Catberry Versions Save

Catberry is an isomorphic framework for building universal front-end apps using components, Flux architecture and progressive rendering.


8 years ago

Add new methods to $context for searching components in the DOM (issue #261):

  • this.$context.getComponentsByTagName('tag-name', parentComponent) – gets a component object list by the tag name.

  • this.$context.getComponentsByClassName('class-name', parentComponent) – gets a component object list by the class name.

  • this.$context.queryComponentSelector('selector', parentComponent) – gets a component object by the selector.

  • this.$context.queryComponentSelectorAll('selector', parentComponent) – gets a component object list by the selector.

    parentComponent – a parent component object for looking among nested components only (optional).


8 years ago

Fixed #262: Catberry pushed history state after the whole page is rendered, which is incorrect behavior and causes errors when you use this.$context.notFound() and reload the page.


8 years ago

Fixed #257: When you have an SVG element, IE does not return element.children collection, therefore components search was broken.


8 years ago

Performance increased in a case of high nesting level of components while they are bound to stores.


8 years ago

Fix #253: fix query parameter parsing in a routing rule when the value is not a string. Solve #246: now component IDs are optional, you don't have to set them.

Since this release, there is no infinite loop prevention while rendering components (previously if Catberry rendered a component with the same ID it would keep it empty to prevent infinite recursion).


8 years ago

Fix #251 Babel 6 does not support IE <= 10.

It turned out that Babel 6.0 dropped IE <= 10 support. So, this fix uses two additional transforms in Babel preset which make the support possible. Otherwise, it's impossible to support IE <= 10 using new Babel.

But please be aware of these transforms:


8 years ago

Fixed: HEAD children elements disappear while merging new state (issue #241)


8 years ago

Fix #236 Breakpoints don't work on source maps in debug mode Fix #237 Wrong user-agent in error message on the server and no message at all in a browser.


8 years ago


8 years ago

Release includes the milestone. The whole list of commits can be found here.

Notable changes:

  • Fixed #230: wrong HEAD merging when has <link> tags but not rel="stylesheet".
  • The entire infrastructure of plugins and modules migrated to ES2015/ES6, but still supports ES5 cat-components and stores.
  • ES2015/ES6 source code runs natively on Node and is compiled using Babel for a browser.
  • Huge update of the documentation and readme.

Following plugins are updated:

Following plugins are excluded to separate plugins:

There are several changes that break backward compatibility, please read the 7.x => 8.x migration guide.

Thank you so much @chetverikov @reenko @jonathanpollack and @JuliaRechkunova for great work on the release – you've made this release possible!