Csvs To Sqlite Versions Save

Convert CSV files into a SQLite database


6 years ago

SQLite full-text search support


6 years ago

Now handles columns with integers and nulls in correctly

Pandas does a good job of figuring out which SQLite column types should be used for a DataFrame - with one exception: due to a limitation of NumPy it treats columns containing a mixture of integers and NaN (blank values) as being of type float64, which means they end up as REAL columns in SQLite.


To fix this, we now check to see if a float64 column actually consists solely of NaN and integer-valued floats (checked using v.is_integer() in Python). If that is the case, we over-ride the column type to be INTEGER instead.

See #5 - also a8ab524 and 0997b7b


6 years ago
  • Mechanism for converting columns into separate tables

    Let's say you have a CSV file that looks like this:

    Clark,1,President,,REP,John R. Kasich,5
    Clark,2,President,,REP,John R. Kasich,0
    Clark,3,President,,REP,John R. Kasich,7

    (Real example from https://github.com/openelections/openelections-data-sd/blob/ master/2016/20160607__sd__primary__clark__precinct.csv )

    You can now convert selected columns into separate lookup tables using the new --extract-column option (shortname: -c) - for example:

    csvs-to-sqlite openelections-data-*/*.csv \
        -c county:County:name \
        -c precinct:Precinct:name \
        -c office -c district -c party -c candidate \

    The format is as follows:


    If you just specify the column name e.g. -c office, the following table will be created:

    CREATE TABLE "party" (
        "value" TEXT

    If you specify all three options, e.g. -c precinct:Precinct:name the table will look like this:

    CREATE TABLE "Precinct" (
        "name" TEXT

    The original tables will be created like this:

    CREATE TABLE "ca__primary__san_francisco__precinct" (
        "county" INTEGER,
        "precinct" INTEGER,
        "office" INTEGER,
        "district" INTEGER,
        "party" INTEGER,
        "candidate" INTEGER,
        "votes" INTEGER,
        FOREIGN KEY (county) REFERENCES County(id),
        FOREIGN KEY (party) REFERENCES party(id),
        FOREIGN KEY (precinct) REFERENCES Precinct(id),
        FOREIGN KEY (office) REFERENCES office(id),
        FOREIGN KEY (candidate) REFERENCES candidate(id)

    They will be populated with IDs that reference the new derived tables.

    Closes #2