Connectivity Versions Save

🌐 Makes Internet connectivity detection more robust by detecting Wi-Fi networks without Internet access.


3 years ago


  • Support for macOS.


  • Fixes Swift Package Manager integration.


3 years ago


  • Added checkWhenApplicationDidBecomeActive flag which when enabled will check connectivity status when an app returns from the background.
  • Added pollWhileOfflineOnly flag which ensures that Connectivity only polls after recording an unsuccessful connection result. Following a successful result polling will cease.


  • The entirety of the logic that was previously in checkConnectivity is now offloaded to internalQueue immediately.
  • Where polling, it was possible for a successful connection check to not be able to report the network interface used (as Reachability returned NotReachable) where using the .systemConfiguration framework option. In this instance, Connectivity now uses NWPathMonitor as a fallback on iOS 12+ even where .systemConfiguration is the selected option.


5 years ago

Provides the ability to switch between Reachability and the Network framework (on iOS 12+) using the new framework property on the Connectivity object.


5 years ago

Refactored code into smaller reusable functions to eliminate code duplication and improve maintainability.


5 years ago


  • Allows the polling interval to be configured.
  • Exposes the ConnectivityDidChange notification name as part of the public interface.


  • Enforces SSL by default.


5 years ago

Updated for Xcode 10 and Swift 4.2.


5 years ago

Fixed an issue whereby the callback could be invoked more frequently than necessary if using the polling option.


5 years ago

Adds a sample application to demonstrate how to use Connectivity. Additionally contains improvements to code structure and an early exit mechanism such that once the required number of successful connectivity checks has been met any pending checks will be cancelled as they will no longer affect the result.


5 years ago

This release introduces support for Swift 4 and integration using the Carthage dependency manager. In order to integrate Connectivity into your project via Carthage, add the following line to your project's Cartfile:

github "rwbutler/Connectivity"


5 years ago

Connectivity is a framework which improves on Reachability by allowing developers to detect whether true Internet connectivity is available or whether a captive portal is blocking Internet traffic. This blog post provides further details.