Bookends Tools Versions Save

Alfred Workflow to Integrate with Bookends, an academic reference manager/bibliography tool for macOS


5 years ago

1.2.8 — add phrase search, so for example 'cartesian theatre' 2016 will find papers that use that exact phrase rather than before where cartesian and theatre were searched irrespective of their location. Fixed a couple more bugs.

screen shot 2018-07-21 at 20 47 08


5 years ago

Small bug fix to deal with the author parsing if the author field is empty.


5 years ago

A typo broke betitle and beall from searching. Fixed here...


5 years ago
  • In the results list for becite/betitle/beall, the first AND last author names (with initials) are now shown.


  • If a becite/betitle/beall results list item has an attachment, you can Quicklook it directly from Alfred without losing focus — just press shift or ⌘Y!


6 years ago

becite / betitle / beall now shows if a reference has an attachment in the results list, and for Bookends 13.x users we use the new applescript JSON events that are somewhat more efficient.



6 years ago

When you use becite / betitle / beall, you can now use [fn] + select to open the reference and its attachment (usually a PDF) directly.


6 years ago

There were a couple of small changes to the Scopus API, which have now been integrated.


6 years ago
  • Rewrote the becite, bebib and betitle tools to perform a mutliple item search (i.e author1 + author2) and you can add an optional YEAR to refine the search. So for example [Zipser Lamme 1998] searches for references by authors (or editors) Zipser and Lamme published in 1998.
  • Also optimised the search code (rewritten in Ruby) so now it takes much less time for large results sets.
  • Because it is so much faster, add a new [beall] tool like betitle but to search in all fields.
  • For becite/betitle/beall you can now use SHIFT to open ref directly in Bookends.