Cuda Tensorflow Opencv Versions Save

DockerFile with GPU support for TensorFlow and OpenCV


2 years ago

Updated with support for TF 2.6.0, OpenCV 3.4.16 and 4.5.4. Max CUDA updated to 11.4.2

Full list of available containers (up to this release) can be seen at:

For list of installed pip packages, for example PyTorch, see the matching entry in the BuildInfo-TensorFlow directory.


2 years ago

Updated with support for TF 2.6.0, OpenCV 3.4.15 and 4.5.3. Max CUDA updated to 11.4.1

Full list of available containers (up to this release) can be seen at:


2 years ago

Updated with support for TF 2.5.1, OpenCV 3.4.15 and 4.5.3

Full list of available containers (up to this release) can be seen at:


2 years ago
  • Include TF 2.5.0 builds for CPU and CUDA10,11
  • Providing both CUDA 11.2 and 11.3 builds (to use 11.3 you will need the latest Nvidia drivers)

Full list of available containers (up to this release) can be seen at:


3 years ago

CPU + CUDA 9.2, 10.2, 11.2.2 OpenCV: 3.4.14, 4.5.2 TensorFlow: 1.15.5, 2.4.1

Full list of available containers (up to this release) can be seen at:


3 years ago

CUDA: 9.2 (Ubuntu 18.04), 10.2 (Ubuntu 18.04), 11.2.0 (Ubuntu 20.04) OpenCV: 3.4.14, 4.5.2 TensorFlow: 1.15.5, 2.4.1

As of 20210414, we are obsoleting the cuda_tensorflow_opencv container in favor of only tensorflow_opencv and cudnn_tensorflow_opencv

Full list of available containers (up to this release) can be seen at:


3 years ago

CUDA: 9.2 (Ubuntu 18.04), 10.2 (Ubuntu 18.04), 11.2.0 (Ubuntu 20.04) OpenCV: 3.4.13, 4.5.1 TensorFlow: 1.15.5, 2.4.1

Available containers from this release: datamachines/tensorflow_opencv:2.4.1_4.5.1-20210211 datamachines/tensorflow_opencv:2.4.1_3.4.13-20210211 datamachines/tensorflow_opencv:1.15.5_4.5.1-20210211 datamachines/tensorflow_opencv:1.15.5_3.4.13-20210211 datamachines/cuda_tensorflow_opencv:11.2.0_2.4.1_4.5.1-20210211 datamachines/cuda_tensorflow_opencv:11.2.0_2.4.1_3.4.13-20210211 datamachines/cuda_tensorflow_opencv:10.2_2.4.1_4.5.1-20210211 datamachines/cuda_tensorflow_opencv:10.2_2.4.1_3.4.13-20210211 datamachines/cuda_tensorflow_opencv:10.2_1.15.5_4.5.1-20210211 datamachines/cuda_tensorflow_opencv:10.2_1.15.5_3.4.13-20210211 datamachines/cuda_tensorflow_opencv:9.2_2.4.1_4.5.1-20210211 datamachines/cuda_tensorflow_opencv:9.2_2.4.1_3.4.13-20210211 datamachines/cuda_tensorflow_opencv:9.2_1.15.5_4.5.1-20210211 datamachines/cuda_tensorflow_opencv:9.2_1.15.5_3.4.13-20210211 datamachines/cudnn_tensorflow_opencv:11.2.0_2.4.1_4.5.1-20210211 datamachines/cudnn_tensorflow_opencv:11.2.0_2.4.1_3.4.13-20210211 datamachines/cudnn_tensorflow_opencv:10.2_2.4.1_4.5.1-20210211 datamachines/cudnn_tensorflow_opencv:10.2_2.4.1_3.4.13-20210211 datamachines/cudnn_tensorflow_opencv:10.2_1.15.5_4.5.1-20210211 datamachines/cudnn_tensorflow_opencv:10.2_1.15.5_3.4.13-20210211 datamachines/cudnn_tensorflow_opencv:9.2_1.15.5_4.5.1-20210211 datamachines/cudnn_tensorflow_opencv:9.2_1.15.5_3.4.13-20210211

Full list of available containers (up to this release) can be seen at:


3 years ago

Supports: CUDA: 9.2 or 10.2 OpenCV: 3.4.12 or 4.5.0 TensorFlow: 1.15.4 or 2.3.1

Note: added support for Python 3.7 for TensorFlow 1 builds and Python 3.8 for Tensorflow 2 builds (makes use of the deadsnakes/ppa and changes the default python3). Warning: only pip3 installed packages will work, not apt-get installed ones (Python 3.6 is still the default for Ubuntu 18.04)


3 years ago

Added PyTorch

Supports: CUDA: 9.2 or 10.2 OpenCV: 3.4.11 or 4.4.0 TensorFlow: 1.15.3 or 2.3.0

Note: Removal of cudnn_ version for CUDA 9.2 with TensorFlow 2.3.0 Note: TensorFlow will not have GPU support unless it was compiled with CUDNN support.


3 years ago

TensorFlow is now built from source.

CUDA: 9.2 or 10.2 OpenCV: 3.4.10 or 4.3.0 TensorFlow: 1.15.3 or 2.2.0

Note that TensorFlow will not have GPU support unless it was compiled with CUDNN support.