Crossplane Versions Save

The Cloud Native Control Plane


3 months ago

Crossplane version v1.15.0-rc.1 is a release candidate intended to collect input from the community and offer users an opportunity to experiment with Crossplane in non-production environments before the official release of version v1.15.0.

This is a pre-release; do not use it in production environments!

To install Crossplane with this release:

helm repo add crossplane-stable --force-update
helm install crossplane --namespace crossplane-system --create-namespace crossplane-stable/crossplane --devel

To install Crossplane Cli with this release:

curl -sL | XP_VERSION=v1.15.0-rc.1 sh

What's changed

The detailed release notes will be provided with the official v1.15.0. In the meantime, you can review the commit changes made since version 1.14.0 here and see below for a short list of changes worth having a look at before upgrading/installing:

New Contributors


5 months ago

This patch release includes two bug fixes:

  • Handle properly the case when EnvironmentConfig selector maxMatch is set, but the returned number of config is lower than the set value (#5127)
  • Crossplane CLI support correctly --runtime-config flag when installing providers/functions (#5164)

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


5 months ago

This patch release includes bug fixes in various areas:

  • [ALPHA] BREAKING: If there are no matches for Single mode spec.environment.environmentConfigs[*].selector, an error will occur as per the original design. If you want it to be optional, switch to Multiple mode and set maxMatch accordingly (e.g., 1).
  • Added spec.environment.environmentConfigs[*].selector.minMatch which defaults to 0. It specifies the minimum number of EnvironmentConfigs to match for Multiple mode label selectors. If fewer matches are found than desired, an error will be produced.
  • Properly set up RBAC to grant Crossplane access to finalizers. This is necessary for clusters with the OwnerReferencePermissionEnforcement admission controller enabled.
  • Limit length of deprecation warnings to 256 characters for XRDs to avoid silently erroring out later at CRD creation time.

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


6 months ago

This patch contains two bug fixes:

What's Changed

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6 months ago

This patch release contains several bug fixes and improvements in the package manager:

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


6 months ago

This patch release contains fixes for the following bugs:

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


7 months ago

The v1.14.0 release is a regular quarterly Crossplane release that is packed full of big features that will make platform engineers more productive and effective in building control planes to power their infrastructure. This is the biggest release we’ve done to date, with over 700 commits, so the velocity has only continued to increase as the project matures.

🎉 Highlights

🚨 Warnings and breaking changes

  • Crossplane Helm images have moved from to Images are still published to but is moving to only publish on in a future release.
  • Changes to TLS certificates. Existing users of external secret stores need to manually update their TLS certificates. Read Crossplane issue #4565 for more information.
  • Removed Vault support for External Secret Stores. Crossplane suggests using the ESS Plugins as a replacement.
  • Removed the controllerConfigRef from the Configuration package and package revision APIs, which was a no-op before.
  • The introduction of the new Crossplane CLI deprecates the existing kubectl crossplane plugin.
  • The v1beta1 implementation of Composition Functions is incompatible with existing v1alpha1 functions.

💡 New features

What's new in v1.14.0 ?

Crossplane CLI

Crossplane v1.14 introduces a rebuilt Crossplane CLI. The Crossplane CLI provides features to help troubleshoot Crossplane resources, build and publish Crossplane packages, and locally test composition functions. Read the CLI documentation for information on installing and the full set of supported features.

Real time Compositions

This release adds the alpha feature "real time compositions" to Crossplane. Real time compositions allow Kubernetes to immediately notify Crossplane of changes to composed resources. Crossplane doesn't need to poll resources to determine their state. Real time compositions dramatically speed up the time Crossplane reacts to changes or failures of managed resources. The real time compositions feature is an alpha feature and isn't enabled by default. The Crossplane pods documentation has more information about real time compositions.

Ordered resource deletion

Crossplane introduces a new usages type to prevent resources from deletion or to ensure deletion happens in the correct order. A Usages defines a dependency mapping between a resource and any dependencies. Crossplane can't delete the parent resource until after deleting the child resource. A usage also allow Crossplane to prevent accidental deletion of a resource. The usage feature is an alpha feature and isn't enabled by default. The Usages documentation provides information on enabling and configuring Usages.

🏗️ Notable changes

Composition functions

v1.14 promotes composition functions to v1beta1 with a new, more scalable architecture for running functions.

Crossplane v1.14 includes CLI tooling, templates, SDKs, and documentation for building functions.

Several new functions available for the new architecture, including function patch and transform, function Go templating, and function cue.

Management policies enabled by default

Managed resource "management policies" moved to beta and are now enabled by default.

Object has been modified warnings

Crossplane changed the behavior causing this confusing event message, so users should see much less of these:

cannot patch object: Operation cannot be fulfilled on "test-network-d6xjh": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again`

Adding extra objects during Crossplane install

The Crossplane Helm chart now supports an extraObjects: [] array to install other Kubernetes objects during the Crossplane install.

Support for pausing other Crossplane objects

The Crossplane annotation is now supported in Claims, Composites, Configurations, Functions, and Provider objects.

Full Changelog

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


7 months ago

Crossplane version v1.14.0-rc.1 is a release candidate intended to collect input from the community and offer users an opportunity to experiment with Crossplane in non-production environments before the official release of version v1.14.0.

This is a pre-release; do not use it in production environments!

To install Crossplane with this release:

helm repo add crossplane-stable --force-update
helm install crossplane --namespace crossplane-system --create-namespace crossplane-stable/crossplane --devel

To install Crossplane Cli with this release:

curl -sL | XP_VERSION=v1.14.0-rc.1 sh

The detailed release notes will be provided when the version v1.14.0 is officially launched. In the meantime, you can review the commit changes made since version 1.13.0 with:

For a high-level tour of the new features in Crossplane 1.14, see this gist from community member @stevendborrelli:


9 months ago

v1.13.2 is another quick follow-up release addressing a few minor issues.

Notable Changes

  • Hashing transforms of strings were previously computed including quotes, we now properly handle strings.
  • Automatically migrate old Locks that are stored as v1alpha1 in etcd, if needed.
  • XRDs now properly copy top level descriptions and x-kubernetes-validation to the generated CRDs.

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


10 months ago

[!NOTE] You should upgrade to this release instead of v1.13.0.

Just a quick follow-up patch release, mainly to address an issue for users upgrading from older versions.

Notable changes

  • Automatically migrate old CompositionRevisions that are stored as v1alpha1 in etcd.
  • Set up the logger correctly even if not in debug mode to prevent misleading errors from being printed on startup.
  • Ensure proper propagation of compositionRevisionRef from Claim to Composite resource with compositionUpdatePolicy set to Manual.

What's Changed

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