ContextualSpellCheck Versions Save

✔️Contextual word checker for better suggestions


3 years ago

Following changes in this release:

  1. Allow user specified vocab to identify misspell (#12)
  2. Fix a bug where file read presented issue. Thanks to @gaurav0804 for #11


3 years ago

Thanks @mark-fangzhou-xie for pointing out an issue where the token text and position is modified an a downstream process. This affected our custom extension.

As a fix

  • use setter for corrected sentence and not getter (to solve issue with downstream process)
  • raise warning when extension is accessed and the token position/text is modified


4 years ago

Updated following:

  1. Context changed from Doc to Span (sentence) in candidateGenerator hence parser is required
  2. doc._.outcome_spellCheck extension will now be a getter
  3. doc._.suggestions_spellCheck is now set during the call to candidateRanking and outputs our recommendation
  4. Updated suggestions_spellCheck response from {spaCy.Token: List(str)} to {spaCy.Token: str} as score_spellcheck extension was also giving similar data
  5. misspellIdentify updated with new conditions

Some other minors enhancements and fixes!

Thanks all, who downloaded and tried the package, please ⭑ the repo if you like the work!


4 years ago


4 years ago

This is first release of the package. There is still many tasks left from here!