Cloudformation Guard Versions Save

Guard offers a policy-as-code domain-specific language (DSL) to write rules and validate JSON- and YAML-formatted data such as CloudFormation Templates, K8s configurations, and Terraform JSON plans/configurations against those rules. Take this survey to provide feedback about cfn-guard:


1 year ago

AWS CloudFormation Guard 2.1.3 is a patch release that resolves 2 bugs from 2.1.2 release.

Bug fixes

  1. #306 - Fix for cfn-guard-lambda for timestamp offset
  2. #305 - Fix for release workflow to upload artifacts

Full change log:


1 year ago

AWS CloudFormation Guard 2.1.2 is a patch release that resolves a bug from 2.1.1 release.

Bug fix

  1. #300 - Resolved issue with failing test commands for input templates that had shorthand syntax in YAML, added unit test coverage

Full change log:


1 year ago

AWS CloudFormation Guard 2.1.1 is a patch release that includes new features, resolves bugs, and addresses feedback from the open source community.

New Features

  1. Docker image for Guard now available in ECR public gallery

Bug fixes

  1. Security fix for denial of service attack
  2. Improved parsing logic and graceful exits in case of parsing failures
  3. Upgraded Lambda to use new evaluation engine

Issues addressed

  1. #210 - [BUG] main thread panic
  2. #160 - cfn-guard test should fail when test file isn't found
  3. #228 - [BUG] Parsing error when comments used at EOF
  4. #224 - [BUG] DoS using Crafted Yaml file
  5. #266 - [BUG] empty Function Broken on Boolean Keys
  6. #252 - [BUG] Message Formatting

Other changes

  • #239 - Updated FFI exports to support Rust-supported types by @tylersouthwick
  • #238 - Fixed return Result return types by @tylersouthwick
  • #282 - Improved parsing for inner regular expressions by @joshfried-aws
  • #287 - Added non-zero exit code for parsing failures by @tylersouthwick
  • #278 - Better handling of EOF in Guard rules by @joshfried-aws
  • #275 - Handling slashes in Resource names by @joshfried-aws
  • #276 - Added error for alias event to prevent panic by @joshfried-aws
  • #271 - Decouple from yaml-rust and unblock ( release by @joshfried-aws
  • #270 - Bump up serde-yaml by @joshfried-aws
  • #269 - Added empty check for boolean values by @akshayrane
  • #284 - Added is_bool support by @tylersouthwick
  • #254 - Fixed formatting for Guard evaluation report by @wkexiang
  • #262, #255 - Update Lambda to use new evaluation engine by @GriffinMB & @akshayrane
  • #264 - Fix for IN operator with literal LHS by @dchakrav-github
  • #243, #246, #263, #247 - Dependabot version bumps
  • #292 - Added GitHub action to automatically push a docker image on every commit by @akshayrane

Full change log:


Guard Docker Image launched on ECR public gallery


  1. Install docker. Follow this guide.
  2. Have a directory ready on the host you are downloading the docker image to that contains data templates and Guard rules you are planning to use, we may mount this directory and use the files as input to cfn-guard. We'll refer this directory to be called guard-files in the rest of this guide

Usage Guide

To use the binary, we should pull the latest docker image, we may do so using the following command:

docker pull

Now go ahead and run the docker image, using the files from directory we have our templates and rules file in, using:

docker run \
  --mount src=/path/to/guard-files,target=/container/guard-files,type=bind \
  -it \
  ./cfn-guard validate -d /container/guard-files/template.yml -r /container/guard-files/rule.guard

We should see the evaluation result emitted out on the console.

Tagging convention

  • We use the tag latest for the most recent docker image that gets published in sync with main branch of the cloudformation-guard GitHub repository.
  • We use the convention <branch_name>.<github_shorthand_commit_hash> for tags of historical docker images

New contributors

  • @joshfried-aws made their first contribution in #270
  • @GriffinMB made their first contribution in #255, pushed as part of #262
  • @tylersouthwick made their first contribution in #284
  • @wkexiang made their first contribution in #254


1 year ago

AWS CloudFormation Guard 2.1.0 is a major release that includes new features, resolves bugs, and addresses feedback from the open source community.

New Features

  • Parameterized Rules
  • Directory bundle support for running tests and validations for templates
  • Dynamic data lookup for inspection via multiple data files
  • Support Code view and pinpoint location of errors
  • Backwards compatible with cfn-guard 2.x.x

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed short-circuit on error condition with multiple resources of the same type. All errors are now displayed
  • Filter by type attribute and logical name match

Issues Addressed

Other Changes

Full Changelog:


Parameterized Rules

A user can leverage parameterized rules to write re-usable checks. User can use these checks to write Guard rules that works across several types of payloads such as AWS CloudFormation Templates, Terraform plans that use AWS CC, and AWS Config for asserting conditions.

Example of re-usable checks:

Sample parameterized guard rule to check network config (click to expand)
# Top level doc type checks
let cfn_resources = Resources.*
let aws_config = configuration.*

rule is_cfn_doc_type when %cfn_resources !empty {
    Resources exists

rule is_aws_config_doc_type when %aws_config !empty {
    configuration exists

# ECS Service
rule deny_ecs_services_invalid_configuration when is_cfn_doc_type {
    check_ecs_services_cfgs(Resources[ Type ==  'AWS::ECS::Service' ].Properties)

rule deny_ecs_services_invalid_configuration when is_aws_config_doc_type 
    resourceType == 'AWS::ECS::Service'

# Example of network configuration checks across ECS TaskSets and ECS Service using a common rule:
# ECS TaskSet
rule deny_ecs_task_set_invalid_configuration when is_cfn_doc_type {
    # For TaskSet, the property is NetworkConfiguration.Aws[V]pcConfiguration 
        Resources[ Type == 'AWS::ECS::TaskSet' ]

# ECS Service check, common across AWS Config and CloudFormation
rule check_ecs_services_cfgs(ecs_service_cfgs) {
    %ecs_service_cfgs {
        EnableExecuteCommand not exists or 
        EnableExecuteCommand == false
            <<Disallowed command executions for ECS services>>

        # For ECS Service, the property is NetworkConfiguration.Aws[V]pcConfiguration 

# Check ECS network configuration common to TaskSet and Service
rule check_ecs_network_config(network_cfgs) {
    %network_cfgs {
        AssignPublicIp == 'DISABLED' or 
        AssignPublicIp == 'disabled'
            <<Prevent assignment of public IP address to ECS services. AssignPublicIp must be DISABLE>>
Sample infrastructure template for an ECS cluster (click to expand)

Please note that some properties are intentionally omitted for brevity.

    Type: AWS::ECS::Cluster
    Type: AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition
      Family: test
        - Name: test
          Image: amazon/amazon-ecs-sample
          Essential: true
      Cpu: 256
      Memory: 512
    Type: AWS::ECS::Service
        Ref: Cluster
        Type: EXTERNAL
      DesiredCount: 0
          AssignPublicIp: DISABLED
    Type: AWS::ECS::TaskSet
        Ref: Service
        Ref: Cluster
        Ref: TaskDefinition
        Unit: PERCENT
        Value: 100
      LaunchType: EC2
      ExternalId: task-set-001
          AssignPublicIp: DISABLED

Directory bundle support for running tests and validations for templates

Users can now evaluate all rules at once for both testing and validating. Users can run all tests for all rules by pointing to the top-level directory. Testing follows a simple naming convention to run the appropriate tests against the rules.

Testing Setup

  1. Let's begin with a sample directory, by name guard-test-root. Create a Guard rule and name it rule_01.guard.
  2. Create a sub-directory within guard-test-root called tests directory (name has to be verbatim tests for this to work). Create rule_01_*.yaml for success and failures. This names will very as per different rule names.

Directory structure

├── rule_01.guard
└── tests/
      ├── rule_01_cfn_fail.yaml
      ├── rule_01_cfn_success.yaml
      ├── rule_01_config_fail.yaml
      └── rule_01_config_success.yaml

Command Run the following command in the parent directory ofguard-test-root.

cfn-guard test -d guard-test-root

Validate Setup

For validate, we have overloaded all 3 arguments to support directory as input --data, --rules as well as --input-parameters. Let us demonstrate an example with using a directory to pass rules, but know that it works the same way with others.

  1. Starting with a root directory called guard-validate-root. Create a sub-directory called rules.
  2. Add different Guard rule files in here. rule_01.guard, rule_02.guard, rule_03.guard. Please note we should use one of the supported extensions here. As of now, .guard and .ruleset are good for rules.
  3. Go back to guard-validate-root. Create an infrastructure as code template to be validated as template.yaml.

Directory structure

├── template.yaml
└── rules/
      ├── rule_01.guard
      ├── rule_02.guard
      └── rule_03.guard

Command Navigate to guard-validate-root and run the following command.

cfn-guard validate -r rules/ -d template.yaml

The validate command will pick all rule file names with the following extensions and execute the checks:

  • *.guard
  • *.ruleset

More scenarios for validate In a similar scenario, where we have multiple template data files in a directory named data to be validated against all files in a rules directory, we can run the following command.

cfn-guard validate -r rules/ -d data/

Where directory structure looks like the following:

├── data/
|     ├── template_01.yaml
|     ├── template_02.yaml
|     └── template_03.yaml
└── rules/
      ├── rule_01.guard
      ├── rule_02.guard
      └── rule_03.guard

For a data directory passed as input, the validate command will pick all rule file names with the following extensions and execute the checks:

  • *.yaml
  • *.yml
  • *.json
  • *.jsn
  • *.template

Thus, we have extended support for validating...

  • a single data template against a single guard rule
  • a single data template against multiple guard rules
  • multiple data templates against a single guard rule
  • multiple data templates against multiple guard rules

Apart from support for directory we also support multiple usages of the arguments with values of mixed nature (directory/file). For example, the following command is a valid command.

cfn-guard validate -r rules/ -r foo/rule_99.guard -d data/ -d bar/template_99.yaml

Dynamic data lookup for inspection via multiple data files

Users can now specify multiple data files for dynamic look ups using --input-parameters argument, along with the independent context of a data file passed as --data for actual validation inspection (e.g., the template that is the validation target).

All files passed as --input-parameters are combined to form a common context. This common context is then combined with every file passed as --data independently.

For example, network related data can be stored in a network.yaml file. rule:

  allowed_security_groups: ["sg-282850", "sg-292040"]
  allowed_prefix_lists: ["pl-63a5400a", "pl-02cd2c6b"]

This data will be used dynamically to look up as valid values in our Guard rule defined in a different security_groups.guard file:

security_groups.guard (click to expand)
let groups = Resources.*[ Type == 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup' ]

let permitted_sgs = NETWORK.allowed_security_groups
let permitted_pls = NETWORK.allowed_prefix_lists
rule check_permitted_security_groups_or_prefix_lists(groups) {
    %groups {
        this in %permitted_sgs or
        this in %permitted_pls

rule CHECK_PERMITTED_GROUPS when %groups !empty {

The above two will be used to validate a data template security_groups_fail.yaml:

security_groups_fail.yaml (click to expand)
# ---
# AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
# Description: CloudFormation - EC2 Security Group

    Type: "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup"
      GroupName: "wrong"
Running the following command will run validation checks using dynamic look ups:
cfn-guard validate -r security_groups.guard -i network.yaml -d security_groups_fail.yaml 

The above command will validate the security_groups_fail.yaml template against the rules in security-groups.guard which use dynamic data from network.yaml

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

AWS CloudFormation Guard 2.1.0 is a major release that includes new features, resolves bugs, and addresses feedback from the open source community.

New Features

  • Parameterized Rules
  • Directory bundle support for running tests and validations for templates
  • Dynamic data lookup for inspection via multiple data files
  • Support Code view and pinpoint location of errors
  • Backwards compatible with cfn-guard 2.x.x

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed short-circuit on error condition with multiple resources of the same type. All errors are now displayed
  • Filter by type attribute and logical name match

Issues Addressed

Other Changes

Full Changelog:


Parameterized Rules

A user can leverage parameterized rules to write re-usable checks. User can use these checks to write Guard rules that works across several types of payloads such as AWS CloudFormation Templates, Terraform plans that use AWS CC, and AWS Config for asserting conditions.

Example of re-usable checks:

Sample parameterized guard rule to check network config (click to expand)
# Top level doc type checks
let cfn_resources = Resources.*
let aws_config = configuration.*

rule is_cfn_doc_type when %cfn_resources !empty {
    Resources exists

rule is_aws_config_doc_type when %aws_config !empty {
    configuration exists

# ECS Service
rule deny_ecs_services_invalid_configuration when is_cfn_doc_type {
    check_ecs_services_cfgs(Resources[ Type ==  'AWS::ECS::Service' ].Properties)

rule deny_ecs_services_invalid_configuration when is_aws_config_doc_type 
    resourceType == 'AWS::ECS::Service'

# Example of network configuration checks across ECS TaskSets and ECS Service using a common rule:
# ECS TaskSet
rule deny_ecs_task_set_invalid_configuration when is_cfn_doc_type {
    # For TaskSet, the property is NetworkConfiguration.Aws[V]pcConfiguration 
        Resources[ Type == 'AWS::ECS::TaskSet' ]

# ECS Service check, common across AWS Config and CloudFormation
rule check_ecs_services_cfgs(ecs_service_cfgs) {
    %ecs_service_cfgs {
        EnableExecuteCommand not exists or 
        EnableExecuteCommand == false
            <<Disallowed command executions for ECS services>>

        # For ECS Service, the property is NetworkConfiguration.Aws[V]pcConfiguration 

# Check ECS network configuration common to TaskSet and Service
rule check_ecs_network_config(network_cfgs) {
    %network_cfgs {
        AssignPublicIp == 'DISABLED' or 
        AssignPublicIp == 'disabled'
            <<Prevent assignment of public IP address to ECS services. AssignPublicIp must be DISABLE>>
Sample infrastructure template for an ECS cluster (click to expand)

Please note that some properties are intentionally omitted for brevity.

    Type: AWS::ECS::Cluster
    Type: AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition
      Family: test
        - Name: test
          Image: amazon/amazon-ecs-sample
          Essential: true
      Cpu: 256
      Memory: 512
    Type: AWS::ECS::Service
        Ref: Cluster
        Type: EXTERNAL
      DesiredCount: 0
          AssignPublicIp: DISABLED
    Type: AWS::ECS::TaskSet
        Ref: Service
        Ref: Cluster
        Ref: TaskDefinition
        Unit: PERCENT
        Value: 100
      LaunchType: EC2
      ExternalId: task-set-001
          AssignPublicIp: DISABLED

Directory bundle support for running tests and validations for templates

Users can now evaluate all rules at once for both testing and validating. Users can run all tests for all rules by pointing to the top-level directory. Testing follows a simple naming convention to run the appropriate tests against the rules.

Testing Setup

  1. Let's begin with a sample directory, by name guard-test-root. Create a Guard rule and name it rule_01.guard.
  2. Create a sub-directory within guard-test-root called tests directory (name has to be verbatim tests for this to work). Create rule_01_*.yaml for success and failures. This names will very as per different rule names.

Directory structure

├── rule_01.guard
└── tests/
      ├── rule_01_cfn_fail.yaml
      ├── rule_01_cfn_success.yaml
      ├── rule_01_config_fail.yaml
      └── rule_01_config_success.yaml

Command Run the following command in the parent directory ofguard-test-root.

cfn-guard test -d guard-test-root

Validate Setup

For validate, we have overloaded all 3 arguments to support directory as input --data, --rules as well as --input-parameters. Let us demonstrate an example with using a directory to pass rules, but know that it works the same way with others.

  1. Starting with a root directory called guard-validate-root. Create a sub-directory called rules.
  2. Add different Guard rule files in here. rule_01.guard, rule_02.guard, rule_03.guard. Please note we should use one of the supported extensions here. As of now, .guard and .ruleset are good for rules.
  3. Go back to guard-validate-root. Create an infrastructure as code template to be validated as template.yaml.

Directory structure

├── template.yaml
└── rules/
      ├── rule_01.guard
      ├── rule_02.guard
      └── rule_03.guard

Command Navigate to guard-validate-root and run the following command.

cfn-guard validate -r rules/ -d template.yaml

The validate command will pick all rule file names with the following extensions and execute the checks:

  • *.guard
  • *.ruleset

More scenarios for validate In a similar scenario, where we have multiple template data files in a directory named data to be validated against all files in a rules directory, we can run the following command.

cfn-guard validate -r rules/ -d data/

Where directory structure looks like the following:

├── data/
|     ├── template_01.yaml
|     ├── template_02.yaml
|     └── template_03.yaml
└── rules/
      ├── rule_01.guard
      ├── rule_02.guard
      └── rule_03.guard

For a data directory passed as input, the validate command will pick all rule file names with the following extensions and execute the checks:

  • *.yaml
  • *.yml
  • *.json
  • *.jsn
  • *.template

Thus, we have extended support for validating...

  • a single data template against a single guard rule
  • a single data template against multiple guard rules
  • multiple data templates against a single guard rule
  • multiple data templates against multiple guard rules

Apart from support for directory we also support multiple usages of the arguments with values of mixed nature (directory/file). For example, the following command is a valid command.

cfn-guard validate -r rules/ -r foo/rule_99.guard -d data/ -d bar/template_99.yaml

Dynamic data lookup for inspection via multiple data files

Users can now specify multiple data files for dynamic look ups using --input-parameters argument, along with the independent context of a data file passed as --data for actual validation inspection (e.g., the template that is the validation target).

All files passed as --input-parameters are combined to form a common context. This common context is then combined with every file passed as --data independently.

For example, network related data can be stored in a network.yaml file. rule:

  allowed_security_groups: ["sg-282850", "sg-292040"]
  allowed_prefix_lists: ["pl-63a5400a", "pl-02cd2c6b"]

This data will be used dynamically to look up as valid values in our Guard rule defined in a different security_groups.guard file:

security_groups.guard (click to expand)
let groups = Resources.*[ Type == 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup' ]

let permitted_sgs = NETWORK.allowed_security_groups
let permitted_pls = NETWORK.allowed_prefix_lists
rule check_permitted_security_groups_or_prefix_lists(groups) {
    %groups {
        this in %permitted_sgs or
        this in %permitted_pls

rule CHECK_PERMITTED_GROUPS when %groups !empty {

The above two will be used to validate a data template security_groups_fail.yaml:

security_groups_fail.yaml (click to expand)
# ---
# AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
# Description: CloudFormation - EC2 Security Group

    Type: "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup"
      GroupName: "wrong"
Running the following command will run validation checks using dynamic look ups:
cfn-guard validate -r security_groups.guard -i network.yaml -d security_groups_fail.yaml 

The above command will validate the security_groups_fail.yaml template against the rules in security-groups.guard which use dynamic data from network.yaml


2 years ago

Description of improvements released in version v2.0.4:

#201 You can now use a payload flag that will allow to pass a JSON with data and rules as strings to validate command.

{"data": [<data1 as string>, <data2 as string>,....], "rules" : [ <rule1 as string>, <rule2 as string>,....]}


{"data": ["{\"Resources\":{\"NewVolume\":{\"Type\":\"AWS::EC2::Volume\",\"Properties\":{\"Size\":500,\"Encrypted\":false,\"AvailabilityZone\":\"us-west-2b\"}},\"NewVolume2\":{\"Type\":\"AWS::EC2::Volume\",\"Properties\":{\"Size\":50,\"Encrypted\":false,\"AvailabilityZone\":\"us-west-2c\"}}},\"Parameters\":{\"InstanceName\":\"TestInstance\"}}","{\"Resources\":{\"NewVolume\":{\"Type\":\"AWS::EC2::Volume\",\"Properties\":{\"Size\":500,\"Encrypted\":false,\"AvailabilityZone\":\"us-west-2b\"}},\"NewVolume2\":{\"Type\":\"AWS::EC2::Volume\",\"Properties\":{\"Size\":50,\"Encrypted\":false,\"AvailabilityZone\":\"us-west-2c\"}}},\"Parameters\":{\"InstanceName\":\"TestInstance\"}}"], "rules" : [ "Parameters.InstanceName == \"TestInstance\"","Parameters.InstanceName == \"TestInstance\"" ]}

Sample run:

$ cfn-guard validate --payload
{"data": ["{\"Resources\":{\"NewVolume\":{\"Type\":\"AWS::EC2::Volume\",\"Properties\":{\"Size\":500,\"Encrypted\":false,\"AvailabilityZone\":\"us-west-2b\"}},\"NewVolume2\":{\"Type\":\"AWS::EC2::Volume\",\"Properties\":{\"Size\":50,\"Encrypted\":false,\"AvailabilityZone\":\"us-west-2c\"}}},\"Parameters\":{\"InstanceName\":\"TestInstance\"}}","{\"Resources\":{\"NewVolume\":{\"Type\":\"AWS::EC2::Volume\",\"Properties\":{\"Size\":500,\"Encrypted\":false,\"AvailabilityZone\":\"us-west-2b\"}},\"NewVolume2\":{\"Type\":\"AWS::EC2::Volume\",\"Properties\":{\"Size\":50,\"Encrypted\":false,\"AvailabilityZone\":\"us-west-2c\"}}},\"Parameters\":{\"InstanceName\":\"TestInstance\"}}"], "rules" : [ "Parameters.InstanceName == \"TestInstance\"","Parameters.InstanceName == \"TestInstance\"" ]}

PASS rules
RULES_STDIN[1]/default    PASS
Evaluation of rules RULES_STDIN[1] against data DATA_STDIN[1]
Rule [RULES_STDIN[1]/default] is compliant for template [DATA_STDIN[1]]
PASS rules
RULES_STDIN[1]/default    PASS
Evaluation of rules RULES_STDIN[1] against data DATA_STDIN[2]
Rule [RULES_STDIN[1]/default] is compliant for template [DATA_STDIN[2]]
PASS rules
RULES_STDIN[2]/default    PASS
Evaluation of rules RULES_STDIN[2] against data DATA_STDIN[1]
Rule [RULES_STDIN[2]/default] is compliant for template [DATA_STDIN[1]]
PASS rules
RULES_STDIN[2]/default    PASS
Evaluation of rules RULES_STDIN[2] against data DATA_STDIN[2]
Rule [RULES_STDIN[2]/default] is compliant for template [DATA_STDIN[2]]

#179 Retrieve version number dynamically from environment variable in code


2 years ago

Description of improvements released in version 2.0.3.

#158 You can now provide test names to each unit test in your test file. The test names will be displayed in the test execution report together with the unit test execution status. This enhances the readability of test file execution reports.

#159 Guard will now continue evaluation of a clause for all values produced by its query even after encountering a failed evaluation. You will be able to see details of failed values by using the --show-clause-failures flag with the validate command.


  • The validate command now supports JSON, YAML and single-line output formats; you can now use the json, yaml and single-line-summary values, respectively, for the -o or --output-format options of the validate command. Example:

cfn-guard validate -r rules/ -d data/ --show-summary none --type CFNTemplate —output-format yaml


data_from: sample-template.yaml
rules_from: cluster.guard
not_compliant: {}
  - test
compliant: []

data_from: sample-template.yaml
rules_from: migrated-3.guard
    - rule: aws_ec2_volume_checks
      path: Properties.Encrypted
      provided: false
      expected: true
        operator: Eq
        not_operator_exists: false
      message: ""
  - aws_apigateway_deployment_checks
  - aws_apigateway_stage_checks
  - aws_dynamodb_table_checks
  - aws_events_rule_checks
  - aws_iam_role_checks
  • You can now use the -t or --type option for the validate command to specify the type of the data file against which you are evaluating your rules. CFNTemplate is the only value supported today. When you now specify, for example, --type CFNTemplate as an option to the validate command, Guard will output logical name of resources and relevant properties (e.g., Resource [vol2] property [Properties.Encrypted] in template [sample-template.yaml]), as opposed to property paths and values (e.g., Property [/Resources/vol2/Properties/Encrypted] in data [sample-template.yaml]). Example:

cfn-guard validate -r /tmp/rules/ -d /tmp/data/ --show-summary none —type CFNTemplate


Evaluation of rules cluster.guard for template sample-template.yaml, number of resource failures = 0
Rule [cluster.guard/test] is not applicable for template [sample-template.yaml]
Evaluation of rules migrated-3.guard for template sample-template.yaml, number of resource failures = 1
Resource [vol2] property [Properties.Encrypted] in template [sample-template.yaml] is not compliant with [migrated-3.guard/aws_ec2_volume_checks] because provided value [false] did not match with expected value [true]. Error message []
Resource [vol2] traversed until [Properties] for template [sample-template.yaml] wasn't compliant with [migrated-3.guard/aws_ec2_volume_checks] due to retrieval error. Error Message [Attempting to retrieve array index or key from map at path = /Resources/vol2/Properties , Type was not an array/object map, Remaining Query = Size]
Resource [vol2] property [Properties.Encrypted] in template [sample-template.yaml] is not compliant with [migrated-3.guard/mixed_types_checks] because provided value [false] did not match with expected value [true]. Error message []
Rule [migrated-3.guard/aws_iam_role_checks] is compliant for template [sample-template.yaml]
Rule [migrated-3.guard/aws_events_rule_checks] is compliant for template [sample-template.yaml]
Rule [migrated-3.guard/aws_apigateway_deployment_checks] is not applicable for template [sample-template.yaml]
Rule [migrated-3.guard/aws_apigateway_stage_checks] is not applicable for template [sample-template.yaml]
Rule [migrated-3.guard/aws_dynamodb_table_checks] is not applicable for template
  • The command now supports suppressing summary information. You can choose whether or not you want to display the summary table when you run the validate command; by default, summary is displayed (--show-summary all); alternatively, you can specify --show-summary pass,fail to only summarize rules that did pass/fail), and with --show-summary none you turn off the visualization of the summary.


2 years ago

Bug Fixes:

  • Issues: #142, #135
  • and a few minor fixes.


3 years ago

Documentation update over v2.0.0.


3 years ago

This release makes Guard a general-purpose policy-as-code evaluation tool. With Guard 2.0, developers can write policy rules for any JSON- and YAML-formatted file such as Kubernetes configurations and Terraform JSON configurations, in addition to already supported CloudFormation templates. This release also enhances Guard’s DSL, making your rule writing experience simple and unambiguous. It also enables you to create advanced rules as your use cases and cloud environments get more complex. For example, named rules feature enables you to define a set of rules that you can reference in another set of rules.