Cmark Versions Save

CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C


7 years ago
  • Set policy for CMP0063 to avoid a warning (#162). Put set_policy under cmake version test. Otherwise we get errors in older versions of cmake.
  • Use VERSION_GREATER to clean up cmake version test.
  • Improve afl target. Use afl-clang by default. Set default for path.


7 years ago
  • Update spec to 0.27.
  • Fix warnings building with MSVC on Windows (#165, Hugh Bellamy).
  • Fix CMAKE_C_VISIBILITY_PRESET for cmake versions greater than 1.8 (e.g. 3.6.2) (#162, Hugh Bellamy). This lets us build swift-cmark on Windows, using clang-cl.
  • Fix for non-matching entities (#161, Yuki Izumi).
  • Modified print_delimiters (commented out) so it compiles again.
  • make format: don't change order of includes.
  • Changed logic for null/eol checks (#160).
    • only check once for "not at end of line"
    • check for null before we check for newline characters (the previous patch would fail for NULL + CR)
  • Fix by not advancing past both \0 and \n (Yuki Izumi).
  • Add test for NUL-LF sequence (Yuki Izumi).
  • Fix memory leak in list parsing (Yuki Izumi).
  • Use cmark_mem to free where used to alloc (Yuki Izumi).
  • Allow a shortcut link before a ( (jgm/CommonMark#427).
  • Allow tabs after setext header line (jgm/commonmark.js#109).
  • Don't let URI schemes start with spaces.
  • Fixed h2..h6 HTML blocks (jgm/CommonMark#430). Added regression test.
  • Autolink scheme can contain digits (Gábor Csárdi).
  • Fix nullary function declarations in cmark.h (Nick Wellnhofer). Fixes strict prototypes warnings.
  • COPYING: Update file name and remove duplicate section and (Peter Eisentraut).
  • Fix typo (Pavlo Kapyshin).


7 years ago
  • Removed unnecessary typedef that caused build failure on some platforms.
  • Use $(MAKE) in Makefile instead of hardcoded make (#146, Tobias Kortkamp).


7 years ago
  • Implement spec changes for list items:
    • Empty list items cannot interrupt paragraphs.
    • Ordered lists cannot interrupt paragraphs unless they start with 1.
    • Removed "two blank lines break out of a list" feature.
  • Fix sourcepos for blockquotes (#142).
  • Fix sourcepos for atx headers (#141).
  • Fix ATX headers and thematic breaks to allow tabs as well as spaces.
  • Fix chunk_set_cstr with suffix of current string (#139, Nick Wellnhofer). It's possible that cmark_chunk_set_cstr is called with a substring (suffix) of the current string. Delay freeing of the chunk content to handle this case correctly.
  • Export targets on installation (Jonathan Müller). This allows using them in other cmake projects.
  • Fix cmake warning about CMP0048 (Jonathan Müller).
  • commonmark renderer: Ensure we don't have a blank line before a code block when it's the first thing in a list item.
  • Change parsing of strong/emph in response to spec changes. process_emphasis now gets better results in corner cases. The change is this: when considering matches between an interior delimiter run (one that can open and can close) and another delimiter run, we require that the sum of the lengths of the two delimiter runs mod 3 is not 0.
  • Ported Robin Stocker's changes to link parsing in jgm/commonmark#101. This uses a separate stack for brackets, instead of putting them on the delimiter stack. This avoids the need for looking through the delimiter stack for the next bracket.
  • cmark_reference_lookup: Return NULL if reference is null string.
  • Fix character type detection in commonmark.c (Nick Wellnhofer). Fixes test failures on Windows and undefined behavior.
    • Implement cmark_isalpha.
    • Check for ASCII character before implicit cast to char.
    • Use internal ctype functions in commonmark.c.
  • Better documentation of memory-freeing responsibilities. in cmark.h and its man page (#124).
  • Use library functions to insert nodes in emphasis/link processing. Previously we did this manually, which introduces many places where errors can creep in.
  • Correctly handle list marker followed only by spaces. Previously when a list marker was followed only by spaces, cmark expected the following content to be indented by the same number of spaces. But in this case we should treat the line just like a blank line and set list padding accordingly.
  • Fixed a number of issues relating to line wrapping.
    • Extend CMARK_OPT_NOBREAKS to all renderers and add --nobreaks.
    • Do not autowrap, regardless of width parameter, if CMARK_OPT_NOBREAKS is set.
    • Fixed CMARK_OPT_HARDBREAKS for LaTeX and man renderers.
    • Ensure that no auto-wrapping occurs if CMARK_OPT_NOBREAKS is enabled, or if output is CommonMark and CMARK_OPT_HARDBREAKS is enabled.
  • Set stdin to binary mode on Windows (Nick Wellnhofer, #113). This fixes EOLs when reading from stdin.
  • Add library option to render softbreaks as spaces (Pavlo Kapyshin). Note that the NOBREAKS option is HTML-only
  • renderer: no_linebreaks instead of no_wrap. We generally want this option to prohibit any breaking in things like headers (not just wraps, but softbreaks).
  • Coerce realurllen to int. This is an alternate solution for pull request #132, which introduced a new warning on the comparison (Benedict Cohen).
  • Remove unused variable link_text (Mathiew Duponchelle).
  • Improved safety checks in buffer (Vicent Marti).
  • Add new interface allowing specification of custom memory allocator for nodes (Vicent Marti). Added cmark_node_new_with_mem, cmark_parser_new_with_mem, cmark_mem to API.
  • Reduce storage size for nodes by using bit flags instead of separate booleans (Vicent Marti).
  • config: Add SSIZE_T compat for Win32 (Vicent Marti).
  • cmake: Global handler for OOM situations (Vicent Marti).
  • Add tests for memory exhaustion (Vicent Marti).
  • Document in man page and public header that one should use the same memory allocator for every node in a tree.
  • Fix ctypes in Python FFI calls (Nick Wellnhofer). This didn't cause problems so far because all types are 32-bit on 32-bit systems and arguments are passed in registers on x86-64. The wrong types could cause crashes on other platforms, though.
  • Remove spurious failures in roundtrip tests. In the commonmark writer we separate lists, and lists and indented code, using a dummy HTML comment. So in evaluating the round-trip tests, we now strip out these comments. We also normalize HTML to avoid issues having to do with line breaks.
  • Add 2016 to copyright (Kevin Burke).
  • Added to_commonmark in test/ (for round-trip tests).
  • - parameterize do_test with converter.
  • exit code is now sum of failures and errors. This ensures that a failing exit code will be given when there are errors, not just with failures.
  • Fixed round trip tests. Previously they actually ran cmark instead of the round-trip version, since there was a bug in setting the ROUNDTRIP variable (#131).
  • Added new This replaces the old use of simple shell scripts. It is much faster, and more flexible. (We will be able to do custom normalization and skip certain tests.)
  • Fix tests under MinGW (Nick Wellnhofer).
  • Fix leak in api_test (Mathieu Duponchelle).
  • Makefile: have leakcheck stop on first error instead of going through all the formats and options and probably getting the same output.
  • Add regression tests (Nick Wellnhofer).


8 years ago
  • Open files in binary mode (#113, Nick Wellnhofer). Now that cmark supports different line endings, files must be openend in binary mode on Windows.
  • Reset partially_consumed_tab on every new line (#114, Nick Wellnhofer).
  • Handle buffer split across a CRLF line ending (#117). Adds an internal field to the parser struct to keep track of last_buffer_ended_with_cr. Added test.


8 years ago
  • Release with no code changes. cmark version was mistakenly set to 0.25.1 in the 0.25.0 release (#112), so this release just ensures that this will cause no confusion later.


8 years ago
  • Fixed tabs in indentation (#101). This patch fixes S_advance_offset so that it doesn't gobble a tab character when advancing less than the width of a tab.

  • Added partially_consumed_tab to parser. This keeps track of when we have gotten partway through a tab when consuming initial indentation.

  • Simplified add_line (only need parser parameter).

  • Properly handle partially consumed tab. E.g. in

    - foo

    we should consume two spaces from the second tab, including two spaces in the code block.

  • Properly handle tabs with blockquotes and fenced blocks.

  • Fixed handling of tabs in lists.

  • Clarified logic in S_advance_offset.

  • Use an assertion to check for in-range html_block_type. It's a programming error if the type is out of range.

  • Refactored S_processLines to make the logic easier to understand, and added documentation (Mathieu Duponchelle).

  • Removed unnecessary check for empty string_content.

  • Factored out contains_inlines.

  • Moved the cmake minimum version to top line of CMakeLists.txt (tinysun212).

  • Fix ctype(3) usage on NetBSD (Kamil Rytarowski). We need to cast value passed to isspace(3) to unsigned char to explicitly prevent possibly undefined behavior.

  • Compile in plain C mode with MSVC 12.0 or newer (Nick Wellnhofer). Under MSVC, we used to compile in C++ mode to get some C99 features like mixing declarations and code. With newer MSVC versions, it's possible to build in plain C mode.

  • Switched from "inline" to "CMARK_INLINE" (Nick Wellnhofer). Newer MSVC versions support enough of C99 to be able to compile cmark in plain C mode. Only the "inline" keyword is still unsupported. We have to use "__inline" instead.

  • Added include guards to config.h

  • - added compatibility snprintf, vsnprintf for MSVC.

  • Replaced sprintf with snprintf (Marco Benelli).

  • config.h: include stdio.h for _vscprintf etc.

  • Include starg.h when needed in config.h.

  • Removed an unnecessary C99-ism in buffer.c. This helps compiling on systems like luarocks that don't have all the cmake configuration goodness (thanks to carlmartus).

  • Don't use variable length arrays (Nick Wellnhofer). They're not supported by MSVC.

  • Test with multiple MSVC versions under Appveyor (Nick Wellnhofer).

  • Fix installation dir of man-pages on NetBSD (Kamil Rytarowski).

  • Fixed typo in cmark.h comments (Chris Eidhof).

  • Clarify in man page that cmark_node_free frees a node's children too.

  • Fixed documentation of --width in man page.

  • Require re2c >= 1.14.2 (#102).

  • Generated scanners.c with more recent re2c.


8 years ago
  • Commonmark renderer:
    • Use HTML comment, not two blank lines, to separate a list item from a following code block or list. This makes the output more portable, since the "two blank lines" rule is unique to CommonMark. Also, it allows us to break out of a sublist without breaking out of all levels of nesting.
    • is_autolink - handle case where link has no children, which previously caused a segfault.
    • Use 4-space indent for bullet lists, for increased portability.
    • Use 2-space + newline for line break for increased portability (#90).
    • Improved punctuation escaping. Previously all ) and . characters after digits were escaped; now they are only escaped if they are genuinely in a position where they'd cause a list item. This is achieved by changes in render.c: (a) renderer->begin_content is only set to false after a string of digits at the beginning of the line, and (b) we never break a line before a digit. Also, begin_content is properly initialized to true.
  • Handle NULL root in consolidate_text_nodes.


8 years ago
  • [API change] Added cmark_node_replace(oldnode, newnode).
  • Updated spec.txt to 0.24.
  • Fixed edge case with escaped parens in link destination (#97). This was also checked against the #82 case with asan.
  • Removed unnecessary check for fenced in cmark_render_html. It's sufficient to check that the info string is empty. Indeed, those who use the API may well create a code block with an info string without explicitly setting fenced.
  • Updated format of test/smart_punct.txt.
  • Updated test/spec.txt, test/smart_punct.txt, and to new format.
  • Fixed get_containing_block logic in src/commonmark.c. This did not allow for the possibility that a node might have no containing block, causing the commonmark renderer to segfault if passed an inline node with no block parent.
  • Fixed string representations of CUSTOM_BLOCK, CUSTOM_INLINE. The old versions raw_inline and raw_block were being used, and this led to incorrect xml output.
  • Use default opts in python sample wrapper.
  • Allow multiline setext header content, as per spec.
  • Don't allow spaces in link destinations, even with pointy brackets. Conforms to latest change in spec.
  • Updated scheme scanner according to spec change. We no longer use a whitelist of valid schemes.
  • Allow any kind of nodes as children of CUSTOM_BLOCK (#96).
  • cmark.h: moved typedefs for iterator into iterator section. This just moves some code around so it makes more sense to read, and in the man page.
  • Fixed so it includes typedefs again.


8 years ago
  • [API change] Added CUSTOM_BLOCK and CUSTOM_INLINE node types. They are never generated by the parser, and do not correspond to CommonMark elements. They are designed to be inserted by filters that postprocess the AST. For example, a filter might convert specially marked code blocks to svg diagrams in HTML and tikz diagrams in LaTeX, passing these through to the renderer as a CUSTOM_BLOCK. These nodes can have children, but they also have literal text to be printed by the renderer "on enter" and "on exit." Added cmark_node_get_on_enter, cmark_node_set_on_enter, cmark_node_get_on_exit, cmark_node_set_on_exit to API.
  • [API change] Rename NODE_HTML -> NODE_HTML_BLOCK, NODE_INLINE_HTML -> NODE_HTML_INLINE. Define aliases so the old names still work, for backwards compatibility.
  • [API change] Rename CMARK_NODE_HEADER -> CMARK_NODE_HEADING. Note that for backwards compatibility, we have defined aliases: CMARK_NODE_HEADER = CMARK_NODE_HEADING, cmark_node_get_header_level = cmark_node_get_heading_level, and cmark_node_set_header_level = cmark_node_set_heading_level.
  • [API change] Rename CMARK_NODE_HRULE -> CMARK_NODE_THEMATIC_BREAK. Defined the former as the latter for backwards compatibility.
  • Don't allow space between link text and link label in a reference link (spec change).
  • Separate parsing and rendering opts in cmark.h (#88). This change also changes some of these constants' numerical values, but nothing should change in the API if you use the constants themselves. It should now be clear in the man page which options affect parsing and which affect rendering.
  • xml renderer - Added xmlns attribute to document node (jgm/CommonMark#87).
  • Commonmark renderer: ensure html blocks surrounded by blanks. Otherwise we get failures of roundtrip tests.
  • Commonmark renderer: ensure that literal characters get escaped when they're at the beginning of a block, e.g. > \- foo.
  • LaTeX renderer - better handling of internal links. Now we render [foo](#bar) as \protect\hyperlink{bar}{foo}.
  • Check for NULL pointer in _scan_at (#81).
  • Makefile.nmake: be more robust when cmake is missing. Previously, when cmake was missing, the build dir would be created anyway, and subsequent attempts (even with cmake) would fail, because cmake would not be run. Depending on build/CMakeFiles is more robust -- this won't be created unless cmake is run. Partially addresses #85.
  • Fixed DOCTYPE in xml output.
  • commonmark.c: fix size_t to int. This fixes an MSVC warning "conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data" (Kevin Wojniak).
  • Correct string length in cmark_parse_document example (Lee Jeffery).
  • Fix non-ASCII end-of-line character check (andyuhnak).
  • Fix "declaration shadows a local variable" (Kevin Wojniak).
  • Install static library (jgm/CommonMark#381).
  • Fix warnings about dropping const qualifier (Kevin Wojniak).
  • Use full (unabbreviated) versions of constants (CMARK_...).
  • Removed outdated targets from Makefile.
  • Removed need for sudo in make bench.
  • Improved benchmark. Use longer test, since time has limited resolution.
  • Removed bench.h and timing calls in main.c.
  • Updated API docs; getters return empty strings if not set rather than NULL, as previously documented.
  • Added api_tests for custom nodes.
  • Made roundtrip test part of the test suite run by cmake.
  • Regenerate scanners.c using re2c 0.15.3.
  • Adjusted scanner for link url. This fixes a heap buffer overflow (#82).
  • Added version number (1.0) to XML namespace. We don't guarantee stability in this until 1.0 is actually released, however.
  • Removed obsolete TIMER macro.
  • Make LIB_INSTALL_DIR configurable (Mathieu Bridon, #79).
  • Removed out-of-date luajit wrapper.
  • Use input, not parser->curline to determine last line length.
  • Small optimizations in _scan_at.
  • Replaced hard-coded 4 with TAB_STOP.
  • Have make format reformat api tests as well.
  • Added api tests for man, latex, commonmark, and xml renderers (#51).
  • render.c: added begin_content field. This is like begin_line except that it doesn't trigger production of the prefix. So it can be set after an initial prefix (say >) is printed by the renderer, and consulted in determining whether to escape content that has a special meaning at the beginning of a line. Used in the commonmark renderer.
  • Python 3.5 compatibility: don't require HTMLParseError (Zhiming Wang). HTMLParseError was removed in Python 3.5. Since it could never be thrown in Python 3.5+, we simply define a placeholder when HTMLParseError cannot be imported.
  • Set convert_charrefs=False in (#83). This defeats the new default as of python 3.5, and allows the script to work with python 3.5.