones.
interface IAbstract {
  index: number;
  key: string;

interface IMigration {
  /** Get the latest migrations instance */
  latest(): IAbstract;

   * We only update indexes considering migration definition when it happens
   * outside container but not moving inside it.
   * So we update an index but we add a key.
  setIndex(index: number): void;

  /** When migration from one container to another. */
  add(index: number, key: string): void;

Create an array for branches even if there's one child in (#457) to allow migration and flexible add/remove elements. Enhance actions by adding timeout this will cut off Cypress when there's more than one failing case.

Use direction and axis with each transformation instead global instances (#436):

  • Core updater receives one axis/direction instead of both matching the entire approach of one axis per transformation.
  • Remove setEffectedElemDirection and effectedElemDirection using the direction resulted in the update-element depending on the increase/decreas parameter.

Enhance movement across the axis (#440):

  • Update both axes at once with x/y instance.
  • Remove axis parameter from the Undo method in the core.
  • Utilize Point instance.

Refactor setPosition in the Core to include z axis (#443)

Use bi-directional axes for undoing Cell position by (#442)

Enhance element registration (#447):

  • Refactor Tracker to accept prefix and add it to the utils
  • Add private instance to generate id inside Store
  • Generate id for registered element instead of throwing err.

Migrate DEV tools and package exports:

  • Export packages as ESM and CJS and bundle them with esbuild. (#459)
  • Migrate from yarn to pnpm . And Use Vite instead of CRA for playground. (#460)

Full Changelog: https://github.com/dflex-js/dflex/compare/v3.3.2...v3.4.0


2 years ago

Fix mismatch version in Core package and refactor naming in Utils (#427)

  • Remove unused Lerna changelog.
  • Refactor AxesCoordinates to Point For more readability.
  • Use private hashes for Core and DOM-Gen.
  • Fix the Core mismatch version which caused using an external version instead of linking the development one.

Update grid for Core and Dragged (#429)

  • Refactor transition history type.
  • Allow adding grid positions to the dataset.
  • Add a read-only prefix to the abstract core interface.
  • Add gridPlaceholder for Dragged and update it for Core.

Reset columns for each row when calculating and positioning grid for siblings (#434)

  • Expand playground to include grid example.
  • Add new methods and instances to deal with grid containers.

Migrate transformer to a grid-based controller (#431)

Remove wrong direction flag in updateElement (#432)

Update readme to include all project packages (#433)

Remove isLeavingFromHead, public isLeavingFromTail and mousePoints (#435)

More about V3 releases and DFlex roadmap.