BirthdayBot Versions Save

Discord Bot - Track and celebrate birthdays in your discord server!


3 years ago


  • The custom birthday messages now accept the use of multiple spaces and multi-line messages.


  • The birthday job will no longer update the member cache for every guild every time the birthday job is run, this prevents the birthday job from taking took long and overall improves it's efficiency and decreases the bot's API calls.


3 years ago

The correct users placeholder in custom birthday messages is now <Users>, however, the old placeholder: @Users is still supported but will automatically be replaced with <User> when used.

Updated help system to show the user placeholder.


3 years ago

In order to help birthday bot grow, I have introduced new systems that require players to vote to use a small selection of commands.

This update also comes with numerous QOL changes and bug fixes.


3 years ago

This update has numerous of QOL improvements and bug fixes. One of the biggest issues with the previous version was the poor setup system which this update address. Additionally, the documentation and FAQ are now up to date for version 2.0

Fixed Bugs:

  • Setup says missing permission to react to messages even though it has "Add Reactions" for the channel

  • Setup continues to ask for role even after completing the setup.


  • Updated all links both in code and in websites.

  • Documentation has been updated for the 2.0 version.

  • Added support link to the join message.

  • Add a disclaimer about the birthday role.

  • Users can no longer set the birthday for a bot.

  • All setup commands & the birthday set command has been completely recoded. This makes the setup system far less buggy, quicker, and easier to use.

  • Birthday settings now has a guild id field to make support easier.

  • All procedures now utilize the MySQL ROW_NUMBER() function

  • Added legend to bday help


3 years ago

Fixed Bugs:

  • "Cannot read property 'Message' of undefined" while choosing a random message during the birthday job. Reason: The logic of the function's random message select was flawed which caused it to try and access an undefined message slot.

  • bday message remove command isn't removing. Reason: Procedure had an incorrectly positioned check for the guild of the messages it was receiving.

  • Setup says missing reaction permission even though it has "Add Reactions" for the channel. Reason: The message filter had already checked the needed permissions and there was an incorrect duplicate check in the function itself

  • "Cannot read property 'createDm' of null when a guild" joins Reason: Getting the owner of a guild can actually fail and return null since a guild doesn't technically need an owner. (Example: Owner's account was deleted).

  • "Cannot edit a message authored by another user" error. Reason: When checking for a reaction in the page system, birthday bot wasn't confirming the message with the reaction was the bot's message.


  • Database script was exporting auto-increment indexes in db script.

  • Improved timing of the birthday job. Instead of requesting the user data individually for each guild, the bot now sends one request for all user data preventing the bot from having to send thousands of requests and thus reducing the birthday job time from 3-4 minutes to 1-2 seconds.

  • The entire birthday job will no longer fail when one guild fails.


3 years ago

Massive bug fixes and improvements to the 2.0 release


3 years ago

2.0 Birthday Bot Recode.


3 years ago

Final version for Birthday Bot 1.0


4 years ago

More options for the developer to easily set a user's birthday set count.

Users now start with 5 birthday sets. (Already existing users will have their count reset)

Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements in how BirthdayBot handles errors.


4 years ago

The new clear command allows users to remove their data from the database (does not reset birthday change count)

Minor Bug fixes and improvements.