Canvas Confetti Versions Save

🎉 performant confetti animation in the browser


3 years ago
  • Fixed issue with using server-side rendering along with the es module version of this library -- see #78


3 years ago
  • Fixed an issue that caused an error (and severe lack of confetti) in Firefox when OffscreenCanvas was manually enabled -- see #132


3 years ago
  • Fixed an issue where the page freezes if you use a negative particle count. Why would you want to do that? I have no idea. I don't tell you what to do. I just make the page not freeze (and by "I", I mean @d38u6) -- see #127


3 years ago
  • This is a big release. Or a small one. Your choice, really. You can now have bigger or smaller confetti by setting the scalar value. I encourage you to see just how adorable teeny tiny confetti are! -- see #116


3 years ago

This release only includes fixes to some typos. Nothing to see here.



3 years ago
  • Added an option to allow canvas-confetti to handle browsers that prefer reduced motion, so that your users that struggle with visual motion don't have to see the confetti on the page without you having to specifically handle it. Just provide disableForReducedMotion and confetti will automatically be turned off for users that have enabled this option in their operating system or browser. See #114 for more information.



4 years ago
  • Fixed an issue with using this library along with restrictive Content Security Policy, or when a web worker cannot be started for any other reason. If the library determines it should use a web worker but fails to start one, it will gracefully fall back to rendering in the main thread -- see #112


4 years ago
  • Fixed an issue that caused an error to be thrown when initializing the confetti control multiple times on the same canvas when using useWorker: true. This is still not a good idea, but at least it won't throw now and will still show confetti. Note: this does not mean firing confetti more than once on the same canvas. You should still do that, because more confetti is always more fun 🎉 -- see #106
  • Fixed an issue when using Safari's "ImageBitmap and OffscreenCanvas" experiment. This is disabled by default, but when enabled in the Develop menu, it causes issues when using confetti. Safari's implementation is incomplete, so now confetti will do validation for each feature of OffscreenCanvas it needs to use -- see #109


4 years ago
  • Fixed a bug which caused resizing the window when using a custom canvas along with worker rendering to throw - see #104


4 years ago
  • Added a gravity option, allowing you to make confetti fall faster or slower... or even up if you are into that - see #14