Circe Fs2 Versions Save

Streaming JSON parsing and decoding with fs2


6 years ago

Updates the fs2 version to 0.10.0-RC2 and the circe version to 0.9.1.


6 years ago

This release bumps the circe version to 0.9.0-M2 and the fs2 version to 0.10.0-M8, and confusingly is named milestone M3.


6 years ago

This release updates the fs2 version to 0.10.0-M6 and renames methods with the C suffix to S to reflect the change in fs2 0.10 from Chunk to Segment (thanks to @aeons and @BenFradet in #7).


6 years ago

This release updates the circe version to 0.9.0-M1 and adds three new features:

  • @BenFradet added parsers that hide the details of chunking (see #5 and #6). This is now the default, and the parsers that consume chunks now have a C suffix.
  • @BenFradet also added an encoding pipe (see #8 and #10).
  • @aliyakamercan added parsers that support non-UnwrapArray Jawn streaming parser modes (see #11).

Thanks to Ben and Ali for these changes, and also to Ben for updating the README (#13) and handling other maintenance (#12, etc.).

Note that this release still depends on fs2 0.9.x, since 0.10 is currently only available as a milestone. Please follow #7 for updates on the fs2 version.


6 years ago

This is the first release of circe-fs2, which was created by @n4to4 (and was inspired by circe-streaming).