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Dapr is a portable, event-driven, runtime for building distributed applications across cloud and edge.


6 months ago

Dapr 1.12.2

This patch release contains bug fixes:

Fixed mTLS configuration


The mTLS configuration was always enabled for Dapr sidecards in Kubernetes, regardless of the daprsystem configuration.


Users on Dapr 1.12.1 could not disable mTLS for Dapr sidecars in Kubernetes.

Root cause

The daprsystem configuration was not being read correctly by the sidecar injector.


The daprsystem configuration is now read correctly by the sidecar injector and the mTLS option is correctly set for Dapr sidecars in Kubernetes.


6 months ago

Dapr 1.11.6

This patch release contains bug fixes:

Fixed mTLS configuration


The mTLS configuration was always enabled for Dapr sidecards in Kubernetes, regardless of the daprsystem configuration.


Users on Dapr 1.11.5 could not disable mTLS for Dapr sidecars in Kubernetes.

Root cause

The daprsystem configuration was not being read correctly by the sidecar injector.


The daprsystem configuration is now read correctly by the sidecar injector and the mTLS option is correctly set for Dapr sidecars in Kubernetes.


6 months ago

Dapr 1.10.10

This update contains the following security fixes:

Additionally, this patch release contains bug fixes:

Security: Sentry and Injector only apply daprsystem Configuration from the control plane namespace


Sentry and Injector will apply the daprsystem configuration from a non-control plane namespace if the namespace name is alphabetically higher than the control plane namespace name.


Accidentally or maliciously, a Kubernetes user can write a Configuration in a non-control plane namespace that will be applied by Sentry and Injector. This can re-write the Sentry CA, disable mTLS, or otherwise bring down the entire Dapr cluster.

Root cause

Sentry and Injector currently list Configurations, before matching on the list for the daprsystem Configuration, without filtering for namespaces.


Update Sentry and Injector to only get the daprsystem Configuration from the namespace where the Dapr control plane is installed, instead of listing all Configurations.

Fixed returning of HTTP status code in HTTP service invocation with resiliency enabled


With Resiliency enabled, in case of HTTP service invocation, if one application sends error status codes (HTTP codes <200 or >=400), Dapr returns a response with a generic 500 error, instead of the actual response error code.


Applications will receive the wrong status code in case of HTTP service invocation returning a failure error code with Resiliency enabled.

Root cause

A bug was discovered in how errors were handled when Resiliency was enabled, causing all errors from the application to be "swallowed" by Dapr.


Resiliency code now returns the correct status code to the application.

Fixed handling errors for Actors with special HTTP header


The Dapr's .Net SDK returns actor exceptions via a special response with the exception serialized in the response body and adding the X-Daprerrorresponseheader HTTP header. This exception was not handled correctly starting at version 1.10, resulting in a generic error message at the calle's side.

See https://github.com/dapr/dapr/issues/6339


Actor exception details are lost and a generic message is returned instead.

Root cause

Retry logic in sidecar was dropping the error details returned by the actor method.


Fixed the retry logic to save the error's payload and return it in the end of the actor invocation logic.


6 months ago

This is the release candidate 1.12.2-rc.2


6 months ago

This is the release candidate 1.11.6-rc.1


6 months ago

This is the release candidate 1.10.10-rc.3


6 months ago

This is the release candidate 1.12.2-rc.1


6 months ago

This is the release candidate 1.10.10-rc.2


6 months ago

Dapr 1.12.1

This update contains the following security fixes:

Additionally, this patch release contains bug fixes:

Security: Sentry and Injector only apply daprsystem Configuration from the control plane namespace


Sentry and Injector will apply the daprsystem configuration from a non-control plane namespace if the namespace name is alphabetically higher than the control plane namespace name.


Accidentally or maliciously, a Kubernetes user can write a Configuration in a non-control plane namespace that will be applied by Sentry and Injector. This can re-write the Sentry CA, disable mTLS, or otherwise bring down the entire Dapr cluster.

Root cause

Sentry and Injector currently list Configurations, before matching on the list for the daprsystem Configuration, without filtering for namespaces.


Update Sentry and Injector to only get the daprsystem Configuration from the namespace where the Dapr control plane is installed, instead of listing all Configurations.

Fixed Sentry rejecting valid requests from Daprd


Dapr would fail to request an identity certificate from Sentry when residing in a Namespace or using a Service Account with a sufficiently long name.


Users on Dapr 1.12.0 can observe Dapr sidecars failing to start.

Root cause

Sentry validates that clients cannot request for an app ID which is over 64 characters in length. Sentry also still accepts requests which use the legacy identifier of <namespace>:<service account> which was not taken account for when doing the 64 character evaluation.


Sentry now evaluates the actual app ID being requested, whether or not the client is using the legacy or app ID as the identifier.

Fixed RabbitMQ not returning error when initialising component


A RabitMQ component may be considered healthy, when in fact it failed to initialise.


Dapr or downstream consumers of Dapr would consider RabitMQ components to be healthy when in fact they were not, causing improper reporting of status.

Root cause

RabbitMQ was not returning an error when initialising a component, causing Dapr to consider the component healthy.


Failure to connect to RabbitMQ during initialization now causes an error to be returned, allowing Dapr to consider the component as unhealthy.

Fixed returning of HTTP status code in HTTP service invocation with resiliency enabled


With Resiliency enabled, in case of HTTP service invocation, if one application sends error status codes (HTTP codes <200 or >=400), Dapr returns a response with a generic 500 error, instead of the actual response error code.


Applications will receive the wrong status code in case of HTTP service invocation returning a failure error code with Resiliency enabled.

Root cause

A bug was discovered in how errors were handled when Resiliency was enabled, causing all errors from the application to be "swallowed" by Dapr.


Resiliency code now returns the correct status code to the application.

Fixed Dapr Runtime panic for malformed/unexpected workflow URLs


Invoking certain Workflow APIs using HTTP with malformed URLs can cause Dapr to panic.


Impacts users on Dapr 1.12.0.

Root cause

The Daprd metrics handler for workflows did not correctly handle malformed or unexpected URLs, and would panic if the URL was not in the expected format.


The Daprd metrics handler for workflows now correctly handles malformed or unexpected URLs.

Fixed an issue where Azure Blob Storage components cannot be used with Azure Blob Reader permission alone


The Azure Blob Storage component cannot be used with Azure Blob Reader permission alone.


Users on Dapr 1.12.0 cannot use the Azure Blob Storage component with Azure Blob Reader permission alone.

Root Cause

The component attempts to create a storage account (even when it exists already) but is not authorized to do so due to a lack of permission.


Added a boolean metadata option disableEntityManagement which now can be used to skip the attempt to create the storage container.

Fixed incorrect error message in the Azure EventHubs components


Azure EventHub component returns a warning message saying the storageAccountKey will be used but StorageAccountName is actually used in that condition.


Users on Dapr 1.12.0 may be confused by the warning message.

Root Cause

The component was using the StorageAccountName instead of the StorageAccountKey.


The component now emits the correct warning message.

Fixes an issue where the Consul nameresolution component only accepted IP addresses and not hostnames.


Dapr 1.12.0 was unable to add and resolve hostnames using the Consul nameresolution component.


Users on Dapr 1.12.0 were unable to resolve hostnames using the Consul nameresolution component.

Root Cause

A previous community contribution to improve IPv6 support inadvertently removed support for host names by returning an error for any string that does not parse as an IPv4 or IPv6 address.


Support for hostnames was added once again.

Fixes an issue in the Redis PubSub component where a PubSub subscription could not recover under certain conditions.


The Redis PubSub component could experience a rare situation where PubSub subscriptions would seize to function, causing the Dapr sidecar to print Redis error logs containing the word NOGROUP indefinitely.

Root Cause

The NOGROUP message is indicative of the consumer group no longer existing. This could be because the group or stream was manually deleted outside of Dapr or because the external Redis server was restarted/reconfigured.


To avoid the excessive NOGROUP logs in this rare situation Dapr will now attempt to recreate the consumer group for the given topic/stream when this error is encountered.

Security: Several dependency upgrades to address security issues


6 months ago

This is the release candidate 1.12.1-rc.2