CompactGUI Versions Save

Transparently compress active games and programs using Windows 10/11 APIs


2 months ago

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes the program crashing on launch for new installations due to the program attempting to create the settings file twice. #405 #410 #409


Either of two things may happen in an upcoming release (I haven't decided yet)

  • Upgrade to .NET 8 and continue to provide two separate binaries (one normal, and one monolithic)
  • Continue on .NET 6 and stop providing the monolithic version.

I haven't decided whether to upgrade to .NET 8 for this project yet (I've done it for another project, PolyCut) but aside from AOT - which probably won't work- I'm not sure it would be of any real benefit for CompactGUI otherwise.


Because this application uses .NET 6, you have two choices of downloads:

    • 2.76 MB: If you don't have the .NET 6 runtime installed when you try to run this, it will prompt you to download it from Microsoft
    • 150 MB: Includes all libraries required to run it completely standalone, however it's nearly 50x the size. I do recommend installing the .NET 6 runtime instead (which is itself only a 50MB download).

File Checksums

MD5: 		1CC3D0DB1C470B5B4017AB8EFE5ACD0A
SHA-256: 	6580E1D460586AB97EEF0A105EEA6898A161C02926E8F07B0351530B7931621F

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3 months ago

Sorry for the back-to-back releases today!

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes the program crashing when a selected folder contains subdirectories/files you don't have permission to access. #395 #401

New Features:

  • Hovering over the Estimated Size region will now show an overview of all compression modes (and total number of user submissions) that contribute to the estimate. This way you can see exactly which compression mode is worth using for a given folder.


Known issues

  • Watched folders will not play nice if you added a folder to the watchlist while in admin mode, and then went back to normal mode afterwards. It will still technically work, but the analysis will not be accurate (as it will skip over files it doesn't have permission to check)
  • Clicking the Analyse button to check all the watched folders won't show any visual indication that it's doing anything until it is finished. It is actually working, but you just can't see anything. Feel free to spam click the button if it makes you feel better.


Either of two things may happen in an upcoming release (I haven't decided yet)

  • Upgrade to .NET 8 and continue to provide two separate binaries (one normal, and one monolithic)
  • Continue on .NET 6 and stop providing the monolithic version.

I haven't decided whether to upgrade to .NET 8 for this project yet (I've done it for another project, PolyCut) but aside from AOT - which probably won't work- I'm not sure it would be of any real benefit for CompactGUI otherwise.


Because this application uses .NET 6, you have two choices of downloads:

    • 2.76 MB: If you don't have the .NET 6 runtime installed when you try to run this, it will prompt you to download it from Microsoft
    • 150 MB: Includes all libraries required to run it completely standalone, however it's nearly 50x the size. I do recommend installing the .NET 6 runtime instead (which is itself only a 50MB download).

File Checksums

MD5: 		0C9191710D6640BDEC4E68A2CD6D3B56
SHA-256: 	64D26D29766E58A7F7C45158AE809BF62D9D266265A9F4D62B35B591E9D66E4A

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3 months ago

Bug Fixes:

  • Partial fix for CompactGUI crashing on start (or failing to start) due to corrupted settings.json or watcher.json files
    • I still don't know what causes the corruption to happen in the first place, but now if it detects a corrupted file, it will get rebuilt rather than crashing. Should fix #372 #342 #334
  • Fixes the main window starting up with the title bar hidden on low resolution displays. #382
    • Additionally, if the program detects that it cannot fit on screen, it will scale itself down to do so.

Known issues

  • Watched folders will not play nice if you added a folder to the watchlist while in admin mode, and then went back to normal mode afterwards. It will still technically work, but the analysis will not be accurate (as it will skip over files it doesn't have permission to check)
  • Clicking the Analyse button to check all the watched folders won't show any visual indication that it's doing anything until it is finished. It is actually working, but you just can't see anything. Feel free to spam click the button if it makes you feel better.


Either of two things may happen in an upcoming release (I haven't decided yet)

  • Upgrade to .NET 8 and continue to provide two separate binaries (one normal, and one monolithic)
  • Continue on .NET 6 and stop providing the monolithic version.

I haven't decided whether to upgrade to .NET 8 for this project yet (I've done it for another project, PolyCut) but aside from AOT - which probably won't work- I'm not sure it would be of any real benefit for CompactGUI otherwise.


Because this application uses .NET 6, you have two choices of downloads:

    • 2.76 MB: If you don't have the .NET 6 runtime installed when you try to run this, it will prompt you to download it from Microsoft
    • 150 MB: Includes all libraries required to run it completely standalone, however it's nearly 50x the size. I do recommend installing the .NET 6 runtime instead (which is itself only a 50MB download).

File Checksums

MD5: 		9A7F392AC2FC307FA2155B7DB41E91FF
SHA-256: 	E580109CB40ECFF6E57B70B069E27AF12CDC51645D4796FA1DC1D4818D50E425

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3 months ago

New Features:

  • Pause, Resume and Cancel functions have been added
    • Because compression/decompression is parallelised for speed (multiple files are compressed at the same time), there will be a delay after pressing these buttons to make sure all files being processed are safely written first.
    • Cancelling a compression will not undo already compressed files, but if you come back later to compress the same folder again, it will skip files that are already compressed.

Known issues

  • Watched folders will not play nice if you added a folder to the watchlist while in admin mode, and then went back to normal mode afterwards. It will still technically work, but the analysis will not be accurate (as it will skip over files it doesn't have permission to check)
  • Clicking the Analyse button to check all the watched folders won't show any visual indication that it's doing anything until it is finished. It is actually working, but you just can't see anything. Feel free to spam click the button if it makes you feel better.


Either of two things may happen in an upcoming release (I haven't decided yet)

  • Upgrade to .NET 8 and continue to provide two separate binaries (one normal, and one monolithic)
  • Continue on .NET 6 and stop providing the monolithic version.

I haven't decided whether to upgrade to .NET 8 for this project yet (I've done it for another project, PolyCut) but aside from AOT - which probably won't work- I'm not sure it would be of any real benefit for CompactGUI otherwise.


Because this application uses .NET 6, you have two choices of downloads:

    • 2.76 MB: If you don't have the .NET 6 runtime installed when you try to run this, it will prompt you to download it from Microsoft
    • 150 MB: Includes all libraries required to run it completely standalone, however it's nearly 50x the size. I do recommend installing the .NET 6 runtime instead (which is itself only a 50MB download).

File Checksums

MD5: 		64B783EDCA6C08D8D9558C3FC0D2F740
SHA-256: 	01BDCA3C8EA3ADA6232991BD4DD6EF356AB62FBA9F779540FFF21740F7776EDB

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3 months ago


Either of two things may happen in an upcoming release (I haven't decided yet)

  • Upgrade to .NET 8 and continue to provide two separate binaries (one normal, and one monolithic)
  • Continue on .NET 6 and stop providing the monolithic version.

I haven't decided whether to upgrade to .NET 8 for this project yet (I've done it for another project, PolyCut) but aside from AOT - which probably won't work- I'm not sure it would be of any real benefit for CompactGUI otherwise.

New Features:

  • Compression options now persist between runs rather than resetting to defaults (Selected compression mode, Skip filetypes, Add to watchlist) #392

Bug Fixes

  • Incorrect folder size result when compressing broken folders #361 #336
    • Thanks to @yyjdelete for figuring out the cause and fixing it #379
  • Fixed issue where it was possible to select and compress empty folders which would then crash the Watcher.
  • Fixed glitchy bottom toolbar animation when moving the mouse in/out of it too quickly
  • Moved Update banner from the bottom to the top so that the bottom toolbar can still be used.

Known issues

  • Watched folders will not play nice if you added a folder to the watchlist while in admin mode, and then went back to normal mode afterwards. It will still technically work, but the analysis will not be accurate (as it will skip over files it doesn't have permission to check)
  • Clicking the Analyse button to check all the watched folders won't show any visual indication that it's doing anything until it is finished. It is actually working, but you just can't see anything. Feel free to spam click the button if it makes you feel better.


Because this application uses .NET 6, you have two choices of downloads:

    • 2.76 MB: If you don't have the .NET 6 runtime installed when you try to run this, it will prompt you to download it from Microsoft
    • 150 MB: Includes all libraries required to run it completely standalone, however it's nearly 50x the size. I do recommend installing the .NET 6 runtime instead (which is itself only a 50MB download).

File Checksums

MD5: 		672E3A1D36A5F31D4D7694E2701CB6B7
SHA-256: 	1F0379777C5466C63A3E4A2A13BA490E20305F7E43A0DD91E07C708C270701DB

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4 months ago


Either of two things may happen in an upcoming release (I haven't decided yet)

  • Upgrade to .NET 8 and continue to provide two separate binaries (one normal, and one monolithic)
  • Continue on .NET 6 and stop providing the monolithic version.

I haven't decided whether to upgrade to .NET 8 for this project yet (I've done it for another project, PolyCut) but aside from AOT - which probably won't work- I'm not sure it would be of any real benefit for CompactGUI otherwise.

Bug Fixes

  • UI Scaling
    • Partial fix for Window scaling breaking at random (still not sure what's causing it though) - when you restart the application, it will check if the window size is too small and reset it if that's the case #384 #374
  • System Tray
    • Added an actual hover label to the system tray icon that shows how many folders are being monitored #390
    • A notification shows up when the program is minimised to tray
    • Fixed the program being minimised after trying to open it from the tray
    • Fixed CompactGUI showing up in the Alt-Tab view even when minimised to the system tray #389
  • Explorer context menu
    • Fixed the annoying bug where you couldn't open CompactGUI by right clicking a folder and selecting compress this folder if it was already running.

Known issues for v3.0.x

  • Watched folders will not play nice if you added a folder to the watchlist while in admin mode, and then went back to normal mode afterwards. It will still technically work, but the analysis will not be accurate (as it will skip over files it doesn't have permission to check)
  • Clicking the Analyse button to check all the watched folders won't show any visual indication that it's doing anything until it is finished. It is actually working, but you just can't see anything. Feel free to spam click the button if it makes you feel better.
  • The fading in/out bottom bar is a bit glitchy.


Because this application uses .NET 6, you have two choices of downloads:

    • 2.77 MB: If you don't have the .NET 6 runtime installed when you try to run this, it will prompt you to download it from Microsoft
    • 150 MB: Includes all libraries required to run it completely standalone, however it's nearly 50x the size. I do recommend installing the .NET 6 runtime instead (which is itself only a 50MB download).

File Checksums

MD5: 		0AE545037D951115337A0752D15131E8
SHA-256: 	A4B308EBFA264CC99FC4701500083B385305693FFA8F3266CD7A28D0B187A81A

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4 months ago

Bug Fixes

  • UI Scaling
    • Fixed UI scaling not applying to Options dialog and glitching the window. #374
    • Fixed window no longer opening in the correct screen position #375

Known issues for v3.0.x

  • Watched folders will not play nice if you added a folder to the watchlist while in admin mode, and then went back to normal mode afterwards. It will still technically work, but the analysis will not be accurate (as it will skip over files it doesn't have permission to check)
  • Clicking the Analyse button to check all the watched folders won't show any visual indication that it's doing anything until it is finished. It is actually working, but you just can't see anything. Feel free to spam click the button if it makes you feel better.
  • The fading in/out bottom bar is a bit glitchy.
  • The right-click context menu no longer works and gives an error that CompactGUI is already running, if you're using the Watched list.


Because this application uses .NET 6, you have two choices of downloads:

    • 2.77 MB: If you don't have the .NET 6 runtime installed when you try to run this, it will prompt you to download it from Microsoft
    • 150 MB: Includes all libraries required to run it completely standalone, however it's nearly 50x the size. I do recommend installing the .NET 6 runtime instead (which is itself only a 50MB download).

File Checksums

MD5: 		CC9416A05408303D60629E801CD3872E
SHA-256: 	75C945B100022065F933F371367743AB0487C38FBE27BED38E30E7245DDDD9A0

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5 months ago


  • UI Scaling
    • Added ability to set the scaling of the entire UI in the settings - this will help those with monitors <800px tall (lots of laptops) or people who use very high DPI scaling on 1440p or 4K monitors. It's not exactly true HiDPI awareness, but it's better than nothing #269 #337

Changes (Minor)

  • Added Version indicator to bottom corner of main view
  • UI updates and tweaks
    • Mainly added a smooooooth blur animation to the background loading :)
    • Added link buttons in the options menu (this was actually how I tested the UI scaling by scaling canvas SVGs first)
    • Tweaked colours a bit


Known issues

  • Watched folders will not play nice if you added a folder to the watchlist while in admin mode, and then went back to normal mode afterwards. It will still technically work, but the analysis will not be accurate (as it will skip over files it doesn't have permission to check)
  • Clicking the Analyse button to check all the watched folders won't show any visual indication that it's doing anything until it is finished. It is actually working, but you just can't see anything. Feel free to spam click the button if it makes you feel better.
  • The fading in/out bottom bar is a bit glitchy.
  • The right-click context menu no longer works and gives an error that CompactGUI is already running, if you're using the Watched list.


Because this application uses .NET 6, you have two choices of downloads:

    • 2.77 MB: If you don't have the .NET 6 runtime installed when you try to run this, it will prompt you to download it from Microsoft
    • 150 MB: Includes all libraries required to run it completely standalone, however it's nearly 50x the size. I do recommend installing the .NET 6 runtime instead (which is itself only a 50MB download).

File Checksums

MD5: 		EB4EC8B2023882F97B468A69238A39DA
SHA-256: 	934D3BBF20538574C4455C188958CD96996D6E7709D56045D07D78E0680AC712

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5 months ago

Not many major changes, but may as well drop the beta tag at this point :)


  • Skip Poorly Compressed Filetypes #365
    • Added more default filetypes: .tar, .gz, .dmg, .bz2, .tgz, .lz, .txz, .xz
    • Extensions can now also be separated using ; or ,. Trying to use Enter or Tab still doesn't work.
  • Estimated compression size confidence
    • You now see a bar representing the confidence that the estimated compression size is accurate. This is based on user submitted results. Note that it aggregates the confidence based on all the compression types, so if everyone else is using XPRESS16K and you're using XPRESS4K the confidence can still be high, but your compression ratio will still be lower.
  • Tooltips
    • Added tooltips to the compression options. #339
image image

Known issues

  • Watched folders will not play nice if you added a folder to the watchlist while in admin mode, and then went back to normal mode afterwards. It will still technically work, but the analysis will not be accurate (as it will skip over files it doesn't have permission to check)
  • Clicking the Analyse button to check all the watched folders won't show any visual indication that it's doing anything until it is finished. It is actually working, but you just can't see anything. Feel free to spam click the button if it makes you feel better.
  • The fading in/out bottom bar is a bit glitchy.
  • The right-click context menu no longer works and gives an error that CompactGUI is already running, if you're using the Watched list.


Because this application now uses .NET 6, you have two choices of downloads:

    • 2.74 MB: If you don't have the .NET 6 runtime installed when you try to run this, it will prompt you to download it from Microsoft
    • 150 MB: Includes all libraries required to run it completely standalone, however it's nearly 50x the size. I do recommend installing the .NET 6 runtime instead (which is itself only a 50MB download).

File Checksums

SHA-256: 	8A83EB6CE92F37E9621C953A0D4A0D3E1589A245C0A21E85F0B8B5A5F4CA5E6C

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1 year ago


  • Skip Poorly Compressed Filetypes
    • Has been enabled - selecting these options will now actually skip filetypes. You cannot submit results if you have these options enabled (that's to ensure that future results aren't compromised). For the User Submitted Filetypes option, in future this will be adjusted to only skip files with a certain confidence level (e.g. if only 1 person says it should be skipped that's not good enough, but if 40 do then it can be skipped)
    • In theory, compression should be at least equal or only slightly worse than without skipping filetypes, and the speed should be faster (in some cases much faster). Please submit an issue if the compression is much worse for a particular game/folder
  • Added Notifications - shows a Toast notification when compression is completed (this can be enabled/disabled in the settings)
  • Added Drag-and-Drop - Folders can now be dragged into CompactGUI to compress them. One folder at a time only.
  • Updated Games Database - ~7400 new submissions since the last version (these are generally updated in the background but I haven't pushed a new database since July)

Bug Fixes

  • Safely blocks System Windows directory from being selected without affecting other root folders that contain Windows #281
  • Fixed crash when a watched folder is deleted or renamed and CompactGUI cannot locate it - deleted/renamed folders are now automatically removed from the watchlist
  • Added checks to prevent non-NTFS folders from being compressed. #305

Known issues

  • Watched folders will not play nice if you added a folder to the watchlist while in admin mode, and then went back to normal mode afterwards. It will still technically work, but the analysis will not be accurate (as it will skip over files it doesn't have permission to check)
  • Clicking the Analyse button to check all the watched folders won't show any visual indication that it's doing anything until it is finished. It is actually working, but you just can't see anything. Feel free to spam click the button if it makes you feel better.
  • The fading in/out bottom bar is a bit glitchy.
  • The right-click context menu no longer works and gives an error that CompactGUI is already running, if you're using the Watched list.


Because this application now uses .NET 6, you have two choices of downloads:

    • 2.71 MB: If you don't have the .NET 6 runtime installed when you try to run this, it will prompt you to download it from Microsoft
    • 152 MB: Includes all libraries required to run it completely standalone, however it's nearly 50x the size. I do recommend installing the .NET 6 runtime instead (which is itself only a 50MB download).

File Checksums

MD5: 		D5F3B0AB6A1A82AE1178B2647A9B9A4F
SHA-256: 	4D5BC15A1D8D1EB03DF5C710FF23BD5F214A4D1F089C36D16AFF54BE241F2192