Certainty Versions Save

Automated cacert.pem management for PHP projects


4 years ago

Updated minimum version of sodium_compat to version 1.11.0


5 years ago

Per #25: We've made it substantially easier to specify a different Chronicle URL and Public Key in case the one we operate ever goes down.

There is a table located at https://github.com/paragonie/certainty/blob/master/docs/README.md#php-chronicle-replicas-for-certainty which contains (currently only one) replica instances of the PHP Chronicle.


5 years ago
  • NEW: Trust Channels
    To better support Enterprise users that want to manage their own internal certificate authorities, we've marked each bundle with its respective trust channel. Since our CA bundles come from Mozilla, the JSON file we provide is populated with "trust-channel": "Mozilla".

  • NEW: Composer Integration
    You can now have Certainty request an up-to-date bundle at runtime by ensuring you add this entry to your composer.json file:

      "scripts": {
        "post-autoload-dump": [

    Then, you can simply use the local Fetch class instead of RemoteFetch in your application code. Every time you run composer update, it will fetch the latest bundles from Certainty.

    This is a great way to reduce your runtime performance overhead while guaranteeing that you have the latest CACert bundle.

    Note: You can create your own script that does the same thing. This is probably desirable if you'd like to put your configuration in a nonstandard location.

  • UPDATED: Psalm v2 will now be used on PHP 7 projects. This ensures we'll have better visibility into type safety issues as Psalm adds more checks over time.

  • FIXED: #22 Prevent infinite loops when trying to fetch newer bundles by using the locally installed CACert.pem bundles. Fix provided by @credomane.


6 years ago
  • Certainty now supports PHP 5.5+ projects in line with Guzzle 6's minimum version and the LTS version covered by many software projects we wish to incorporate Certainty with.


6 years ago

Fixes #18


6 years ago
  • Fixes #17 by changing the API to require an explicit data directory, rather than surprisingly failing closed.

Version 1.x is deprecated and we will not be providing noncommercial support. Please upgrade to v2 as soon as you can.


6 years ago

Fixed #16


6 years ago
  • Fix #15 (Heisenbug) by using ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat instead of ParagonIE_Sodium_File.
  • Fix cURL warnings with CURLOPT_SSLVERSION.
  • If libsodium isn't installed, and the current architecture is 32-bit, skip sodium_compat verification. It's unusably slow in this configuration. If you want to still enjoy Ed25519 and Chronicle verification, install libsodium from PECL.


6 years ago
  • Added cacert-2018-03-07.pem
  • Update sodium_compat to v1.6
  • Update vimeo/psalm to v1.x
  • Fix psalm.xml configuration


6 years ago
  • Update bundle to 2018-01-17.pem.
  • Fix nit with signing script.
  • Update sodium_compat minimum to 1.5.