Cavif Rs Versions Save

AVIF image creator in pure Rust


2 years ago

I've fine-tuned rav1e low-level settings, so now you get much better compression-to-speed ratio.


2 years ago

Firefox doesn't have a problem with full color range any more, so the encoder uses it for slightly better quality.


2 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago

Updated to the latest rav1e version, which brings speed and quality improvements.


3 years ago

New argument parser should have nicer error handling.


3 years ago

It turns out you can just ask rav1e to run faster, and it will! (with no loss of compression quality)

The first zip link below contains exe for macOS, Windows and Debian.


3 years ago

Latest release adds support for stdin/stdout pipes, so you can combine it with other programs without a need for temporary files.

For example, to make AVIF from ImageMagick:

convert -resize 50% example.jpg PNG:- | cavif - | cat > example.avif

That - at the end tells cavif to read image from stdin. cat here is only to demonstrate that both stdin and stdout are used.


3 years ago

Now you can pass --color=rgb to encode RGB channels exactly as-is, without conversion to a "TV" color space. It should give slightly more precise color, but also results in bigger files. It's not that exciting. I wanted to add support for more interesting color spaces, but it turned out nobody else supports them yet, so I won't either.