CryptoProfitSwitcher Versions Save

Extensible profit switcher for crypto coins and algorithms


6 years ago


Profit switching strategies

Strategy 1: MaximizeFiat (default)

Will select the coin / NiceHash algorithm that has the most profit in USD per day.

Strategy 2: MaximizeCoins

Will select the coin that has the least difficulty to mine compared to the 24h average difficulty. This strategy will ignore the price of the coin and does only work with coins that get their profit data from API.

Strategy 3: WeightedCoinsPrice

This strategy is a combination of the above two strategies. It will multiplicate the profit in USD per day with the relative coin difficulty and maximize this new value. This strategy will work with all coins / NiceHash algorithms because it will use 1 for the relative coin difficulty if it can't get the actual relative coin difficulty.

Other changes

  • Updated all miners
  • Included Masari + new Masari algorithm
  • New setting: StartMinerMinimized
  • New setting: ProfitSwitchCooldown

How to update?

Safe way

Delete old version and extract new version. Reconfigurate everything.

Easy way

Keep your Settings.json and the JSON files in the Coins and NicehashAlgorithms folder and replace the other files. By using this method you don't need to reconfigurate anything but you may miss some changed documentation or new options in the JSON files.

Note: All releases should be backwards compatible with your configuration. Please note that the Linux release is experimental and untested and it also does not contain compatible miners, you would have to replace Xmr-Stak with a linux compiled version.


6 years ago


MoneroOcean support

Included MoneroOcean pool in the default pools and implemented getting profit data from MoneroOcean API.

Other changes

  • Added support for new algorithms: CryptonightStellite, CryptonightHaven
  • Added new included coin: Monero
  • Removed CryptonightBittubeHashrate from settings, use CryptonightLiteHashrate or an override
  • Added reload of app without reset
  • Added option to set a prepare script before the miner start for each coin / algorithm
  • Added option to disable coins / NiceHash algorithms
  • Updated Cast XMR and SRBMiner

How to update?

Safe way

Delete old version and extract new version. Reconfigurate everything.

Easy way

Keep your Settings.json and the JSON files in the Coins and NicehashAlgorithms folder and replace the other files. By using this method you don't need to reconfigurate anything but you may miss some changed documentation or new options in the JSON files.

Note: All releases should be backwards compatible with your configuration.


6 years ago


Profit providers

You now can use profit data from You can set the used profit providers in Settings.json. You now can set the profit timeframe to Live or Day in the settings.

Override settings

You now can override the expected hashrate, profit timeframe, profit providers for a specific coin / NiceHash algorithm in it's JSON file.

Other changes

  • Added Electroneum to the default coins.
  • Prettier status with colors and new table view
  • Fixed problems with caching
  • Removed NicehashPreferFactor from Settings.json, use PreferFactor in coin / NiceHash algorithm JSON instead.


6 years ago


Support for more miners

You now can use Cast XMR and SRBMiner. Therefore you have to set the miner in the JSON file of the coin / NiceHash algorithm.

Other changes

  • Fixed profit calculation of CryptonightLite algorithms / coins
  • Prettier status with colors


6 years ago


Easier pool configuration

You can now set the settings of the pool in the JSON file of the coin / NiceHash algorithm. That means you don't need to have an extra pool config file for Xmr-Stak because the app can auto-generate the pool config. Nevertheless you can still specify a pool config file directly.

Overridable expected hash rate

You can now override the expected hash rate for a specific coin / NiceHash algorithm in the JSON file of it. This will override the value that is set in Settings.json.


6 years ago

This is the first release.