Cleaver Versions Save

30-second slideshows for hackers


10 years ago
npm update -g cleaver

Just a couple quick things including:

As always, with <3


10 years ago

Automatic rebuilding is here!

npm update -g cleaver

The new watch command enables users to watch for changes in a document and automatically build the presentation.

$ cleaver watch path/to/
Watching for changes on test_slides/ Ctrl-C to abort.
Rebuilding: Wed Oct 02 2013 16:44:38 GMT-0400 (EDT)
Rebuilding: Wed Oct 02 2013 16:44:43 GMT-0400 (EDT)

I've also included a fix for loading assets, which can be now be specified by a path relative to the input document instead of the current working directory.

Check it out and let me know how it goes!

With <3,


10 years ago

Responsive presentations are here!

npm update -g cleaver

I'm including this as a sub-release, even though I feel it's a pretty substantial addition. By default, your cleaver presentations will now look great on mobile!


I've also included a substantial amount of refactoring to help improve cleaver development down the road. I hope to make this codebase as accessible as possible.

Check it out on mobile and let me know what you think.

With <3,


10 years ago

Cleaver v0.3.0 release!

Thanks to a bunch of great people for pushing some awesome changes to this, including:

I've also updated the default style for cleaver, giving everything a much sharper look. See it in action.


Check it out with npm update -g cleaver. I hope you enjoy.

With <3, @jdan


10 years ago

Wow, thanks GitHubbers!

This release contains many features sent to me via pull requests including:

And some others:

Be sure to update your npm packages, v0.2.5 is live!

With <3,