Bubble Card Versions Save

Bubble Card is a minimalist card collection for Home Assistant with a nice pop-up touch.


3 months ago

A lot of love for the pop-ups!


Hi everyone!

Here is a new update that should address most of the new issues introduced in v1.7.0, as well as some older ones. That’s all... for now! 🍻

💡 New features

  • Pop-up backdrop custom styling: You can now add custom styles to the backdrop by adding .backdrop { background-color: blue !important; } for example. Remember to apply this to the first pop-up only on your dashboard.

✔️ Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Pop-up header issue: The gradient at the top of the pop-ups has been fixed. It was bugged and would cover the first card of the pop-ups in certain cases.
  • Pop-up backdrop click event: It's no longer possible to accidentally click through the backdrop.
  • Bubble Pop-up Fix: An issue that could completely block the dashboard in some cases has been resolved.
  • Pop-up trigger: There was an issue when the trigger_entity was undefined. This has now been fixed!
  • Pop-up code clean up: I've cleaned up and optimized the code once again, which should further improve performance.
  • Tap actions: @brunosabot resolved an issue where, upon initiating a scroll on a Bubble Card, the action would execute even if the drag ended on a different element. Additionally, he also changed a bit how the ActionHandler works, this allows to reduce the amount of timeout executed in the page. Many thanks to him!

Thank you once again for your continued support!


⚠️ Important: Please read this changelog before updating if you missed the v1.7.0 update.


3 months ago

A lot of love for the pop-ups! Please read this before updating 😘


Hi everyone! 🍻

After a long month of working on bug fixes, I'm finally confident enough to release this major version!

The 1.6.X release was a huge challenge for me. It was a lot better for many users, but it was also a lot worse for some others... I've investigated a lot on that. And now I can say that this version should be significantly faster than ever for all pop-up users, especially for pop-ups with cameras!

Breaking change for optimized mode users

In a previous release, I mentioned that the pop-up optimized mode had become obsolete. This was partially true... but not for some iOS/Safari users and maybe some others too. I also said that I would remove the optimized mode later, but it was too difficult for me to maintain it and it was blocking me from releasing this version.

BUT I've found a better and definitive way to fix that. For the optimized mode users, you know that it was a nightmare to update it after each release. This is why I've created a fix that doesn't need to be updated! Just add it like the optimized mode and never worry about it after that. More information here: Pop-up initialization fix.

But that's not all!

I really wanted to add some new features, and there is one that was requested a lot. There is now a blurred backdrop behind the pop-ups! And that looks awesome, thanks a lot for this idea ❤️ And if you don't like it, you can of course disable it.

Here are all the other new features and bug fixes:

💡 New features

  • Pop-up initialization fix: If you notice that pop-up content appears upon page load, consider installing this fix as an additional module. More information here.
  • Column fix: You can now tweak the column fix value and not just set it to true. For example, you can change it to column_fix: -10 then try to find the value that fits your dashboard layout.
  • Horizontal button stack gradient: You can now hide it with a simple toggle in the editor (in YAML: hide_gradient: true) as it was not fitting everyone’s setups.
  • Pop-up backdrop: There is now a blurred/darkened backdrop when you open a pop-up. If you don't like it, you can hide it with a toggle in the editor on the first pop-up on your view, you don't need to disable it on all of them that way (in YAML: hide_backdrop: true).
  • Background camera: This was one of the main issues in the 1.6.X release, especially for the Frigate card users. Now every camera stream is removed by default, it acts exactly like a conditional card when a pop-up is closed. You can still allow cameras to be played in the background, but be aware that this can slow down your dashboard a lot. I've added a toggle for that in the editor (in YAML: background_camera: false is the default).
  • Pop-up custom style: You can now target a pop-up in CSS with .pop-up instead of #root (but this is still working this way).

✔️ Bug fixes and optimizations

  • CPU consumption: Bubble Card is now using much less CPU after initialization! This is perfect for low-end devices!
  • Pop-up fixes: I've fixed a lot of issues related to the pop-ups, they should work perfectly now (this is not the first time I've said that).
  • Pop-up initialization: The pop-up initialization was slower for some users, this is now fixed thanks to @Woyken!
  • Code clean up: I've cleaned up the code a lot to speed up even more the initialization and lower the CPU consumption.
  • Pop-up triggers: They should now work as they should!
  • Horizontal button stack fixes: I should have fixed most issues related to it, and it's now even faster!
  • Horizontal button stack highlight: This feature is now more visible!
  • Pop-up additional text: This feature was not working at all, this is now fixed!
  • Pop-up with input_datetime: You can now change the date and the pop-up will remain open after that.

Thank you once again for your continued support!



5 months ago

The war against bugs and instability continues 🦄


Hi! Here’s a new release that brings you nothing but bug fixes and optimizations, staying true to our ongoing theme. But seriously, I really believe that this build is at a totally new level of stability. Let’s raise a toast to continuous improvement! 🍻

✔️ Bug Fixes and Optimizations

  • Custom buttons: They were not working at all anymore, this is now fixed!
  • Pop-up trigger: This was not working for some users, everything is working as expected now.
  • Clicking outside a pop-up to close it: This feature was accidentally removed, this is fixed now.
  • Sliding inside a pop-up to close it: This feature was accidentally removed too! Maybe a new feature for some users, this is not documented 👀
  • Pop-up editor: The pop-ups are correctly positioned in the editor now.
  • Pop-up fixes: I've found and fixed some more issues related to the the pop-ups, they should be totally reliable now!



Hi everyone! I'm back with a fast release that brings you some new features and bug fixes. Cheers 🍻

💡 New features

  • Close pop-up on click or tap: You can now choose to close them automatically after any interaction. Just use the new toggle in the pop-up editor to try that. The default value is close_on_click: false. Thanks for the idea @PineappleEmperor!
  • Column fix: This feature is for those who have experienced some issues with the dashboard layout, such as empty columns or misaligned cards. You can apply a fix that restores the behavior of the previous versions by adding column_fix: true in YAML to the first Bubble Card on your dashboard. Then refresh the page.

✔️ Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Pop-up issues: I have also fixed a lot of bugs related to the pop-ups. They should work flawlessly now.
  • Reload loop issue: There is no more reload at all now.
  • Column fix: More info in the new features section.

And if you skipped the v1.6.1/2 release, please read the following changelog.

v1.6.1 and v1.6.2 - I had to skip a version for the HACS fix

  • I should have fixed the issue where Bubble Card was missing in HACS for some users! #259
  • Fixed a message that was spamming the developer console. #278
  • The version number shown in the editor is 1.6.1, but it's actually the v1.6.2.

And if you skipped the v1.6.0 initial release, please read the following changelog.


Happy New Year everyone! 🍻

I’m excited to announce that the v1.6.0 stable update of Bubble Card is finally here! This update is all about making Bubble Card work the way it should. I’ve worked really hard to fix almost all known bugs that were affecting Bubble Card’s performance, usability and stability.

I also want to share this discovery: Since the recent updates of Home Assistant (I’m not sure which one exactly), the optimized mode for pop-ups has become obsolete. This is because the regular mode is now exactly as efficient, which greatly simplifies things for both new and current users. I will keep the optimized mode in Bubble Card for now, but it will probably be removed in the future.

This update represents a significant overhaul of the Bubble Card codebase. A majority of the code has been refactored and rewritten, which was a substantial and time-consuming task. This is the primary reason for the delay in releasing this version. However, the payoff is considerable: Bubble Card run smoother on low-end devices but also enhances performance and stability across all devices. The code is also much more maintainable for everyone and for me. Your patience and support have been crucial in this process. A big thank you to all the beta testers for their crucial role in this update!

Can't wait to hear what you think! And remember, a bug-free software is like a unicorn, some say it doesn't exist, but with this update, we're one step closer to finding it!

And here is the biggest Bubble Card changelog of all times:

✔️ Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Empty columns: Fixed the issue of empty columns in the dashboard caused by hidden pop-ups on some setups.
  • Tap actions: All tap actions are now (finally) functioning correctly.
  • Icon glitch: Fixed the icon glitch that occurred when a slider was moving on Safari and iOS.
  • Entity picture: Corrected the entity picture when set as an icon. E.g., icon: /local/image.jpg. Fixed the entity picture (album cover) of a media player. If an icon is defined, it will now switch automatically.
  • Line opacity: Increased the line opacity in the separator for better visibility.
  • Reload UI issue: Resolved the ‘Reload UI’ issue.
  • Errors with some cards: Fixed the compatibility errors with some cards when the pop-ups were closed.
  • Cameras inside pop-ups: Cameras inside pop-ups now load faster after a first initialization.
  • Style adjustments: Made some minor style adjustments for smaller devices.
  • Pop-ups disappearing: Fixed the issue where pop-ups would disappear when the connection was lost or on a mobile device coming out of sleep mode.
  • Pop-ups not opening: Fixed the pop-ups not opening in some cases.
  • Pop-ups still showing: Fixed the pop-ups still showing when the editor was closed.
  • Scrolling inside a pop-up: Fixed when scrolling inside a pop-up and that the content behind it was scrolling too.
  • Top gradient: Fixed the top gradient for pop-ups without an entity.
  • Significant optimizations of the editor: Fixed all issues related to entering editor mode, which is also faster now!
  • Improved the initialization of pop-ups in regular mode: Added a new feature that will automatically reorganize the frontend resources to put Bubble Card at the first position if it's not already the case, this should improve the pop-ups initialization in regular mode for people with a lot of custom cards. Just reboot Home Assistant after the update to automatically get this optimization.
  • Code refactoring: Refactored the entire code, and it’s much smoother on low-end devices.
  • Various other fixes: Fixed a minor error that was displayed in the Chrome console. Fixed the issue "Popup button randomly stops working" #258. Fixed the issue "Bubble Card log spamming during startup: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'entity_id’)" #255.

💡 New features

  • Highlight the current hash / view: Added an option to highlight the current hash / view in the horizontal buttons stack with a soft animation. Thank you @Winor for helping me!
  • Haptic feedback: Haptic feedback has been added for the Home Assistant companion app users (the slider button is the coolest one).
  • Show or hide the state of covers: You now have the ability to show or hide the state of covers (default is now show_state: false).

Thank you once again for your continued support!



5 months ago

The war against bugs and instability continues 🦄


Hi everyone! I'm back with a fast release that brings you some new features and bug fixes. Cheers 🍻

💡 New features

  • Close pop-up on click or tap: You can now choose to close them automatically after any interaction. Just use the new toggle in the pop-up editor to try that. The default value is close_on_click: false. Thanks for the idea @PineappleEmperor!
  • Column fix: This feature is for those who have experienced some issues with the dashboard layout, such as empty columns or misaligned cards. You can apply a fix that restores the behavior of the previous versions by adding column_fix: true in YAML to the first Bubble Card on your dashboard. Then refresh the page.

✔️ Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Pop-up issues: I have also fixed a lot of bugs related to the pop-ups. They should work flawlessly now.
  • Reload loop issue: There is no more reload at all now.
  • Column fix: More info in the new features section.

And if you skipped the v1.6.1/2 release, please read the following changelog.

v1.6.1 and v1.6.2 - I had to skip a version for the HACS fix

  • I should have fixed the issue where Bubble Card was missing in HACS for some users! #259
  • Fixed a message that was spamming the developer console. #278
  • The version number shown in the editor is 1.6.1, but it's actually the v1.6.2.

And if you skipped the v1.6.0 initial release, please read the following changelog.


Happy New Year everyone! 🍻

I’m excited to announce that the v1.6.0 stable update of Bubble Card is finally here! This update is all about making Bubble Card work the way it should. I’ve worked really hard to fix almost all known bugs that were affecting Bubble Card’s performance, usability and stability.

I also want to share this discovery: Since the recent updates of Home Assistant (I’m not sure which one exactly), the optimized mode for pop-ups has become obsolete. This is because the regular mode is now exactly as efficient, which greatly simplifies things for both new and current users. I will keep the optimized mode in Bubble Card for now, but it will probably be removed in the future.

This update represents a significant overhaul of the Bubble Card codebase. A majority of the code has been refactored and rewritten, which was a substantial and time-consuming task. This is the primary reason for the delay in releasing this version. However, the payoff is considerable: Bubble Card run smoother on low-end devices but also enhances performance and stability across all devices. The code is also much more maintainable for everyone and for me. Your patience and support have been crucial in this process. A big thank you to all the beta testers for their crucial role in this update!

Can't wait to hear what you think! And remember, a bug-free software is like a unicorn, some say it doesn't exist, but with this update, we're one step closer to finding it!

And here is the biggest Bubble Card changelog of all times:

✔️ Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Empty columns: Fixed the issue of empty columns in the dashboard caused by hidden pop-ups on some setups.
  • Tap actions: All tap actions are now (finally) functioning correctly.
  • Icon glitch: Fixed the icon glitch that occurred when a slider was moving on Safari and iOS.
  • Entity picture: Corrected the entity picture when set as an icon. E.g., icon: /local/image.jpg. Fixed the entity picture (album cover) of a media player. If an icon is defined, it will now switch automatically.
  • Line opacity: Increased the line opacity in the separator for better visibility.
  • Reload UI issue: Resolved the ‘Reload UI’ issue.
  • Errors with some cards: Fixed the compatibility errors with some cards when the pop-ups were closed.
  • Cameras inside pop-ups: Cameras inside pop-ups now load faster after a first initialization.
  • Style adjustments: Made some minor style adjustments for smaller devices.
  • Pop-ups disappearing: Fixed the issue where pop-ups would disappear when the connection was lost or on a mobile device coming out of sleep mode.
  • Pop-ups not opening: Fixed the pop-ups not opening in some cases.
  • Pop-ups still showing: Fixed the pop-ups still showing when the editor was closed.
  • Scrolling inside a pop-up: Fixed when scrolling inside a pop-up and that the content behind it was scrolling too.
  • Top gradient: Fixed the top gradient for pop-ups without an entity.
  • Significant optimizations of the editor: Fixed all issues related to entering editor mode, which is also faster now!
  • Improved the initialization of pop-ups in regular mode: Added a new feature that will automatically reorganize the frontend resources to put Bubble Card at the first position if it's not already the case, this should improve the pop-ups initialization in regular mode for people with a lot of custom cards. Just reboot Home Assistant after the update to automatically get this optimization.
  • Code refactoring: Refactored the entire code, and it’s much smoother on low-end devices.
  • Various other fixes: Fixed a minor error that was displayed in the Chrome console. Fixed the issue "Popup button randomly stops working" #258. Fixed the issue "Bubble Card log spamming during startup: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'entity_id’)" #255.

💡 New features

  • Highlight the current hash / view: Added an option to highlight the current hash / view in the horizontal buttons stack with a soft animation. Thank you @Winor for helping me!
  • Haptic feedback: Haptic feedback has been added for the Home Assistant companion app users (the slider button is the coolest one).
  • Show or hide the state of covers: You now have the ability to show or hide the state of covers (default is now show_state: false).

Thank you once again for your continued support!



5 months ago

The war against bugs and instability continues 🦄

v1.6.1 and v1.6.2 - I had to skip a version for the HACS fix

  • I should have fixed the issue where Bubble Card was missing in HACS for some users! #259
  • Fixed a message that was spamming the developer console. #278
  • The version number shown in the editor is 1.6.1, but it's actually the v1.6.2.

And if you skipped the v1.6.0 initial release, please read the following changelog.


Happy New Year everyone! 🍻

I’m excited to announce that the v1.6.0 stable update of Bubble Card is finally here! This update is all about making Bubble Card work the way it should. I’ve worked really hard to fix almost all known bugs that were affecting Bubble Card’s performance, usability and stability.

I also want to share this discovery: Since the recent updates of Home Assistant (I’m not sure which one exactly), the optimized mode for pop-ups has become obsolete. This is because the regular mode is now exactly as efficient, which greatly simplifies things for both new and current users. I will keep the optimized mode in Bubble Card for now, but it will probably be removed in the future.

This update represents a significant overhaul of the Bubble Card codebase. A majority of the code has been refactored and rewritten, which was a substantial and time-consuming task. This is the primary reason for the delay in releasing this version. However, the payoff is considerable: Bubble Card run smoother on low-end devices but also enhances performance and stability across all devices. The code is also much more maintainable for everyone and for me. Your patience and support have been crucial in this process. A big thank you to all the beta testers for their crucial role in this update!

Can't wait to hear what you think! And remember, a bug-free software is like a unicorn, some say it doesn't exist, but with this update, we're one step closer to finding it!

And here is the biggest Bubble Card changelog of all times:

✔️ Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Empty columns: Fixed the issue of empty columns in the dashboard caused by hidden pop-ups on some setups.
  • Tap actions: All tap actions are now (finally) functioning correctly.
  • Icon glitch: Fixed the icon glitch that occurred when a slider was moving on Safari and iOS.
  • Entity picture: Corrected the entity picture when set as an icon. E.g., icon: /local/image.jpg. Fixed the entity picture (album cover) of a media player. If an icon is defined, it will now switch automatically.
  • Line opacity: Increased the line opacity in the separator for better visibility.
  • Reload UI issue: Resolved the ‘Reload UI’ issue.
  • Errors with some cards: Fixed the compatibility errors with some cards when the pop-ups were closed.
  • Cameras inside pop-ups: Cameras inside pop-ups now load faster after a first initialization.
  • Style adjustments: Made some minor style adjustments for smaller devices.
  • Pop-ups disappearing: Fixed the issue where pop-ups would disappear when the connection was lost or on a mobile device coming out of sleep mode.
  • Pop-ups not opening: Fixed the pop-ups not opening in some cases.
  • Pop-ups still showing: Fixed the pop-ups still showing when the editor was closed.
  • Scrolling inside a pop-up: Fixed when scrolling inside a pop-up and that the content behind it was scrolling too.
  • Top gradient: Fixed the top gradient for pop-ups without an entity.
  • Significant optimizations of the editor: Fixed all issues related to entering editor mode, which is also faster now!
  • Improved the initialization of pop-ups in regular mode: Added a new feature that will automatically reorganize the frontend resources to put Bubble Card at the first position if it's not already the case, this should improve the pop-ups initialization in regular mode for people with a lot of custom cards. Just reboot Home Assistant after the update to automatically get this optimization.
  • Code refactoring: Refactored the entire code, and it’s much smoother on low-end devices.
  • Various other fixes: Fixed a minor error that was displayed in the Chrome console. Fixed the issue "Popup button randomly stops working" #258. Fixed the issue "Bubble Card log spamming during startup: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'entity_id’)" #255.

💡 New features

  • Highlight the current hash / view: Added an option to highlight the current hash / view in the horizontal buttons stack with a soft animation. Thank you @Winor for helping me!
  • Haptic feedback: Haptic feedback has been added for the Home Assistant companion app users (the slider button is the coolest one).
  • Show or hide the state of covers: You now have the ability to show or hide the state of covers (default is now show_state: false).

Thank you once again for your continued support!



5 months ago

The war against bugs and instability continues 🦄


Happy New Year everyone! 🍻

I’m excited to announce that the v1.6.0 stable update of Bubble Card is finally here! This update is all about making Bubble Card work the way it should. I’ve worked really hard to fix almost all known bugs that were affecting Bubble Card’s performance, usability and stability.

I also want to share this discovery: Since the recent updates of Home Assistant (I’m not sure which one exactly), the optimized mode for pop-ups has become obsolete. This is because the regular mode is now exactly as efficient, which greatly simplifies things for both new and current users. I will keep the optimized mode in Bubble Card for now, but it will probably be removed in the future.

This update represents a significant overhaul of the Bubble Card codebase. A majority of the code has been refactored and rewritten, which was a substantial and time-consuming task. This is the primary reason for the delay in releasing this version. However, the payoff is considerable: Bubble Card run smoother on low-end devices but also enhances performance and stability across all devices. The code is also much more maintainable for everyone and for me. Your patience and support have been crucial in this process. A big thank you to all the beta testers for their crucial role in this update!

Can't wait to hear what you think! And remember, a bug-free software is like a unicorn, some say it doesn't exist, but with this update, we're one step closer to finding it!

And here is the biggest Bubble Card changelog of all times:

✔️ Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Empty columns: Fixed the issue of empty columns in the dashboard caused by hidden pop-ups on some setups.
  • Tap actions: All tap actions are now (finally) functioning correctly.
  • Icon glitch: Fixed the icon glitch that occurred when a slider was moving on Safari and iOS.
  • Entity picture: Corrected the entity picture when set as an icon. E.g., icon: /local/image.jpg. Fixed the entity picture (album cover) of a media player. If an icon is defined, it will now switch automatically.
  • Line opacity: Increased the line opacity in the separator for better visibility.
  • Reload UI issue: Resolved the ‘Reload UI’ issue.
  • Errors with some cards: Fixed the compatibility errors with some cards when the pop-ups were closed.
  • Cameras inside pop-ups: Cameras inside pop-ups now load faster after a first initialization.
  • Style adjustments: Made some minor style adjustments for smaller devices.
  • Pop-ups disappearing: Fixed the issue where pop-ups would disappear when the connection was lost or on a mobile device coming out of sleep mode.
  • Pop-ups not opening: Fixed the pop-ups not opening in some cases.
  • Pop-ups still showing: Fixed the pop-ups still showing when the editor was closed.
  • Scrolling inside a pop-up: Fixed when scrolling inside a pop-up and that the content behind it was scrolling too.
  • Top gradient: Fixed the top gradient for pop-ups without an entity.
  • Significant optimizations of the editor: Fixed all issues related to entering editor mode, which is also faster now!
  • Improved the initialization of pop-ups in regular mode: Added a new feature that will automatically reorganize the frontend resources to put Bubble Card at the first position if it's not already the case, this should improve the pop-ups initialization in regular mode for people with a lot of custom cards. Just reboot Home Assistant after the update to automatically get this optimization.
  • Code refactoring: Refactored the entire code, and it’s much smoother on low-end devices.
  • Various other fixes: Fixed a minor error that was displayed in the Chrome console. Fixed the issue "Popup button randomly stops working" #258. Fixed the issue "Bubble Card log spamming during startup: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'entity_id’)" #255.

💡 New features

  • Highlight the current hash / view: Added an option to highlight the current hash / view in the horizontal buttons stack with a soft animation. Thank you @Winor for helping me!
  • Haptic feedback: Haptic feedback has been added for the Home Assistant companion app users (the slider button is the coolest one).
  • Show or hide the state of covers: You now have the ability to show or hide the state of covers (default is now show_state: false).

Thank you once again for your continued support!



5 months ago

The war against bugs and instability continues 🦄

Happy New Year everyone! 🍻

I’m back at work! First, I want to share this discovery. Since the recent updates of Home Assistant (I’m not sure which one exactly), the optimized mode for pop-ups has become obsolete. This is because the regular mode is now exactly as efficient, which greatly simplifies things for both new and current users. I will keep the optimized mode in Bubble Card for now, but it will probably be removed in the future.

In addition, I’ve been working tirelessly on bug fixes and numerous optimizations to further enhance the experience. I hope that this version will be (once again) the perfect candidate to become the stable 1.6.0 version.

Looking forward to an amazing year ahead with more enhancements and features. Stay tuned!

v1.6.0-beta.5 :

  • The "Optimized mode" is no longer necessary in the latest releases of HA!
  • Everything has been optimized for the latest version of HA.
  • The custom tap actions have been permanently fixed!
  • Significant optimizations of the editor.
  • Pop-ups are now faster (once again).
  • Various issues have been resolved.
  • Further overall optimizations have been made.

v1.6.0-beta.4 :

Hi again everyone! I've fixed the issue with the editor for the pop-ups in optimized mode and I've also added a new feature that will automatically reorganize the frontend resources to put Bubble Card at the first position if it's not already the case, this should improve the pop-ups initialization in regular mode for people with a lot of custom cards. Just restart Home Assistant after this update to see the magic happen!

This one is (again) the candidate for the stable 1.6.0 version! 🤞

I’m looking forward to hearing your feedback, good or bad, on this update. Please share your thoughts and opinions here 🍻

✔️ Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Fixed the issue with the editor for the pop-ups in optimized mode.
  • Improved the initialization of pop-ups in regular mode for people with a lot of custom cards.

v1.6.0-beta.3 :

Hi everyone! I’ve dedicated nearly all of my free time to bring you this release, which I hope will be the candidate for the stable 1.6.0 version! This update introduces numerous enhancements, including fixes and optimizations for the editor, faster pop-ups, and A LOT of other fixes.

Thank you for your continued support and I can’t wait to hear your feedback 🍻

✔️ Bug fixes

  • Removed the back_open option. It now behaves as if set to true because it was not functioning as expected when set to false.
  • The cache is now cleared on all devices after every update. If you are using bubble-pop-up.js, you still need to change the version number in your configuration.yaml before updating (to match the new version you are updating to).
  • Numerous optimizations have been made for iOS users.
  • The pop-ups now operate more quickly. I've put a lot of work into this!
  • Custom styles also load more quickly now.
  • Fixed all issues related to entering editor mode, which is also faster now! (Edit: There is still an issue for Bubble Pop-up users, damn!)
  • Fixed a minor error that was displayed in the Chrome console.
  • Fixed the issue "Popup button randomly stops working" #258.
  • Fixed the issue "Bubble Card log spamming during startup: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'entity_id’)" #255.
  • Cleaned up the code a bit.
  • Various other fixes have been implemented.

v1.6.0-beta.2 :

Hi! Here is a new update that should fix all the new issues introduced in v1.6.0-beta.1. This new version was a huge challenge for me, as it involved a complete overhaul of the entire code structure. However, I sincerely hope that everything is working flawlessly now!

And given the uncertainty of getting another version out before the holidays, I’d like to take this opportunity to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you! 🎄

✔️ Bug fixes

  • Fixed "bg_color, bg_opacity don't work" #246
  • Fixed? "bubble card error android webiew" #247
  • This one should be definitely fixed "Reload issue still present on 1.6.0-1 beta" #248
  • This one too 🤞 "Beta v1.6 Won't load on Android Companion App" #252
  • This one too? "Scrolling is not smooth on Android" #253

There is now a small issue with this fix from v1.6.0-beta.1 (but it works after a refresh):

  • Fixed the pop-ups background color that was not changing when switching themes.

v1.6.0-beta.1 :

Hello! I’m excited to announce that the v1.6.0 update of Bubble Card is finally here! This update is all about making Bubble Card work the way it should. I’ve worked really hard to fix almost all known bugs that were affecting Bubble Card’s performance, usability and stability.

In this update, I also made a major change. The entire code has been refactored, which makes Bubble Card run smoother on low-end devices and easier for me (and everyone) to maintain!

Can’t wait to hear what you think! And remember, a bug-free software is like a unicorn, some say it doesn’t exist, but with this update, we’re one step closer to finding it!

And here is the biggest Bubble Card changelog of all times:

✔️ Bug fixes

  • Fixed the issue of empty columns in the dashboard caused by hidden pop-ups.
  • All tap actions on iOS are now functioning correctly.
  • Fixed the icon glitch that occurred when a slider was moving on Safari and iOS.
  • Corrected the entity picture when set as an icon. E.g., icon: /local/image.jpg.
  • Fixed the entity picture (album cover) of a media player. If an icon is defined, it will now switch automatically.
  • Increased the line opacity in the separator for better visibility.
  • Resolved the ‘Reload UI’ issue.
  • Fixed all errors with some cards when the pop-ups were closed.
  • Cameras inside pop-ups now load faster.
  • Made some minor style adjustments for smaller devices.
  • Fixed the issue where pop-ups would disappear when the connection was lost or on a mobile device coming out of sleep mode.
  • Improved pop-ups in regular mode.
  • Fixed the pop-ups not opening in some cases.
  • Fixed the pop-ups still showing when the editor was closed.
  • Fixed the pop-ups background color for some custom themes.
  • Fixed the pop-ups background color that was not changing when switching themes.
  • Fixed when scrolling inside a pop-up and that the content behind it was scrolling too.
  • Fixed the top gradient for pop-ups without an entity.
  • Refactored the entire code, and it’s much smoother on low-end devices.

💡 New features

  • Haptic feedback has been added for the HA companion app users (the slider button is the coolest one).
  • Added an option to highlight the current hash / view in the horizontal buttons stack with a soft animation. Thank you @Winor for helping me!
  • You now have the ability to show or hide the state of covers (default is show_state: false).

Thank you once again for your continued support!



5 months ago

The war against bugs and instability continues 🦄

v1.6.0-beta.4 :

Hi again everyone! I've fixed the issue with the editor for the pop-ups in optimized mode and I've also added a new feature that will automatically reorganize the frontend resources to put Bubble Card at the first position if it's not already the case, this should improve the pop-ups initialization in regular mode for people with a lot of custom cards. Just restart Home Assistant after this update to see the magic happen!

This one is (again) the candidate for the stable 1.6.0 version! 🤞

I’m looking forward to hearing your feedback, good or bad, on this update. Please share your thoughts and opinions here 🍻

✔️ Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Fixed the issue with the editor for the pop-ups in optimized mode.
  • Improved the initialization of pop-ups in regular mode for people with a lot of custom cards.

v1.6.0-beta.3 :

Hi everyone! I’ve dedicated nearly all of my free time to bring you this release, which I hope will be the candidate for the stable 1.6.0 version! This update introduces numerous enhancements, including fixes and optimizations for the editor, faster pop-ups, and A LOT of other fixes.

Thank you for your continued support and I can’t wait to hear your feedback 🍻

✔️ Bug fixes

  • Removed the back_open option. It now behaves as if set to true because it was not functioning as expected when set to false.
  • The cache is now cleared on all devices after every update. If you are using bubble-pop-up.js, you still need to change the version number in your configuration.yaml before updating (to match the new version you are updating to).
  • Numerous optimizations have been made for iOS users.
  • The pop-ups now operate more quickly. I've put a lot of work into this!
  • Custom styles also load more quickly now.
  • Fixed all issues related to entering editor mode, which is also faster now! (Edit: There is still an issue for Bubble Pop-up users, damn!)
  • Fixed a minor error that was displayed in the Chrome console.
  • Fixed the issue "Popup button randomly stops working" #258.
  • Fixed the issue "Bubble Card log spamming during startup: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'entity_id’)" #255.
  • Cleaned up the code a bit.
  • Various other fixes have been implemented.

v1.6.0-beta.2 :

Hi! Here is a new update that should fix all the new issues introduced in v1.6.0-beta.1. This new version was a huge challenge for me, as it involved a complete overhaul of the entire code structure. However, I sincerely hope that everything is working flawlessly now!

And given the uncertainty of getting another version out before the holidays, I’d like to take this opportunity to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you! 🎄

✔️ Bug fixes

  • Fixed "bg_color, bg_opacity don't work" #246
  • Fixed? "bubble card error android webiew" #247
  • This one should be definitely fixed "Reload issue still present on 1.6.0-1 beta" #248
  • This one too 🤞 "Beta v1.6 Won't load on Android Companion App" #252
  • This one too? "Scrolling is not smooth on Android" #253

There is now a small issue with this fix from v1.6.0-beta.1 (but it works after a refresh):

  • Fixed the pop-ups background color that was not changing when switching themes.

v1.6.0-beta.1 :

Hello! I’m excited to announce that the v1.6.0 update of Bubble Card is finally here! This update is all about making Bubble Card work the way it should. I’ve worked really hard to fix almost all known bugs that were affecting Bubble Card’s performance, usability and stability.

In this update, I also made a major change. The entire code has been refactored, which makes Bubble Card run smoother on low-end devices and easier for me (and everyone) to maintain!

Can’t wait to hear what you think! And remember, a bug-free software is like a unicorn, some say it doesn’t exist, but with this update, we’re one step closer to finding it!

And here is the biggest Bubble Card changelog of all times:

✔️ Bug fixes

  • Fixed the issue of empty columns in the dashboard caused by hidden pop-ups.
  • All tap actions on iOS are now functioning correctly.
  • Fixed the icon glitch that occurred when a slider was moving on Safari and iOS.
  • Corrected the entity picture when set as an icon. E.g., icon: /local/image.jpg.
  • Fixed the entity picture (album cover) of a media player. If an icon is defined, it will now switch automatically.
  • Increased the line opacity in the separator for better visibility.
  • Resolved the ‘Reload UI’ issue.
  • Fixed all errors with some cards when the pop-ups were closed.
  • Cameras inside pop-ups now load faster.
  • Made some minor style adjustments for smaller devices.
  • Fixed the issue where pop-ups would disappear when the connection was lost or on a mobile device coming out of sleep mode.
  • Improved pop-ups in regular mode.
  • Fixed the pop-ups not opening in some cases.
  • Fixed the pop-ups still showing when the editor was closed.
  • Fixed the pop-ups background color for some custom themes.
  • Fixed the pop-ups background color that was not changing when switching themes.
  • Fixed when scrolling inside a pop-up and that the content behind it was scrolling too.
  • Fixed the top gradient for pop-ups without an entity.
  • Refactored the entire code, and it’s much smoother on low-end devices.

💡 New features

  • Haptic feedback has been added for the HA companion app users (the slider button is the coolest one).
  • Added an option to highlight the current hash / view in the horizontal buttons stack with a soft animation. Thank you @Winor for helping me!
  • You now have the ability to show or hide the state of covers (default is show_state: false).

Thank you once again for your continued support!



5 months ago

The war against bugs and instability continues 🦄

v1.6.0-beta.3 :

Hi everyone! I’ve dedicated nearly all of my free time to bring you this release, which I hope will be the candidate for the stable 1.6.0 version! This update introduces numerous enhancements, including fixes and optimizations for the editor, faster pop-ups, and A LOT of other fixes.

Thank you for your continued support and I can’t wait to hear your feedback 🍻

✔️ Bug fixes

  • Removed the back_open option. It now behaves as if set to true because it was not functioning as expected when set to false.
  • The cache is now cleared on all devices after every update. If you are using bubble-pop-up.js, you still need to change the version number in your configuration.yaml before updating (to match the new version you are updating to).
  • Numerous optimizations have been made for iOS users.
  • The pop-ups now operate more quickly. I've put a lot of work into this!
  • Custom styles also load more quickly now.
  • Fixed all issues related to entering editor mode, which is also faster now! (Edit: There is still an issue for Bubble Pop-up users, damn!)
  • Fixed a minor error that was displayed in the Chrome console.
  • Fixed the issue "Popup button randomly stops working" #258.
  • Fixed the issue "Bubble Card log spamming during startup: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'entity_id’)" #255.
  • Cleaned up the code a bit.
  • Various other fixes have been implemented.

v1.6.0-beta.2 :

Hi! Here is a new update that should fix all the new issues introduced in v1.6.0-beta.1. This new version was a huge challenge for me, as it involved a complete overhaul of the entire code structure. However, I sincerely hope that everything is working flawlessly now!

And given the uncertainty of getting another version out before the holidays, I’d like to take this opportunity to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you! 🎄

✔️ Bug fixes

  • Fixed "bg_color, bg_opacity don't work" #246
  • Fixed? "bubble card error android webiew" #247
  • This one should be definitely fixed "Reload issue still present on 1.6.0-1 beta" #248
  • This one too 🤞 "Beta v1.6 Won't load on Android Companion App" #252
  • This one too? "Scrolling is not smooth on Android" #253

There is now a small issue with this fix from v1.6.0-beta.1 (but it works after a refresh):

  • Fixed the pop-ups background color that was not changing when switching themes.

v1.6.0-beta.1 :

Hello! I’m excited to announce that the v1.6.0 update of Bubble Card is finally here! This update is all about making Bubble Card work the way it should. I’ve worked really hard to fix almost all known bugs that were affecting Bubble Card’s performance, usability and stability.

In this update, I also made a major change. The entire code has been refactored, which makes Bubble Card run smoother on low-end devices and easier for me (and everyone) to maintain!

Can’t wait to hear what you think! And remember, a bug-free software is like a unicorn, some say it doesn’t exist, but with this update, we’re one step closer to finding it!

And here is the biggest Bubble Card changelog of all times:

✔️ Bug fixes

  • Fixed the issue of empty columns in the dashboard caused by hidden pop-ups.
  • All tap actions on iOS are now functioning correctly.
  • Fixed the icon glitch that occurred when a slider was moving on Safari and iOS.
  • Corrected the entity picture when set as an icon. E.g., icon: /local/image.jpg.
  • Fixed the entity picture (album cover) of a media player. If an icon is defined, it will now switch automatically.
  • Increased the line opacity in the separator for better visibility.
  • Resolved the ‘Reload UI’ issue.
  • Fixed all errors with some cards when the pop-ups were closed.
  • Cameras inside pop-ups now load faster.
  • Made some minor style adjustments for smaller devices.
  • Fixed the issue where pop-ups would disappear when the connection was lost or on a mobile device coming out of sleep mode.
  • Improved pop-ups in regular mode.
  • Fixed the pop-ups not opening in some cases.
  • Fixed the pop-ups still showing when the editor was closed.
  • Fixed the pop-ups background color for some custom themes.
  • Fixed the pop-ups background color that was not changing when switching themes.
  • Fixed when scrolling inside a pop-up and that the content behind it was scrolling too.
  • Fixed the top gradient for pop-ups without an entity.
  • Refactored the entire code, and it’s much smoother on low-end devices.

💡 New features

  • Haptic feedback has been added for the HA companion app users (the slider button is the coolest one).
  • Added an option to highlight the current hash / view in the horizontal buttons stack with a soft animation. Thank you @Winor for helping me!
  • You now have the ability to show or hide the state of covers (default is show_state: false).

Thank you once again for your continued support!



5 months ago

The war against bugs and instability continues 🦄

v1.6.0-beta.2 :

Hi! Here is a new update that should fix all the new issues introduced in v1.6.0-beta.1. This new version was a huge challenge for me, as it involved a complete overhaul of the entire code structure. However, I sincerely hope that everything is working flawlessly now!

And given the uncertainty of getting another version out before the holidays, I’d like to take this opportunity to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you! 🎄

✔️ Bug fixes

  • Fixed "bg_color, bg_opacity don't work" #246
  • Fixed? "bubble card error android webiew" #247
  • This one should be definitely fixed "Reload issue still present on 1.6.0-1 beta" #248
  • This one too 🤞 "Beta v1.6 Won't load on Android Companion App" #252
  • This one too? "Scrolling is not smooth on Android" #253

There is now a small issue with this fix from v1.6.0-beta.1 (but it works after a refresh):

  • Fixed the pop-ups background color that was not changing when switching themes.

v1.6.0-beta.1 :

Hello! I’m excited to announce that the v1.6.0 update of Bubble Card is finally here! This update is all about making Bubble Card work the way it should. I’ve worked really hard to fix almost all known bugs that were affecting Bubble Card’s performance, usability and stability.

In this update, I also made a major change. The entire code has been refactored, which makes Bubble Card run smoother on low-end devices and easier for me (and everyone) to maintain!

Can’t wait to hear what you think! And remember, a bug-free software is like a unicorn, some say it doesn’t exist, but with this update, we’re one step closer to finding it!

And here is the biggest Bubble Card changelog of all times:

✔️ Bug fixes

  • Fixed the issue of empty columns in the dashboard caused by hidden pop-ups.
  • All tap actions on iOS are now functioning correctly.
  • Fixed the icon glitch that occurred when a slider was moving on Safari and iOS.
  • Corrected the entity picture when set as an icon. E.g., icon: /local/image.jpg.
  • Fixed the entity picture (album cover) of a media player. If an icon is defined, it will now switch automatically.
  • Increased the line opacity in the separator for better visibility.
  • Resolved the ‘Reload UI’ issue.
  • Fixed all errors with some cards when the pop-ups were closed.
  • Cameras inside pop-ups now load faster.
  • Made some minor style adjustments for smaller devices.
  • Fixed the issue where pop-ups would disappear when the connection was lost or on a mobile device coming out of sleep mode.
  • Improved pop-ups in regular mode.
  • Fixed the pop-ups not opening in some cases.
  • Fixed the pop-ups still showing when the editor was closed.
  • Fixed the pop-ups background color for some custom themes.
  • Fixed the pop-ups background color that was not changing when switching themes.
  • Fixed when scrolling inside a pop-up and that the content behind it was scrolling too.
  • Fixed the top gradient for pop-ups without an entity.
  • Refactored the entire code, and it’s much smoother on low-end devices.

💡 New features

  • Haptic feedback has been added for the HA companion app users (the slider button is the coolest one).
  • Added an option to highlight the current hash / view in the horizontal buttons stack with a soft animation. Thank you @Winor for helping me!
  • You now have the ability to show or hide the state of covers (default is show_state: false).

Thank you once again for your continued support!
