Chartmuseum Versions Save

helm chart repository server


6 years ago
  • The cardinality of the chartmuseum_requests_total Prometheus counter is now safely limited: e.g. /charts/my-chart-1.0.0.tgz will be mapped to url label value /charts/:filename, /api/charts/my-chart/1.0.0 will be mapped to /api/charts/:name/:version, and so on.
  • A concurrency bug has been fixed where fatal IO errors could be silenced at index and cache creation


6 years ago
  • Upgrade to Helm v2.7.0
  • Initial implementation of Prometheus metrics using zsais/go-gin-prometheus. Enabled by default. Disable metrics with the --disable-metrics flag
  • Env var DEBUG mapped incorrectly to to --gen-index


6 years ago

Chart packages of the same version can now be overwritten if the --allow-overwrite flag is specified. This may be useful depending on your CI pipeline (#3).

An alternate S3 endpoint can now be defined with --storage-amazon-endpoint=<endpoint>, allowing Minio to be used as a storage backend (#8).

In addition, stability has been improved regarding concurrently loading packages on startup (#10).

Please continue to open issues if we are not meeting your needs!


6 years ago

#7 has been implemented, thanks to @cjauvin and @davidovich!

You may now upload .tgz and .prov at once (or one at a time) on the api/charts route using the multipart/form-data format:

curl -F "[email protected]" -F "[email protected]" http://localhost:8080/api/charts


6 years ago

Basic auth, HTTPS, and --gen-index!

Thanks to @pmwebster's generous contributions, we now support both basic auth and HTTPS!

If both of the following options are provided, basic http authentication will protect all routes:

  • --basic-auth-user=<user> - username for basic http authentication
  • --basic-auth-pass=<pass> - password for basic http authentication

If both of the following options are provided, the server will listen and serve HTTPS:

  • --tls-cert=<crt> - path to tls certificate chain file
  • --tls-key=<key> - path to tls key file

Also new is the --gen-index flag. You can specify the --gen-index option if you only wish to use ChartMuseum to generate your index.yaml file.

The contents of index.yaml will be printed to stdout and the program will exit. This is useful if you are satisfied with your current Helm CI/CD process and/or don't want to monitor another webservice.

Big thanks to the Helm community for the continued support!


6 years ago

2 new CLI flags have been added:

  • --disable-api - disable all routes prefixed with /api
  • --chart-url=<url> - absolute url for .tgzs in index.yaml

--disable-api should be used if you're only using ChartMuseum for fetching index.yaml and .tgz/.prov files and plan to use other methods for getting your packages to storage (e.g. awscli).

Specifying --disable-api will cause all /api routes to return a 404.

--chart-url can used if you want absolute URLs listed in index.yaml.

Specifying --chart-url= will change the contents of index.yaml from

    - charts/chartmuseum-0.1.0.tgz




6 years ago

Upgrade to Helm v2.6.2


6 years ago