Blogdown Versions Save

Create Blogs and Websites with R Markdown


4 months ago
  • Fixed the bug that shortcodes were mangled when there are raw HTML blocks in the Markdown output from R Markdown (thanks, @Redcozmo, #759).


11 months ago
  • new_site() no longer uses the command-line flag -f for hugo new site, because the -f flag has a different meaning since Hugo v0.112.4 (thanks, @residualsun1, gohugoio/hugo#11015).

  • Supports hugo.toml/hugo.yaml as the new config file for Hugo >= 0.110.0 (thanks, @mengjiezhang4ds, #753).


1 year ago
  • The RStudio addin "Quote Poem" adds > to every line instead of only the beginning of every paragraph now.

  • The "New Post" addin will verify if Hugo has been installed before launching (thanks, @LukasWallrich, #750).


1 year ago
  • Added the command-line option --preserve-tabs to the pandoc_args argument of blogdown::html_page(), so that tabs are preserved by default in code blocks (thanks, @amarakon, #740).

  • Fixed a bug that caused config.toml.bak.toml to be recognized as the config file mistakenly, which led to an obscure error (thanks, @CerebralMastication, #742).

  • This package requires R >= 3.5.0 now.


1 year ago
  • Hugo has changed the installer filenames since v0.103.0, which caused failure in blogdown::install_hugo(). Now it can correctly find the installers (thanks, @giorgiatosoni, #729).

  • Fixed a bug when a Hugo theme does not contain imported module paths in the config file, which caused failure in blogdown::new_site() (thanks, Nil,


1 year ago
  • Restored the old default options(blogdown.method = "html") (thanks, @pachadotdev, #739).


1 year ago
  • For R Markdown posts, the default rendering method has been changed from html to markdown. If options('blogdown.method') is not set, it will be set to 'markdown'. This option will also be set in .Rprofile for newly created sites via blogdown::new_site(). Users who have already set this blogdown.method option will not be affected. The motivation for this change is that markdown output often works better with Hugo themes and is less surprising, even though the html method allows for richer Markdown features because of Pandoc (thanks, @SebPouliot #737, @austinwpearce #591).

  • When rendering Rmd posts that involve time-consuming and intensive computing while serving the site, the hugo process can die (for unknown reasons). Now the hugo process will be suspended before rendering Rmd posts, and resumed after the rendering is done. Hopefully this will keep the server process alive (thanks, @XiangyunHuang,


1 year ago
  • Hugo changed the names of installers on macOS since 0.102.0, causing blogdown::install_hugo() to fail (thanks, @tianfeiwei, #727).

  • Fixed a missing module problem with the wowchemy/starter-hugo-academic theme (thanks, @PsyYaoxiaoqiang #723, @oushujun #728).


1 year ago
  • blogdown::check_site() also checks index.Rmd in the website root directory now (thanks, @maelle, #719).

  • The build_rmd argument of blogdown::build_site() also accepts absolute paths under the content directory now (thanks, @maelle, #717).

  • Fixed a bug that blogdown::serve_site() fails with the ignoreErrors option is configured as an array in config.yaml (thanks, @CongLiu-CN, #714).

  • Fixed a bug for multilingual sites that have separate contentDir settings for each language, in which case blogdown::new_post() and the "New Post" addin in RStudio may create new post files in wrong locations (thanks, @pensivedog, #712).

  • Fixed an issue with the wowchemy/starter-hugo-online-course theme (thanks, @bayeslearner, #722).

  • Archetypes in modules were not found previously in the "New Post" addin (thanks, @atakanekiz, #670).

  • blogdown::install_theme() works with themes that contain git submodules now (thanks, @pensivedog, #712).

  • The global option blogdown.warn.future has been removed. It was originally introduced in blogdown 0.12 to warn against posts that have dates in the future, which can cause posts to be ignored by Hugo. This option was removed because blogdown::check_site() can identify this problem.

  • Fixed a problem with the "New Post" addin in RStudio (thanks, @pingao777, #394). It did not work for sites that are not based on Hugo (e.g., Jekyll or Hexo).


2 years ago
  • For Jekyll sites, a new global option can be used to determine whether to run jekyll directly or use the bundler gem to run jekyll (i.e., bundle exec jekyll). If you prefer the latter way, you may set options(blogdown.jekyll.bundler = TRUE) before running blogdown::serve_site() (thanks, @pat-s, #695).

  • Adapted to some breaking changes in the wowchemy academic theme again (thanks, @bjsmith, #704). As mentioned in blogdown v1.4, we recommend blogdown users to consider using the hugo-apero theme when creating new sites. This theme is maintained by blogdown authors and much more stable.

  • Updated documentation to mention that the tweet shortcode (or the R wrapper function blogdown::shortcode('tweet')) will require the Twitter username for Hugo >= v0.89.0. Previously only the tweet ID is required, e.g., {{< tweet 852205086956818432 >}}, but now it also requires the user, e.g., {{< tweet user="jtleek", id="852205086956818432" >}} (thanks, @lcolladotor, #701).