Browserpass Legacy Versions Save

Legacy Browserpass repo, development is now happening at:


6 years ago

Changes to the host app:

  • Manual search is now using "fuzzy search" (#213, fixes #32)
    • For example, this allows you to search for giwo and find
    • This feature is enabled by default, can be disabled in browser extension options
  • Configure to run non-interactively (#212, fixes #181)
  • Describe solutions for typical issues on macOS in README (#207, fixes #205)

Changes to the browser extension:

  • Try to submit form itself when submit button is not found (fixes #217)
  • Support OpenID (#210, fixes #208)


6 years ago

There are no changes to the host app.

  • Feel free to keep using the previous version.

Changes to the browser extension:

  • Change default value for autoSubmit option for new users (#203)


6 years ago

There are no changes to the host app.

  • Feel free to keep using the previous version.

Changes to the browser extension:

  • In preparation to change the default value of auto-submit to false for new users, this version saves your currently used value in localStorage.


6 years ago

Changes to the host app:

  • Match sub directories (#182)

There are no changes to the browser extension:

  • Feel free to keep using the previous version.


6 years ago

There are no changes to the host app.

  • Feel free to keep using the previous version.

Changes to the browser extension:

  • Add buttons to copy username/password to clipboard (fix #105)


6 years ago

Changes to the host app:

  • Follow symlinks to directories, fixes #85

    This adds support for sharing multiple accounts between domains.

    Example of how your structure might look like:

            user2.gpg ->

Changes to browser extensions:

  • Use safer lastFocusedWindow when querying current tab.


6 years ago
  • Implement better OTP display (huge thanks to @ashkitten!) (#179)
  • Ignore disabled fields when filling out login form
  • Improve heuristics for guessing submit button (#177)

The new permission is introduced, which is required for users of pass-otp, to make sure OTP code is not exposed to a different domain if the tab is navigated from the website where user has issued the retrieval of the OTP code. The permission gives us access to see if URL changes in the tab where user has currently visible OTP code.


6 years ago
  • Set focus to search box in FF when popup is opened (#158)
  • Detect login form if multiple forms are visible at once (fixes #174)
  • Reduce the limit of minimal allowed width for an element field (fixes #176)


6 years ago

Keep popup open while searching, show error from host app (#171)


6 years ago
  • Query username fields also by name, define a whitelist of username field types (fix #169)