Chalk Versions Save

đź–Ť Terminal string styling done right


6 years ago

Chalk now comes with TypeScript type definitions built-in. Note: It's incompatible with @types/chalk if you're currently using that:


6 years ago

version 2

Chalk is a Node.js module for styling and colorizing terminal output.

Two years ago, @qix- asked me about adding 256/Truecolor support to Chalk. He soon after joined the Chalk team. And now we’re finally able to ship Truecolor support in Chalk!

Chalk has had an immense growth since the 1.0.0 release in 2015. It's now trusted by more than 17.000 packages, up from 3000, and it's the 5th most depended upon package on npm.


Breaking changes

256/Truecolor support

chalk rainbow

Chalk now supports 256 colors and Truecolor (16 million colors). Terminal apps like Hyper and iTerm supports Truecolor, enabling you to create really immersive CLI experiences. Chalk is smart enough to downsample the colors to whatever the terminal supports, so you can use any colors without having to think whether it's supported or not.

Read more in the docs.

Tagged template literal

Chalk now ships with a tagged template literal that makes it much nicer to create long strings with lots of different styling.

const name = 'Sindre';
console.log(chalk`{bold Hello ${name}}`);

Read more in the docs.


All changes

Made with ♥ by Josh, Sindre, and all our wonderful contributors.


8 years ago

Fixes a very strange issue with using the same name for a variable and its assigned function.

Probably a V8 bug.


8 years ago

Introducing chalk 1.1.0!

Chalk is now used by over 4000 npm packages and has become the eight most depended on package in the world!


$ npm install --save chalk


  • Chalk has moved to its own org!
  • gray.dim is a noop on Windows to work around cmd.exe bugs. #58
  • chalk/ansi-styles now exposes an unique object per required instance. #63 Thanks to Qix-!
  • chalk/chalk-cli wraps chalk for easy use on the command-line.
  • 100% code coverage.



Help us get npm packages upgraded to chalk 1.1.0 by submitting a Pull Request to any of these repositories upgrading their chalk dependency in package.json.

We're also looking for feedback on the documentation. If you think anything can be improved, let us know by opening an issue ;)

Made with ♥ by Sindre, Joshua, JD, and all our wonderful contributors.


9 years ago

Introducing chalk 1.0.0!

Chalk is a node module for styling/colorizing terminal output.

Chalk is now used by ~3000 npm packages and even displayed on the npm landing page.

Fun fact: Technically, color doesn’t exist. Color is created only when our brain tries to make sense from light signals it receives from the outer world. In other words, it’s all in your head.


$ npm install --save chalk


  • Style application order is now left-to-right as one would expect. Was previously the reverse. 0234fe9
  • Force the blue color to be bright blue on Windows as the normal blue is illegible. fc6a9b2
  • Ability to disable/enable colors on a per instance basis, rather than globally. 72d1c11e43a00c0ea64ea3591342d68ef4b46244
  • Add ability to force color by setting the FORCE_COLOR environment variable. 19935d6484811c5e468817f846b7b3d417d7bf4a
  • Disable color when node is launched from Upstart.



Help us get npm packages upgraded to chalk 1.0.0 by submitting a Pull Request to any of these repositories upgrading their chalk dependency in package.json.

We're also looking for feedback on the documentation. If you think anything can be improved, let us know by opening an issue ;)

Made with ♥ by Sindre, Joshua, and all our wonderful contributors.


9 years ago
  • Critical bugfix #33 where cached style functions would be reset by declaring new styles. Thanks @seanmonstar!
  • Further speed improvements #32 in the case of applying only a single style. Again all credit goes to @seanmonstar.


9 years ago